D. Bitter-suermann
Internationales Komplement Symposion 14. und 15. Juli 1969 in Mainz
Aktivierung des Komplementsystems ? Ein Monopol des Immunkomplexes?
Das Komplementsystem wird herkommlicherweise als ein Reaktionspartner des AgAk-Komplexes beschrieben. In jungster Zeit hat sich aber herausgestellt, das seine Aktivierung kein Monopol des Immunkomplexes bzw. des Antikorpers ist. An geeigneten Einzelfaktoren ansetzend kann man die Reaktionskette des Komplements auch unabhangig vom Antikorper auslosen. Es werden diejenigen Reaktionen beschrieben, welche, unabhangig vom Antikorper, von C1, C4 und C2 die dritte Komplementkomponente aktivieren und die Reaktionskette des restlichen Komplementsystems bis zum Terminalschritt in Gang setzen. Zu solchen Aktivatorsubstanzen gehoren Proteasen, hochmolekulare Polysaccharide (Dextran, Zymosan), Cobratoxi…
Immunadhärenz zum Nachweis virusspezifischer Antikörper und Antigene
Nach dem Prinzip der Immunadharenz-Reaktion wurde eine Methode ausgearbeitet, die einen Nachweis von virusspezifischen oder zellspezifischen Antigenen auf oder in den Membranen von lebenden Zellen in vitro gestattet: Immunadharenz-Hamadsorption.
Activation of complement by the alternative pathway as a factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease.
Dental plaque and a bacterium, Actinomyces viscosus, isolated from plaque that can reproduce periodontal disease in germ-free rats, are activators of complement by the alternative pathway. It is suggested that this process is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease.
Comparison of the antibacterial effect of uroepithelial cells from healthy donors and children with asymptomatic bacteriuria
Bacterial attachment to uroepithelial cells (UEC) and the effect of UEC on bacterial growth was investigated in 15 healthy persons and 12 patients suffering from asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI). Desquamated UEC and mannose-resistant Escherichia coli were co-cultivated for up to 90 min. While no difference in bacterial adherence was observed between healthy controls and patients, 33.4% of the bacteria attached to normal UEC were found to be dead under microscopic evaluation (acridine orange staining), whereas no killing effect could be observed in patients' UEC 5 min after the onset of incubation. This phenomenon was confirmed by investigating the…
Evaluation of low dose anaphylatoxic peptides in the pathogenesis of the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Monitoring of early C5a effects in a guinea-pig in vivo model after i.v. application
A guinea-pig in vivo model is presented that allows the infusion of purified C5a via a central vein catheter and the monitoring of its effects on granulocytes and platelets, the most important cells in the pathogenesis of several lung disorders, e.g. shock lung. After the infusion of C5a, which was adjusted to a quantity that caused slight and transient alterations of lung physiology, granulocytes disappeared from circulation within 1 min. Simultaneously the granulocyte content of the lung increased about three-fold as judged by histological evaluations. Morphologic destructions were not observed. After the drop a rebound of circulating Polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes (PMN) occurred, which wa…
Riesenzellbildung und virusspezifische antigene bei herpesvirus hominis: Informationsflu� von der eltern-DNS
Es wird uber den Einflus von Cytosin-Arabinosid, Hydroxy-Urea und von Mitomycin C auf die Entstehung membranstandiger oder extrahierbarer Antigene, auf die Riesenzellbildung sowie auf die Herpesvirus-bedingte Hemmung der Zell-RNS-Synthese berichtet. Durch die Verabreichung der drei Substanzen wird die Reduplikation der DNS des eingedrungenen Virus vollig blockiert. Trotzdem lassen sich die Phanomene der Riesenzellbildung, der Virus-Antigen-Synthese und der Synthesehemmung der Zell-RNS in vollem Umfange nachweisen.
Immunohistochemical localization of polysialic acid in tissue sections: differential binding to polynucleotides and DNA of a murine IgG and a human IgM monoclonal antibody.
For immunolocalization of alpha(2-8)-linked polysialic acid, which forms part of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), two monoclonal antibodies, MAb735 and IgMNOV, were employed. Both antibodies have previously been shown to bind the extremely low immunogenic capsular polysaccharide of group B meningococci, which also consists of alpha(2-8) polysialic acid, but not to other, even closely related forms of polysialic acid. Despite the identical polysaccharide specificity of these two MAb, we observed marked differences of the staining pattern in tissue sections. We showed that these differences in immunostaining were due to the crossreactivity of IgMNOV with polynucleotides and DNA. MA…
Diagnostic use of monoclonal IgG antibody to meningococcal B polysaccharide in cerebrospinal fluid
Differentiation-regulated loss of the polysialylated embryonic form and expression of the different polypeptides of the neural cell adhesion molecule by cultured oligodendrocytes and myelin
The expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) on cultured murine oligodendrocytes, their precursors, and myelin was examined by indirect immunofluorescence, biosynthetic radiolabeling followed by immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis, using antibodies specific for various forms of the molecule. In all culture systems studied, whether the oligodendrocytes were cultured as an enriched fraction containing precursor cells or in the presence of astrocytes and neurons, a similar differentiation-stage-related expression of N-CAM was seen. At early developmental stages many tetanus toxin receptor- and A2B5 antigen-positive putative oligodendrocyte precursors with bipolar morph…