Hervé Assadi
Comparison of the 45-Second/15-Second Intermittent Running Field Test and the Continuous Treadmill Test
Purposes:To compare the physiological responses and maximal aerobic running velocity (MAV) during an incremental intermittent (45-s run/15-s rest) field test (45-15FIT) vs an incremental continuous treadmill test (TR) and to demonstrate that the MAV obtained during 45-15FIT (MAV45-15) was relevant to elicit a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) during a 30-s/30-s intermittent training session.Methods:Oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), and lactate concentration ([La]) were measured in 20 subjects during 2 maximal incremental tests and four 15-min intermittent tests. The time spent above 90% and 95% VO2max (t90% and t95% VO2max, respectively) was determined.Results:Maximal ph…
Réponse physiologique et temps d’effort maximal lors d’exercices intermittents courus à la vitesse maximale aérobie
Le but de cette etude etait de comparer les reponses physiologiques et la duree d’exercice (i.e. le nombre maximal de repetitions) lors de trois types d’exercices intermittents courus a la vitesse maximale aerobie (VMA). Dix-huit sujets masculins sportifs ont realise, a une semaine d’intervalle, trois exercices intermittents de type 15 s-15 s, 30 s-30 s et 60 s-60 s. Au cours de ces exercices, la consommation maximale d’oxygene , la frequence cardiaque, la lactatemie ([La]), le quotient respiratoire et la duree totale d’exercice (tlim) ont ete mesures. Le tlim etait significativement (p < 0,01) plus long lors de l’exercice 30 s-30 s (1270 ± 390 s) par rapport a l’exercice 15 s-15 s (953 ± 2…
Cardiorespiratory Changes During Prolonged Downhill Versus Uphill Treadmill Exercise
AbstractOxygen uptake (V̇O2), heart rate (HR), energy cost (EC) and oxygen pulse are lower during downhill compared to level or uphill locomotion. However, a change in oxygen pulse and EC during prolonged grade exercise is not well documented. This study investigated changes in cardiorespiratory responses and EC during 45-min grade exercises. Nine male healthy volunteers randomly ran at 75% HR reserve during 45-min exercise in a level (+1%), uphill (+15%) or downhill (−15%) condition. V̇O2 , minute ventilation (V̇E ) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO2) were recorded continuously with 5-min averaging between the 10th and 15th min (T1) and 40th and 45th min (T2). For a similar HR (157±3 bpm…
Relationship between age and elite marathon race time in world single age records from 5 to 93 years
International audience; Background:The aims of the study were (i) to investigate the relationship between elite marathon race times andage in 1-year intervals by using the world single age records in marathon running from 5 to 93 years and (ii)toevaluate the sex difference in elite marathon running performance with advancing age.Methods:World single age records in marathon running in 1-year intervals for women and men were analysedregarding changes across age for both men and women using linear and non-linear regression analyses for eachage for women and men.Results:The relationship between elite marathon race time and age was non-linear (i.e.polynomial regression 4thdegree) for women and m…