Simone Anzellini
Phase diagram of calcium at high pressure and high temperature
Resistively heated diamond-anvil cells have been used together with synchrotron x-ray diffraction to investigate the phase diagram of calcium up to 50 GPa and 800 K. The phase boundaries between the Ca-I (fcc), Ca-II (bcc), and Ca-III (simple cubic, sc) phases have been determined at these pressure-temperature conditions, and the ambient temperature equation of state has been generated. The equation of state parameters at ambient temperature have been determined from the experimental compression curve of the observed phases by using third-order Birch-Murnaghan and Vinet equations. A thermal equation of state was also determined for Ca-I and Ca-II by combining the room-temperature Birch-Murn…
Pressure-induced chemical decomposition of copper orthovanadate (α-Cu3V2O8)
The high pressure stability of α-Cu3V2O8 has been investigated via complementary high pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments and theoretical density functional theory calculations. The results of both experiment and theory are in close agreement. The main result of this work is that α-Cu3V2O8 undergoes a pressure-induced chemical decomposition into CuO and V2O5 at a modest pressure of ∼1.35 GPa according to the experimental observations, and at ∼2.45 GPa according to the calculations. The decomposition is investigated with enthalpy calculations and one of the main driving factors is the stability of the octhedral oxygen-coordination of the metal atoms in the decompositon product…
Thermal equation of state of ruthenium characterized by resistively heated diamond anvil cell
AbstractThe high-pressure and high-temperature structural and chemical stability of ruthenium has been investigated via synchrotron X-ray diffraction using a resistively heated diamond anvil cell. In the present experiment, ruthenium remains stable in the hcp phase up to 150 GPa and 960 K. The thermal equation of state has been determined based upon the data collected following four different isotherms. A quasi-hydrostatic equation of state at ambient temperature has also been characterized up to 150 GPa. The measured equation of state and structural parameters have been compared to the results of ab initio simulations performed with several exchange-correlation functionals. The agreement b…
In situ characterization of the high pressure – high temperature melting curve of platinum
AbstractIn this work, the melting line of platinum has been characterized both experimentally, using synchrotron X-ray diffraction in laser-heated diamond-anvil cells, and theoretically, using ab initio simulations. In the investigated pressure and temperature range (pressure between 10 GPa and 110 GPa and temperature between 300 K and 4800 K), only the face-centered cubic phase of platinum has been observed. The melting points obtained with the two techniques are in good agreement. Furthermore, the obtained results agree and considerably extend the melting line previously obtained in large-volume devices and in one laser-heated diamond-anvil cells experiment, in which the speckle method wa…