Jens Weusmann
Undergraduate Students’ Acceptance of a Reciprocating One-File System for Endodontic Treatment
Abstract Objectives Reciprocating endodontic one-file systems are a comparatively new method for root canal shaping. Even though the mechanical properties are comparable to modern rotating mechanical systems, data about subjective assessment and application quality are scarce. This study evaluates the reciprocating one-file system in undergraduate education. Materials and Methods A total of 42 undergraduate students without experience regarding reciprocating file systems filled in a questionnaire in four different points in time (t 1–t 4) anonymously. The questionnaire was based on a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 to 10. Statistical Analysis A least significant difference post-hoc an…
Die zahnärztliche selektive Intensivprophylaxe in Rheinland-Pfalz: Untersuchungen an Erstklässlern im Schuljahr 2013/2014
Ziel der Studie: Fur Kinder und Jugendliche mit stark erhohtem Kariesrisiko wurde durch die LAGZ (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendzahnpflege) Rheinland-Pfalz im Jahr 2004 die selektive Intensivprophylaxe (SIP) etabliert. Vergleichbare Programme existieren in den meisten deutschen Bundeslandern in unterschiedlicher Auspragung. Die Ergebnisse der schulzahnarztlichen Untersuchungen der Erstklassler im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz im Schuljahr 2013/2014 werden nach Prophylaxeprogramm („Aktivprogramm Jugendzahnpflege“ [SIP] gegenuber Standardprogramm [SP]) betrachtet. Hierbei sollen die innerschuljahrlichen Auswirkungen auf das teilnehmende Kollektiv beleuchtet werden. Des Weiteren soll untersucht…
Odontogenic Infections: A 1-year Retrospective Study.
ABSTRACT Objectives The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence, demographic patterns and management of odontogenic infections in patients undergoing treatment in an outpatient dental emergency service of a university hospital. Materials and methods In a retrospective study of the year 2012, all patients suffering from odontogenic infections were included. Demographic data, diagnosis and the conducted treatment were analyzed. Odontogenic infections were defined as pulpitis, apical and marginal periodontitis, abscesses and pericoronitis. Results A total of 2,058 out of 4,209 emergency patients suffered from odontogenic infections. The majority (45.0%) had an apical periodontitis,…