M. Röllinghoff

Internationales Komplement Symposion 14. und 15. Juli 1969 in Mainz

research product

Herpes-Simplex-virus-specific, H-2Dk-restricted T lymphocytes bear receptors for H-2Dd alloantigen.

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the course of an HSV-infection of CBA (H-2k) mice not only lyse syngeneic, virus-infected target cells but also cross-react with noninfected taraget cells expressing the Dd alloantigen. On the effector cell level, this alloreactivity is mediated by virus-specific CTL's that are restricted to H-2Dk determinants. On the prekiller cell level, the anti-HSV-reactive T cells exhibiting cross-reactivity for Dd alloantigen could be positively selected on H-2d spleen-cell monolayers. After differentiation into cytolytic effector cells, target cells expressing Dd alloantigens and syngeneic HSV-infected target were lysed with equal efficiency. The results imply tha…

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SUMMARY The influence of M-locus dependent T cell proliferation on the induction of anti H-2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was tested in an in vitro murine cytotoxic allograft model. BALB/c (or CBA/H) derived responder cells (H-2d or H-2k) were cultured together with either C57BL derived fibroblasts or C57BL derived (H-2b), U.V. light irradiated, splenic lymphocytes. These stimulator cells lack functionally active lymphocyte activating determinants (LADs), but display serologically defined (SD) H-2 antigenic specificities. The cytotoxic anti SD-activity obtained was weak. Under certain experimental conditions, the addition of stimulator cells which are H-2 identical to the responder cells b…

research product

Komplementmessungen mit Hilfe des Mikrolitersystems

Es wird die Brauchbarkeit des Mikrolitersystems fur Komplement-Titrationen untersucht. Dabei werden an einer Reihe von Beispielen vergleichende Bestimmungen mit der herkommlichen Makromethode und mit einer fur serologisches Arbeiten adaptierten Mikroliter-Methode ausgefuhrt. Folgende Probleme wurden in die Untersuchung einbezogen: Titration von Vollkomplement und hamolytischen Antikorper; Messung der effektiven Molekulzahl der Einzelkomponenten C′1 und C′2; Bestimmung der Zahl der Amboceptor-sites auf dem sensibilisierten Erythrocyten. Die theoretischen uberlegungen zur Berechnung der Einheiten fur Vollkomplement und Amboceptor werden erlautert. Weiterhin werden die mathematischen Grundlage…

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Polyacrylamide Electrophoresis: A Preparative Technique and its Application in Complement Chemistry

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Molekular-Titration der vierten Komplementkomponente des Meerschweinchens

Die Ein-Treffer-Theorie als Grundlage der Molekular-Titration der 4. Komponente des Meerschweinchen-Komplements erfordert bestimmte Parameter fur Reagentien und optimale Reaktionsbedingungen. Es wurden daher untersucht, der Einflus der Beladung der EAC′1-Zellen mit hamolytischem Antikorper und C′1, sowie der Einflus von Zeit, Temperatur und Ionenstarke des Puffers auf die Anlagerung von hamolytisch effektiven C′4-Molekulen an die EAC′1-Intermediarzelle. Weiter wurde der optimale Gehalt an C′2, EDTA und Komplement im C′EDTA-Reagens ermittelt. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Bestimmungen und die Haltbarkeit der Reagentien wird beschrieben. Die Bedeutung des Verhaltens der verschiedenen Reaktionspa…

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T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity against herpes simplex virus-infected target cells

THE control of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection by immunological mechanisms seems to be complex and is poorly understood. Neutralising antibodies to HSV plus complement seem to have no effect on the propagation of HSV infection, because HSV spreads to adjacent cells by passing through intercellular bridges1–3. Anti-HSV antibodies plus complement, however, destroy virus-infected cells, but cannot prevent the spread of HSV, suggesting that the virus must be transferred to neighbouring cells before immune lysis occurs1,5. Therefore if lymphocyte-mediated cytolytic mechanisms are instrumental in blocking the spread of HSV in vivo, they ought to destroy infected cells at a very early stage i…

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The Role of the Major Histocompatibility Gene Complex in Murine Cytotoxic T Cell Responses

Publisher Summary An interpretation of the function of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in cytotoxic T cell responses requires making certain assumptions, which, because of the lack of experimental data, are often based on intuition. This chapter discusses some specific aspects of the role of MHC in cytotoxic T cell responses. It also summarizes the expression of T cell-mediated responses to alloantigens. It also focuses on H-2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) responses and discusses the influence of the MHC on cytotoxic T cell specificity and CTL responsiveness against foreign antigens. T cell responses to alloantigens mirror all the functional activities seen in H-2-restrict…

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Characterization of the Purified Fourth Component of Guinea Pig Complement* *Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Kl 124/9).

Publisher Summary A strain of rabbits deficient in complement was discovered in Freiburg, Germany in 1961. A second, clearly unrelated, strain was reported in Mexico. Both these strains are deficient in C6. A further complement-deficient rabbit was found by chance in Cambridge. This paper presents some data on the colony bred from this animal. C6 was partially purified from rabbit serum by chromatography on DEAE Cellulose and hydroxyapatite. Antibody to rabbit C6 in deficient rabbits was raised by four weekly injections of alum precipitated C6 with Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant into the knee joints, followed by three intravenous injections of the alum precipitated material without B. per…

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