Silja Vocks


Körperbildtherapie bei Essstörungen

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Ein negatives Körperbild kann sich bei Essstörungen in einer Überschätzung der eigenen Körperdimensionen (perzeptive Komponente), negativen Gedanken und Gefühlen hinsichtlich des eigenen Körpers (kognitiv-affektive Komponente) sowie körperbezogenem Vermeidungs- und Kontrollverhalten (behaviorale Komponente) manifestieren. Fragestellung: Es soll überprüft werden, ob diese drei Komponenten eines gestörten Körperbildes durch ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisches Körperbildtherapieprogramm verbessert werden können. Methode: 24 Essstörungspatientinnen wurden vor und nach einer zehn Sitzungen umfassenden Körperbildtherapie sowie nach einem dreimonatige…

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Dysfunktionale Kognitionen bei Essstörungen: Welche Inhaltsbereiche lassen sich unterscheiden?

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Dysfunktionale Kognitionen tragen häufig zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung einer Essstörung bei und sind zentral in der Behandlung selbiger. Fragestellung: Können dysfunktionale Kognitionen spezifischen Bereichen zugeordnet werden und differenzieren diese zwischen den unterschiedlichen Essstörungstypen? Methode: Es wurde eine Fragebogen (FEDK) entwickelt, der spezifische Bereiche dysfunktionaler Kognitionen bei Essstörungen erfasst. Zur Bestimmung der Faktorenstruktur wurden zwei Studien durchgeführt (n = 856; n = 120). Gruppenunterschiede (AN, BN, BED) und Zusammenhänge zur Essstörungspathologie (EDI-2, EDE-Q) wurden berechnet. Ergebnisse: Du…

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What happens in the course of body exposure?

Abstract Objective Though body exposure seems to enhance outcome in cognitive-behavioural therapy of anorexia and bulimia nervosa, the underlying mechanisms are still unknown. Methods Participants with eating disorders (ED; n = 21) and normal controls (NC; n = 28) were exposed to their own bodies in front of a mirror for 40 minutes under standardized conditions. Emotions, cognitions, and saliva cortisol were assessed every 10 minutes during body exposure. Heart rate and skin conductance were recorded continuously. Results ED showed higher negative emotional and cognitive responses to body exposure compared to NC, whereas no group differences were found for physiological reactions. In the co…

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Differences in the nature of body image disturbances between female obese individuals with versus without a comorbid binge eating disorder: an exploratory study including static and dynamic aspects of body image.

Various components of body image were measured to assess body image disturbances in patients with obesity. To overcome limitations of previous studies, a photo distortion technique and a biological motion distortion device were included to assess static and dynamic aspects of body image. Questionnaires assessed cognitive-affective aspects, bodily attitudes, and eating behavior. Patients with obesity and a binge eating disorder (OBE, n = 15) were compared with patients with obesity only (ONB; n = 15), to determine the nature of any differences in body image disturbances. Both groups had high levels of body image disturbances with cognitive-affective deficits. Binge eating disorder (BED) par…

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Food intake affects state body image: Impact of restrained eating patterns and concerns about eating, weight and shape

Body image disturbances play a significant role in the development of eating disorders. Since body image can vary in diverse contexts, the aim of the present experiment was to investigate whether it is affected by recent food intake. Fifty-seven females without clinically relevant eating disorders were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG, n=28) that consumed a milkshake while watching a neutral film and a control group (CG, n=29) that only viewed the movie. Before and after the tasks, participants filled in the "Body Image States Scale" and the "Mood Questionnaire" and indicated their own "actual", "felt" and "ideal" body dimensions with a digital distortion technique based on a …

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Preference for attractiveness and thinness in a partner: Influence of internalization of the thin ideal and shape/weight dissatisfaction in heterosexual women, heterosexual men, lesbians, and gay men

This study assesses whether characteristics of one's own body image influences preferences of attractiveness in a partner. The role of gender and sexual orientation is also considered. Heterosexual women (n=67), lesbian women (n=73), heterosexual men (n=61) and gay men (n=82) participated in an internet survey assessing attitudes towards the body and preferences of attractiveness in a partner. Men in particular were found to prefer attractive partners, regardless of sexual orientation. Weight/shape dissatisfaction was found to be a negative predictor for heterosexual men and women. For gay men, preferences were better explained by internalization and weight/shape dissatisfaction. No such as…

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Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version des Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire BIAQ

Zusammenfassung. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Validierung der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung des Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ). Der 19-Item-Fragebogen ist ein Instrument zur Selbstbeurteilung von Verhaltensweisen, die häufig bei Körperbildstörungen auftreten und mit Sorgen hinsichtlich der physischen Erscheinung einhergehen können. Er erfasst insbesondere körperbezogenes Vermeidungs- und Kontrollverhalten. Die deutschsprachige Version des BIAQ wurde an einer Stichprobe von n = 296 Studentinnen (KG) und n = 64 Frauen mit einer Essstörung (EG) überprüft. Die explorative Faktorenanalyse ergab im Gegensatz zur Originalversion die drei Faktoren “Kleidung“, “Soziale Aktivitäten“ und “Es…

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Static and dynamic body image in bulimia nervosa: mental representation of body dimensions and biological motion patterns.

The aim of the present study was to find out whether in bulimia nervosa the perceptual component of a disturbed body image is restricted to the overestimation of one's own body dimensions (static body image) or can be extended to a misperception of one's own motion patterns (dynamic body image).Participants with bulimia nervosa (n = 30) and normal controls (n = 55) estimated their body dimensions by means of a photo distortion technique and their walking patterns using a biological motion distortion device.Not only did participants with bulimia nervosa overestimate their own body dimensions, but also they perceived their own motion patterns corresponding to a higher BMI than did controls. S…

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Predictors of improved eating behaviour following body image therapy: A pilot study

Cognitive processes seem to play a vital role in eating disorders and body image. The current study, therefore, examines the impact and change of dysfunctional cognitions during a body image group therapy, which included 41 patients with an eating disorder. Dysfunctional cognitions were assessed with the 'Eating Disorder Cognition Questionnaire' both before and after treatment. Eating disorder psychopathology was also assessed. Results indicate a significant reduction of dysfunctional cognitions relating to 'body and self-esteem', 'dietary restraint', 'eating and loss of control', as well as 'internalisation and social comparison'. Furthermore, the changes in dysfunctional cognitions were a…

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Psychometrische Überprüfung einer deutschsprachigen Fassung des Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ)

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Körperbezogenes Kontrollverhalten stellt die behaviorale Manifestation eines gestörten Körperbildes dar. Fragestellung: Eine deutschsprachige Version des „Body Checking Questionnaire” (BCQ) soll hinsichtlich ihrer psychometrischen Kennwerte überprüft werden. Methode: 124 Frauen mit und 202 Frauen ohne Essstörungen sowie 64 Männer beantworteten neben dem BCQ weitere Fragebögen zu Ess- und Körperbildstörungen. Ergebnisse: Faktorenanalysen legen eine Ein-Faktor-Lösung nahe. Es ergab sich eine hohe interne Konsistenz, Test-Retest-Reliabilität und Differenzierungsfähigkeit zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Essstörungen sowie gesunden Personen beiderlei Gesc…

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Influence of appearance-related TV commercials on body image state.

This study investigates the influence of media exposure on body image state in eating-disordered (ED) patients. The attitudinal and perceptual components of body image are assessed, as well as any associations with dysfunctional cognitions and behavioral consequences. Twenty-five ED patients and 25 non-ED controls (ND) viewed commercials either featuring appearance (AC; 5 min) or not featuring appearance (NC; 5 min). Both perceptual and attitudinal body image components changed markedly after the AC condition for ED patients, compared with the ND group and NC condition. Cognitions referring to dietary restraint and internalization/social comparison also changed significantly in ED patients…

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Does shape matter? preferences for a female therapist's figure among patients with eating disorders

Abstract Although the female therapist's figure has been a topic of discussion with regard to psychotherapy for eating disorders, it has not yet been addressed empirically. In this study, participants with eating disorders (n =34) and a control group of participants with anxiety disorders (n =30) were asked to indicate how important the therapist's figure is to them and what shape they would prefer a therapist to have. The therapist's figure was more important among participants with eating disorders than among those with anxiety disorders. Participants in both groups favored a therapist with an average figure. Within both groups, participants preferred their therapist to have a shape simil…

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Emotion recognition, emotional awareness and cognitive bias in individuals with bulimia nervosa

Difficulties recognizing emotion have been reported for eating disordered individuals in relation to perception of emotions in others and emotional self-awareness. It remains unclear whether this is a perceptual or cognitive-affective problem. Clarification is sought and the question of a cognitive bias is addressed when interpreting facially expressed emotions. Twenty participants with bulimia nervosa (BN) and 20 normal controls (NC) were assessed for ability to recognize emotional and neutral expressions. Emotional self-awareness was also assessed. Significant differences were found for emotional self-awareness. For emotional faces, only a poorer recognition of the emotion, surprise, for …

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