Gunta Purkalne
Duration of previous treatment as a prognostic factor in metastatic colorectal cancer treated with trifluridine/tipiracil
We herein describe the findings from the trifluridine/tipiracil (TAS-102) Compassionate Use program in Latvia, set up prior to marketing authorization for the management of pretreated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The efficacy and safety of TAS-102 in patients with refractory mCRC were evaluated in the phase III trial RECOURSE. A previous report confirmed neutropenia and duration of previous treatment for mCRC as prognostic factors in TAS-102 users. The aim of the present study was to analyze possible prognostic factors, such as neutropenia, in TAS-102 responders. A retrospective analysis of 14 patients who received TAS-102 chemotherapy in two institutions in Latvia (Cl…
High expression of GLI1 is associated with better survival in advanced SCLC
Aim Aberrant Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway signaling has been described in small cell lung cancer (SCLC), as well discrepancies, when analyzing expression of pathway components in SCLC cell lines vs tumor biopsies. Shh key component GLI1 was evaluated in advanced SCLC and data correlated with patient survival. Materials and methods GLI1 expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in pre-treatment fresh frozen tumor biopsies of 12 advanced SCLC patients and mRNA level of GLI1 was compared in short-term vs long-term survivor's samples (stratified by median survival, independent samples t-test). Results Expression of GLI1 mRNA was significantly higher in long-ter…
Promocijas darbs
Anotācija Pirmsoperācijas jeb neoadjuvantā ķīmijterapija ir ļoti cerīga vēža medikamentozās terapijas attīstības stratēģija nākotnē. Tā rada iespēju veikt krūti saglabājošu operāciju slimniecēm ar lieliem primāriem audzējiem. Slimniecēm, kurām sasniegta audzēja pilna morfoloģiska remisija pēc neoadjuvantās ķīmijterapijas operācijas materiālā, ir konstatēta garāka dzīvildze. Šī darba mērķis bija novērtēt pirmsoperācijas ķīmijterapijas, molekulāro marķieru – šūnu proliferācijas indeksa Ki-67, cilvēka epidermālā augšanas faktora receptora cerbB-2 un steroīdo hormonu receptoru lomu ārstēšanas izvēlē un bezrecidīva dzīvildzi, piecu un desmit gadu dzīvildzi slimniecēm ar lokāli izplatītu krūts vē…
Body composition characteristics and body surface area
Chemotherapy dose calculation for oncologycal patient is using the human body surface area (BSA). BSA is a variable with a difficult constitutional body and physiological assessment. BSA does not reflect the exercise on body composition in relation to the various body modifications: obesity, amputation of body parts, pregnancy. Body surface area despite the documented limitations remains the most commonly used parameter chemotherapy (cytotoxic therapy) of cancer patients. The new guidelines are intended obese patients is to achieve the same maximum dose rate calculated BSA taking into account the full weight rather than using the statement or reduce weight by restricting intake. Experience …
Expression of the Sonic Hedgehog Embryonic Signalling Pathway Components in Matched Pre-Treatment and Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer Biopsies
Abstract Cancer stem cells may be responsible for tumour regrowth and acquisition of resistance in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The Hedgehog pathway regulates survival and proliferation of tissue progenitor and stem cell populations, promoting the expression of stem cell related and proliferative genes. We evaluated the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) embryonic signalling pathway in relapsed SCLC. Expression levels of Shh related genes GLI1, SMO, SUFU, PTCH1, HHIP, BCL2, BMI, ZEB1, ZEB2, N-MYC, Twist1 were analysed by qRT-PCR in matched pre-treatment and relapsed tumour fresh frozen biopsies of three SCLC patients. Expression of each gene was compared using the paired samples t-test, as well as comp…