The role of lipid metabolism in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance inCraterostigma plantagineum: a comparative approach
Summary Dehydration leads to different physiological and biochemical responses in plants. We analysed the lipid composition and the expression of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis in the desiccation-tolerant plant Craterostigma plantagineum. A comparative approach was carried out with Lindernia brevidens (desiccation tolerant) and two desiccation-sensitive species, Lindernia subracemosa and Arabidopsis thaliana. In C. plantagineum the total lipid content remained constant while the lipid composition underwent major changes during desiccation. The most prominent change was the removal of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) from the thylakoids. Analysis of molecular species composition rev…
Photosynthesis in Lichen: Light Reactions and Protective Mechanisms
Lichens are symbiotic associations (holobionts) established between fungi (mycobionts) and certain groups of cyanobacteria or unicellular green algae (photobionts). This symbiotic association has been essential in establishing the colonization of terrestrial and consequently dry habitats. About 44 genera of algae and cyanobacteria have been reported as lichen photobionts. Due to the uncertain taxonomy of many of these photobionts, these numbers were considered as approximations only. Ahmadjian (1993) estimates that only 25 genera were typical lichen photobionts. The most common cyanobionts are Nostoc, Scytonema, Stigonema, Gloeocapsa, and Calothrix, in order of frequency (Budel, 1992). Gree…
Oxidative stress induces distinct physiological responses in the two Trebouxia phycobionts of the lichen Ramalina farinacea
† Background and Aims Most lichens form associations with Trebouxia phycobionts and some of them simultaneously include genetically different algal lineages. In other symbiotic systems involving algae (e.g. reef corals), the relative abundances of different endosymbiotic algal clades may change over time. This process seems to provide a mechanism allowing the organism to respond to environmental stress. A similar mechanism may operate in lichens with more than one algal lineage, likewise protecting them against environmental stresses. Here, the physiological responses to oxidative stress of two distinct Trebouxia phycobionts (provisionally named TR1 and TR9) that coexist within the lichen R…
Inactivation of a plastid evolutionary conserved gene affects PSII electron transport, life span and fitness of tobacco plants
Chloroplasts contain a plastoquinone-NADH-oxidoreductase (Ndh) complex involved in protection against stress and the maintenance of cyclic electron flow. Inactivation of the Ndh complex delays the development of leaf senescence symptoms. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, blue native gel electrophoresis, immunodetection and other techniques were employed to study tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Ndh-defective mutants (DeltandhF). The DeltandhF mutants compared with wild-type plants presented: (i) higher photosystem II : photosystem I (PSII : PSI) ratios; (ii) similar or higher levels of ascorbate, carotenoids, thylakoid peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, yield (Phi(PSII)) and maximal pho…
The response ofAsterochloris erici(Ahmadjian) Skaloud et Peksa to desiccation: a proteomic approach
The study of desiccation tolerance of lichens, and of their chlorobionts in particular, has frequently focused on the anti- oxidant system that protects the cell against photo-oxidative stress during dehydration/rehydration cycles. In this study, we used proteomic and transcript analyses to assess the changes associated with desiccation in the isolated phycobiont Aste- rochloris erici. Algae were dried either slowly (5-6 h) or rapidly (<60 min), and rehydrated after 24 h in the desiccated state. To identify proteins that accumulated during the drying or rehydration processes, we employed two-dimensional (2D) difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) coupled with individual protein identificatio…
Dynamic evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Trebouxiophyceae, including the first completely assembled mtDNA from a lichen-symbiont microalga (Trebouxia sp. TR9)
AbstractTrebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta) is a species-rich class of green algae with a remarkable morphological and ecological diversity. Currently, there are a few completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) from diverse Trebouxiophyceae but none from lichen symbionts. Here, we report the mitochondrial genome sequence of Trebouxia sp. TR9 as the first complete mtDNA sequence available for a lichen-symbiont microalga. A comparative study of the mitochondrial genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 with other chlorophytes showed important organizational changes, even between closely related taxa. The most remarkable change is the enlargement of the genome in certain Trebouxiophyceae, which is princ…
The organic air pollutant cumene hydroperoxide interferes with NOantioxidant role in rehydrating lichen
Organic pollutants effects on lichens have not been addressed. Rehydration is critical for lichens, a burst of free radicals involving NO occurs. Repeated dehydrations with organic pollutants could increase oxidative damage. Our aim is to learn the effects of cumene hydroperoxide (CP) during lichen rehydration using Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., its photobiont Trebouxia spp. and Asterochloris erici. Confocal imaging shows intracellular ROS and NO production within myco and phycobionts, being the chloroplast the main source of free radicals. CP increases ROS, NO and lipid peroxidation and reduces chlorophyll autofluorescence, although photosynthesis remains unaffected. Concomitant NO inhibit…
Suitability of chloroplast LSU rDNA and its diverse group I introns for species recognition and phylogenetic analyses of lichen-forming Trebouxia algae
To date, species identification of lichen photobionts has been performed principally on the basis of microscopic examinations and molecular data from nuclear-encoded genes. In plants, the chloroplast genome has been more readily exploited than the nuclear genome for systematic investigations. At the present time, very little information is available about the chloroplast genome of lichen-forming algae. For this reason, we have sequenced a portion of the gene encoding for the chloroplast large sub-unit rRNA (LSU rDNA) as a new molecular marker. Sequencing of the chloroplast LSU rDNAs revealed the existence of an unusual diversity of group I introns (a total of 31) within 15 analyzed Trebouxi…
Proteome analysis of leaves of the desiccation-tolerant grass, Sporobolus stapfianus, in response to dehydration.
Drought and its affects on agricultural production is a serious issue facing global efforts to increase food supplies and ensure food security for the growing world population. Understanding how plants respond to dehydration is an important prerequisite for developing strategies for crop improvement in drought tolerance. This has proved to be a difficult task as all of the current research plant models do not tolerate cellular dehydration well and, like all crops, they succumb to the effects of a relatively small water deficit of -4MPa or less. For these reasons many researchers have started to investigate the usefulness of resurrection plants, plants that can survive extremes of dehydratio…
Two Trebouxia algae with different physiological performances are ever-present in lichen thalli of Ramalina farinacea. Coexistence versus Competition?
This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2006-12917-C02-01/02), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2009-13429-C02-01/02), the AECID (PCI_A/024755/09) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 174/2008 GVA). We are grateful to Dr J. Gimeno-Romeu (University of California, Davis, USA) and to Dr P. J. G. de Nova (IREC, Ciudad Real, Spain), who were the first to isolate DNA from Ramalina farinacea thalli in our group. Wendy Ran revised the manuscript in English.
The Role of Phospholipase D and MAPK Signaling Cascades in the Adaption of Lichen Microalgae to Desiccation: Changes in Membrane Lipids and Phosphoproteome.
Classically, lichen phycobionts are described as poikilohydric organisms able to undergo desiccation due to the constitutive presence of molecular protection mechanisms. However, little is known about the induction of cellular responses in lichen phycobionts during drying. The analysis of the lipid composition of the desiccated lichen microalga Asterochloris erici revealed the unusual accumulation of highly polar lipids (oligogalactolipids and phosphatidylinositol), which prevents the fusion of membranes during stress, but also the active degradation of cone-shaped lipids (monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine) to stabilize membranes in desiccated cells. The level of pho…
The chloroplast genome of the lichen‐symbiont microalga Trebouxia sp. Tr9 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) shows short inverted repeats with a single gene and loss of the rps4 gene, which is encoded by the nucleus
The Trebouxiophyceae is the class of Chlorophyta algae from which the highest number of chloroplast genome (cpDNA) sequences has been obtained. Several species in this class participate in symbioses with fungi to form lichens. However, no cpDNA has been obtained from any Trebouxia lichen-symbiont microalgae, which are present in approximately half of all lichens. Here, we report the sequence of the completely assembled cpDNA from Trebouxia sp. TR9 and a comparative study with other Trebouxio-phyceae. The organization of the chloroplast genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 has certain features that are unusual in the Trebouxiophyceae and other green algae. The most remarkable characteristics are the …
Fungal-associated NO is involved in the regulation of oxidative stress during rehydration in lichen symbiosis
[EN] Background Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are normally produced in respiratory and photosynthetic electron chains and their production is enhanced during desiccation/rehydration. Nitric oxide (NO) is a ubiquitous and multifaceted molecule involved in cell signaling and abiotic stress. Lichens are poikilohydrous organisms that can survive continuous cycles of desiccation and rehydration. Although the production of ROS and NO was recently demonstrated during lichen rehydration, the functions of these compounds are unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of NO during rehydration of the lichen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., its isolated photobiont partner Trebouxia sp. and Ast…