Giacomo Magnani
Stable changes in CD4+ T lymphocyte miRNA expression after exposure to HIV-1
Abstract MicroRNAs (miRNAs) inhibit HIV-1 expression by either modulating host innate immunity or by directly interfering with viral mRNAs. We evaluated the expression of 377 miRNAs in CD4+ T cells from HIV-1 élite long-term nonprogressors (éLTNPs), naive patients, and multiply exposed uninfected (MEU) patients, and we observed that the éLTNP patients clustered with naive patients, whereas all MEU subjects grouped together. The discriminatory power of miRNAs showed that 21 miRNAs significantly differentiated éLTNP from MEU patients and 23 miRNAs distinguished naive from MEU patients, whereas only 1 miRNA (miR-155) discriminated éLTNP from naive patients. We proposed that miRNA expression ma…
Optimal hydrogen storage in sodium substituted lithium fullerides
Through the substitution of Li with Na in Li6C60, we synthesized a series of mixed alkali cluster intercalated fullerides, NaxLi6−xC60. These compounds share lattices of Na6C60 and Li6C60 with a cubic parameter linearly dependent on x. H2 absorption and desorption were studied by means of charge/discharge kinetic measurements and coupled calorimetric–manometric evaluation. By varying the stoichiometry, we found the best compromise among the absorption rate, temperature and amount of hydrogen for x = 0.5 and 1. Small concentrations of Na substituted to Li significantly lower the absorption temperature of Li6C60, improving the hydrogenation capacity, the kinetics, and the dehydrogenation enth…
Changes in CD4+ cells’ miRNA expression following exposure to HIV-1
Background: Micro RNAs (miRNAs) inhibit HIV-1 expression by either modulating host innate immunity or by directly interfering with viral mRNAs. Here, we investigated the miRNA profile that discriminates different classes of HIV-1-infected patients from multiple-exposed uninfected individuals. Methods: The expression levels of 377 miRNAs were selectively analysed in CD4+ cells isolated from whole blood of HIV-1 elite LTNP (eLTNP), naive, and multiply exposed uninfected individuals (MEUs). MiRNA extraction was performed by the mir Vana™ miRNA Isolation Kit (Ambion), and their expression was subsequently examined by real-time PCR-based arrays. The expression of miRNAs was also determined in pr…
Estimating minimum adult HIV prevalence: A cross-sectional study to assess the characteristics of people living with HIV in Italy
In 2012, we conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to assess the number of people living with HIV linked to care and, among these, the number of people on antiretroviral therapy. The health authority in each of the 20 Italian Regions provided the list of Public Infectious Diseases Clinics providing antiretroviral therapy and monitoring people with HIV infection. We asked every Public Infectious Diseases Clinic to report the number of HIV-positive people diagnosed and linked to care and the number of those on antiretroviral therapy during 2012. In 2012, 94,146 people diagnosed with HIV and linked to care were reported. The majority were males (70.1%), Italians (84.4%), and aged betw…