Salvatore De Vita

Anakinra drug retention rate and predictive factors of long-term response in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and adult onset still disease

Background and Objective: Only a few studies have reported long-term efficacy of interleukin (IL)-1 inhibition in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and adult-onset Still disease (AOSD). Herein we report on the effectiveness of anakinra (ANA), expressed in terms of drug retention rate (DRR), and evaluate the predictive factors of drug survival in a cohort of patients with sJIA and AOSD. Patients and Methods: This is a multicenter study reviewing retrospectively the medical records from 61 patients with sJIA and 76 with AOSD, all treated with ANA in 25 Italian tertiary referral centers. Results: The cumulative retention rate of ANA at 12-, 24-, 48-, and 60-month of follow-up was 7…

research product

Patient-reported impact of spondyloarthritis on work disability and working life: the ATLANTIS survey

Background The aim was to establish how patients experience the impact of spondyloarthritis (SpA) on work disability and working life. Methods The survey was performed in 17/20 regions in Italy (1 January to 31 March 2013). A multiple-choice questionnaire was published on the official website of the sponsor - the National Association of Rheumatic Patients (ANMAR) - and hard-copies were distributed at outpatient clinics for rheumatic patients. Results Respondents (n = 770) were of both sexes (56 % men), educated (62 % at high school or more), of working age (75 % aged ≤60 years), and affected by SpA. The most common types diagnosed were ankylosing spondylitis (AS) (39 %) and psoriatic arthri…

research product

Additional file 1 of Real-world evidence of biologic treatments in psoriatic arthritis in Italy: results of the CHRONOS (EffeCtiveness of biologic treatments for psoriatic artHRitis in Italy: an ObservatioNal lOngitudinal Study of real-life clinical practice) observational longitudinal study

Additional file 1: Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics at enrollment/start of biologic treatment under analysis (in Secukinumab and TNFis patients). In this file main socio-demographic and clinical characteristics at enrollment/start of biologic treatment under analysis are described in the groups of patients treated with Secukinumab and with TNFis.

research product

A Snapshot on the On-Label and Off-Label Use of the Interleukin-1 Inhibitors in Italy among Rheumatologists and Pediatric Rheumatologists: A Nationwide Multi-Center Retrospective Observational Study

Background: Interleukin (IL)-1 inhibitors have been suggested as possible therapeutic options in a large number of old and new clinical entities characterized by an IL-1 driven pathogenesis. Objectives: To perform a nationwide snapshot of the on-label and off-label use of anakinra (ANA) and canakinumab (CAN) for different conditions both in children and adults. Methods: We retrospectively collected demographic, clinical, and therapeutic data from both adult and pediatric patients treated with IL-1 inhibitors from January 2008 to July 2016. Results: Five hundred and twenty-six treatment courses given to 475 patients (195 males, 280 females; 111 children and 364 adults) were evaluated. ANA wa…

research product

Guidelines for biomarkers in autoimmune rheumatic diseases - evidence based analysis

Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are characterised by an abnormal immune system response, complement activation, cytokines dysregulation and inflammation. In last years, despite many progresses in managing these patients, it has been shown that clinical remission is reached in less than 50% of patients and a personalised and tailored therapeutic approach is still lacking resulting in a significant gap between guidelines and real-world practice. In this context, the need for biomarkers facilitating early diagnosis and profiling those individuals at the highest risk for a poor outcome has become of crucial interest. A biomarker generally refers to a measured characteristic which may be used as a…

research product

International consensus: What else can we do to improve diagnosis and therapeutic strategies in patients affected by autoimmune rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritides, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome)?: The unmet needs and the clinical grey zone in autoimmune disease management

Autoimmune diseases are a complex set of diseases characterized by immune system activation and, although many progresses have been done in the last 15 years, several unmet needs in the management of these patients may be still identified. Recently, a panel of international Experts, divided in different working groups according to their clinical and scientific expertise, were asked to identify, debate and formulate a list of key unmet needs within the field of rheumatology, serving as a roadmap for research as well as support for clinicians. After a systematic review of the literature, the results and the discussions from each working group were summarised in different statements. Due to th…

research product

The CHRONOS Real-World Evidence of Biologic Treatments in Psoriatic Arthritis in Italy: A Post Hoc Gender Analysis

: Background: Phenotypic features and outcome differences between sexes have been reported in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). However, little is known about sex differences in effectiveness of biologics in clinical practice. Methods: Post hoc gender analysis of the CHRONOS, a multicenter, noninterventional, retroprospective Italian real-world study assessing 6-month and 1-year effectiveness of biologics for PsA. Results: Eligible patients were 399, 43.1% men. Sociodemographic characteristics, type of arthritis, baseline Disease Activity Score 28 joints (DAS28), and duration of biologic treatment were rather homogeneous. More men were overweight/obese and naive to biologics. The most frequently u…

research product

Anakinra drug retention rate and predictive factors of drug survival in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and adult onset Still’s disease.

Introduction: Only a few studies have reported the long-term efficacy of interleukin (IL)-1 inhibition in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD). We herein describe Anakinra (ANA) effectiveness expressed in terms of drug retention rate (DRR) and evaluate predictive factors of drug survival in sJIA and ASOD patients. Objectives: Examine the overall DRR of ANA in sJIA and AOSD patients. Explore the influence of biologic line of treatment, and the concomitant use of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) on DRR in the whole sample and stratified according to the disease thereafter; find eventual predictive factors associated with events l…

research product

Additional file 1: of Patient-reported impact of spondyloarthritis on work disability and working life: the ATLANTIS survey

Anonymous questionnaire (multiple choice questions). (PDF 56 kb)

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