Eberhard Spaeth
Epitope specificity and Ia restriction of T cell responses to insulin in a system of complementing Ir genes: analysis with primed lymph node T cells and a long-term cultured T cell line.
The antibody response of (H-2b X H-2k)F1 mice to pig insulin (PI) has previously been shown to be under the control of H-2-linked, complementing Ir genes. In addition, this response was reported to depend on the genetic background of the parental strains (Keck, K., Eur. J. Immunol. 1977. 7: 811). Here it is demonstrated that the secondary in vitro response of proliferating T cells shows the same dependence on H-2-linked Ir genes yet an influence of the background genes could not be detected. The complementing genes were mapped to the Kb, I-Ab and Kk, I-Ak regions. For restimulation of F1 T cells by PI, the Ir genes of both parental chromosomes have to be expressed in the same antigen-presen…
Specificity and Restriction of T Cells in a System of Complementing Ir Genes
The phenomenon of Ir gene control of immune responsiveness is intimately related to the fact that antigen-specific stimulation of T cells with the Lyt-1 surface phenotype requires the simultaneous recognition of both external antigen and Ia antigen on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. There is increasing evidence indicating that Ia antigens encoded for by the I-A and I-E/C subregions of the H-2 complex represent the products of Ir genes.
Characterization of a T cell-derived lymphokine that acts synergistically with IL 3 on the growth of murine mast cells and is identical with IL4
Abstract A mast cell-like cell line (SN-1) was established with the aid of growth factor(s) present in the supernatant of a Con A-stimulated L3T4 + T cell line. In analogy to other mast cell lines, IL 3 was identified as a growth factor for SN-1 cells. In addition, a second lymphokine produced by the T cells synergistically enhanced the IL 3-induced growth. This factor, originally termed mast cell growth enhancing factor (MaGEF), could be separated from IL 2, IL 3, a CSF-like activity and was purified to homogeneity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence (8 residues) and the functional properties of this lymphokine proved to be identical with those reported for BSF-1 (IL 4). Unless applied at …
Development of T cell clones reactive to two defined restriction elements in conjunction with two defined epitopes of antigen
A previously described pig insulin (PI)-specific T cell line of (B10 X B10.BR)F1 origin was assayed for its reactivity with species variants of insulin in the presence of antigen-presenting cells (APC) of various H-2 haplotypes. In addition to its reactivity with PI and bovine insulin (BI) in the context of syngeneic F1 (H-2b X k)-APC, a weak cross-reactivity was observed with parental B10 (H-2b)-APC and BI but not PI. The cross-reactive cells could be selected out by several restimulations with the combination of BI and B10-APC. From the resulting, strongly cross-reactive T cell line several interleukin 2-dependent sublines were developed which did not require antigen-specific restimulatio…
Induction of anamnestic T cell proliferation by antigen-pulsed, bone marrow-derived macrophages.
Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM phi) were grown in a liquid culture system in the presence of L cell-conditioned medium as a source of colony-stimulating factor. After a 4-h pulse with antigen, cultured irradiated BMM phi were capable of presenting the antigen to primed T cells as assessed in a T cell proliferation assay. Proliferation was optimal when BMM phi were used between days 5 and 8 of bone marrow cell culture. T cells of Lyt1 and Lyt123 phenotype had to be present at the start of the culture period to yield an optimal response. Conventional antisera and monoclonal antibodies directed against the H-2 I region and the I-A subregion, respectively, proved inhibitory in this system…
Messenger RNA of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase from Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Isolation and properties.
Polysomes specifically synthesizing the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardi cells by the indirect immunoprecipitation method. Electrophoretic analysis showed that the immunoprecipitated polysomes were of chloroplast origin. The mRNA coding for the large subunit which was purified from immunoprecipitated polysomes migrated at the 19-S position on sucrose density gradients, and its molecular weight was estimated to be 7.3 x 10(5) by acid-urea/agarose gel electrophoresis. The mRNA was translated in vivo with a cell-free protein-synthesizing system derived from Escherichia coli to give full-length large-subunit polypeptides.
Characterization of lymphokine-mediated activation of macrophages for antigen presentation: studies with long-term cultured bone marrow-derived macrophages and cloned T cells.
In cultures of bone marrow (BM) supplemented with L cell-derived colony-stimulating factor a pure population of macrophages (M phi) differentiates, which can be further propagated with a doubling time of 3.8 days. "Young" BMM phi obtained on day 8 of culture were shown to act as antigen-presenting cells inducing the antigen-specific proliferation of the cloned T cell line ST2/K.9, whereas "old" M phi had lost this ability. However, at any time tested (up to 132 days) the presentation function of old BMM phi could be completely restored by pulsing the cells with lymphokines (LK). A duration of 11 hr for the LK-pulse was sufficient to trigger the M phi to exert an optimal presentation functio…