Thierry Moulin
L’effet de la fampridine sur le niveau d’activité physique pendant la semaine et le week-end chez les personnes atteintes de sclérose en plaques
Introduction La fampridine ameliore la marche des personnes atteintes de sclerose en plaques (SEP). Cependant, on connait peu son impact sur l’activite physique dans cette population en situation de vie reelle (Weikert et al., 2012 ; Sandroff et al., 2012). Cette etude a eu pour objectif de determiner l’effet de la fampridine sur le niveau d’activite physique pendant les jours de semaine et de week-end chez les personnes atteintes de SEP. Materiel et methodes Quarante-deux personnes atteintes de SEP et 16 personnes saines ont participe a cette etude. Le niveau d’activite en vie reelle a ete mesure a l’aide d’un actimetre pendant les jours de semaine et de week-end avant et apres 14 jours de…
L’emploi de méthodes mathématiques pour détecter la présence de potentiels évoqués dans le coma : un aide ou un fardeau ?
Un des defis majeurs auxquels sont confrontes les services de reanimation est de pouvoir predire precisement et precocement vers quel etat evoluera la conscience des patients dans le coma pour anoxie cerebrale. Afin d’obtenir des indices directs sur l’etat cerebral fonctionnel, l’emploi des potentiels evoques est recommande, et notamment l’enregistrement de la negativite de discordance (MMN). La MMN est une onde cerebrale apparaissant entre 100 et 200 ms apres l’apparition d’un nouveau stimulus dans une sequence de stimuli identique et sa presence est un signe fort de recuperation. Le standard dans la determination de la presence d’une onde MMN en pratique clinique est l’analyse visuelle pa…
Vorapaxar in the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events
BACKGROUND: Thrombin potently activates platelets through the protease-activated receptor PAR-1. Vorapaxar is a novel antiplatelet agent that selectively inhibits the cellular actions of thrombin through antagonism of PAR-1. METHODS: We randomly assigned 26,449 patients who had a history of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or peripheral arterial disease to receive vorapaxar (2.5 mg daily) or matching placebo and followed them for a median of 30 months. The primary efficacy end point was the composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke. After 2 years, the data and safety monitoring board recommended discontinuation of the study treatment in patients …
Common variation in PHACTR1 is associated with susceptibility to cervical artery dissection
Item does not contain fulltext Cervical artery dissection (CeAD), a mural hematoma in a carotid or vertebral artery, is a major cause of ischemic stroke in young adults although relatively uncommon in the general population (incidence of 2.6/100,000 per year). Minor cervical traumas, infection, migraine and hypertension are putative risk factors, and inverse associations with obesity and hypercholesterolemia are described. No confirmed genetic susceptibility factors have been identified using candidate gene approaches. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in 1,393 CeAD cases and 14,416 controls. The rs9349379[G] allele (PHACTR1) was associated with lower CeAD risk (odds ratio…
Cortical Patterns of Pleasurable Musical Chills Revealed by High-Density EEG
Music has the capacity to elicit strong positive feelings in humans by activating the brain’s reward system. Because group emotional dynamics is a central concern of social neurosciences, the study of emotion in natural/ecological conditions is gaining interest. This study aimed to show that high-density EEG (HD-EEG) is able to reveal patterns of cerebral activities previously identified by fMRI or PET scans when the subject experiences pleasurable musical chills. We used HD-EEG to record participants (11 female, 7 male) while listening to their favorite pleasurable chill-inducing musical excerpts; they reported their subjective emotional state from low pleasure up to chills. HD-EEG results…
Benefit of Targeting a LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol \textless70 mg/dL During 5 Years After Ischemic Stroke
Background and Purpose— The TST trial (Treat Stroke to Target) evaluated the benefit of targeting a LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol of <70 mg/dL to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in 2860 patients with ischemic stroke with atherosclerotic stenosis of cerebral vasculature or aortic arch plaque >4 mm, in a French and Korean population. The follow-up lasted a median of 5.3 years in French patients (similar to the median follow-up time in the SPARCL trial [Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Level]) and 2.0 years in Korean patients. Exposure duration to statin is a well-known driver for cardiovascular risk reduction. We report here the TST results …
Long-term follow-up study of endarterectomy versus angioplasty in patients with symptomatic severe carotid stenosis trial
Background and Purpose— We aimed at comparing the long-term benefit–risk balance of carotid stenting versus endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis. Methods— Long-term follow-up study of patients included in Endarterectomy Versus Angioplasty in Patients With Symptomatic Severe Carotid Stenosis (EVA-3S), a randomized, controlled trial of carotid stenting versus endarterectomy in 527 patients with recently symptomatic severe carotid stenosis, conducted in 30 centers in France. The main end point was a composite of any ipsilateral stroke after randomization or any procedural stroke or death. Results— During a median follow-up of 7.1 years (interquartile range, 5.1–8.8 years; maximum 1…
Interbrain emotional connection during music performances is driven by physical proximity and individual traits.
How musical emotions and the pleasure derived from music, regardless of the musical valence, can be shared between individuals is a fascinating question, and investigating it can shed light on the function of musical reward. We carried out our investigations in a natural setting during an international competition for orchestra conductors. Participants (n = 15) used a dedicated smartphone app to report their subjective emotional experiences in real time while we recorded their cerebral activity using electroencephalography and their electrodermal activity. The overall behavioral real-time behavioral ratings suggest a possible social influence on the reported and felt pleasure. The physicall…