Federica Palumbo
Unraveling the Complexity of Tourist Experience with NFC Technology and Mobile Wallets
By considering the tourist experience as a complex dynamic system, in this paper we depict the traveler as a kybernetes (κυβeρνήτης is the ancient Greek word for ‘sea captain’, ‘steersman’, or ‘governor’) in search of powerful tools to help him or her to obtain directions in the mare magnum of complexity, overcoming the fear of action and taking decisions. We focus our attention on the key role of Near Field Communication technology and mobile wallet as ‘attenuators of complexity’ in the travel and tourism industry.
Il processo di incubazione per la creazione di imprese vitali. Il caso del Consorzio ARCA
Obiettivi . Il processo di creazione di nuove imprese risulta particolarmente complesso qualora parta da idee altamente innovative che trovano difficolta ad essere percepite come valide dai sovra sistemi. Obiettivo del presente lavoro e dimostrare che gli incubatori accademici svolgono un ruolo determinante per la vitalita di queste imprese. Metodologia . Attraverso un caso studio contraddistinto da un embedded design si analizza l’efficacia del processo di incubazione degli spin-off dell’incubatore del Consorzio Arca. Risultati . L’efficacia del processo di incubazione e dimostrata dall’elevato numero di spin-off che, al termine del periodo di incubazione, sono capaci di competere con succ…
The Culture on the Palm of Your Hand: How to Design a User Oriented Mobile App for Museums
The increased usage of mobile apps has a great potential for the tourism industry. Through the use of mobile apps, web portals and social media may allow a fast and wide diffusion of awareness for museum and attract a large number of visitors, thus increasing the value of their image, with moderate investments. The aim of this chapter is to identify the key factors as antecedents of customer satisfaction for the design of a mobile app for a museum. To this aim, the authors use the Kano model that allows categorizing service attributes according to how they are perceived by customers and estimating their impact on customer satisfaction. This model is adopted in order to identify express and …
The drivers of customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry: applying the Kano model to Sicilian hotels
Starting from the assessment that hotels need to embrace a managerial approach oriented towards customer satisfaction, we adopt the Kano model to identify the relevant drivers of satisfaction of hotels guest in the main cities of Sicily, Italy. This study analyzes the customer satisfaction requirements for Sicilian hotels in order to suggest and weigh a set of key attributes that hotel managers need to consider in order to create an attractive offer. We base our analysis on the qualitative data collected through 600 questionnaires submitted to hotel guests of twenty Sicilian three-star hotels located in city downtowns, in different provinces and locations.
La Customer Satisfaction dei Servizi Bibliotecari Universitari. Uno Studio Empirico su Due Biblioteche Universitarie Italiane con il Modello di Kano.
La presente ricerca analizza i servizi bibliotecari di due Facoltà italiane al fine di individuare i principali driver della customer satisfaction attraverso il modello di Kano. I risultati possono essere utili sia ai ricercatori che ai manager delle università per pianificare a livello strategico e operativo le azioni necessarie al miglioramento dell’offerta di servizi bibliotecari di ateneo.
How to build an e-learning product: factors for student/customer satisfaction
Abstract The increasing use of web technologies has changed the way business is done, including in the field of education. In the last decade, the development of electronic learning ( e-learning ) systems became crucial to meet students’ demand. In this study, we adopt a relationship marketing perspective and apply the Kano Model to propose a way to build a non-academic e-learning course that can achieve student satisfaction. We measure the relevance of e-learning requirements from university students’ perspective to identify their expectations about e-learning courses and obtain relevant characteristics that can help to plan an e-learning product capable of achieving high customer satisfac…
Viable Systems Approach and Consumer Culture Theory: A Conceptual Framework
The aim of this study is to depict the relational dynamics between the firm/ brand and the individual/consumer or communities of consumers. To this aim we propose a conceptual framework, integrating the viable systems approach (VSA) with consumer culture theory (CCT), which considers the individual as an active co-maker of the product/brand (‘prosumer’). The VSA view of the firm overcomes the limitations of CCT research, which is mainly focused on the individual, giving little consideration to the other actors in the context. Among the different approaches under the umbrella of viable systems we chose the VSA because of its emphasis on the analysis of the systemic external relations with th…
A Viable System View of the Japanese Lean Production System
We highlight the main characteristics of lean production and we analyze them using a viable-systemic perspective. Doing so we consider the lean production with its osmotic interactions with the Japanese business system and we create a framework which highlights the key relations which are essential for the viability of the system.
Decoding the Japanese Lean Production System according to a Viable Systems Perspective
The increase in the complexity and variability of the business environment, due to constant and rapid changes in markets, calls for more flexible and effective production systems. Of the most valuable production systems, the Japanese lean production system (LPS) is the best known and studied, but is still not the most widely applied with success outside Japan. The reason for the low level of success of lean production outside its native country is the lack of understanding of the strong interactions which hold between enterprises and business systems. In order to fill this gap in our knowledge, we investigate the systemic interactions according to the Viable System View. To develop our anal…
Limits and Criticalities of Predictions and Forecasting in Complex Social and Economic Scenarios: A Cybernetics Key
Predictions play a key role in assuring the status of “rationality” in decisions. Nevertheless, in the field of social sciences and economics, predictions fail to correctly depict the oncoming scenarios. Why is it so difficult to achieve quantitative prediction of social and economic systems? Can science provide reliable predictions of social and economic paths that can be used to implement effective interventions? As in the notorious “El Farol bar problem” depicted by Brian Arthur (Am Econ Rev 84:406–411, 1994), the validity of predictive models is more a social issue than a matter of good mathematics. Predictability in social systems is due to limited knowledge of society and human behavi…
The drivers of customer satisfaction for academic library services: managerial hints from an empirical study on two Italian university libraries using the Kano model
The intent of this qualitative research is to investigate and understand the requisites of customer satisfaction for academic libraries’ users and to give managerial hints for the implementation of user centred academic library services. To this aim, we analyse the library services of two Italian Universities (the Faculty of Economics of University of Palermo and the Central Library of the University of Salerno) to find relations and congruencies and to evaluate the perceived relevance of the tangible and intangible aspects of these services. In the preliminary phase of the research, we conducted both focus groups and individual interviews involving students or researchers who regularly use…