Peter Falkai


Health‐Related Quality of Life in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Objective To assess and differentiate the health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Study Design and Setting A prospective, open, cross-sectional questionnaire-based study (including the Short Form-36 Health Survey [SF-36]) performed by a tertiary care center. Results A total of 77 patients (36 females) were included. Except for one domain (bodily pain), the scores for all scales of the SF-36 were significantly reduced in comparison with normative data. The duration of epistaxis, the presence of hepatic involvement and gastrointestinal bleeding, and the number of visible telangiectases correlated with lower scores on several scales…

research product

Formin 2 links neuropsychiatric phenotypes at young age to an increased risk for dementia

Age-associated memory decline is due to variable combinations of genetic and environmental risk factors. How these risk factors interact to drive disease onset is currently unknown. Here we begin to elucidate the mechanisms by which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a young age contributes to an increased risk to develop dementia at old age. We show that the actin nucleator Formin 2 (Fmn2) is deregulated in PTSD and in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Young mice lacking the Fmn2 gene exhibit PTSD-like phenotypes and corresponding impairments of synaptic plasticity, while the consolidation of new memories is unaffected. However, Fmn2 mutant mice develop accelerated age-associated me…

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Amygdala-hippocampal atrophy and memory performance in dementia of Alzheimer type.

The aim of the present study was to examine the involvement of brain structures, especially the amygdala-hippocampal complex, in dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT), and to assess the relation of amygdala-hippocampal atrophy with memory dysfunction. 14 patients with DAT and 10 healthy age-matched controls were examined with different neuropsychologic tests including the UCLA-Auditory Verbal Learning Test. MRI was performed with a conventional 1.5-tesla scanner. Atrophy was found in many brain structures of demented subjects in comparison with healthy age-matched controls. The volumes of amygdala-hippocampal complexes and of the temporal lobes of demented subjects were more reduced than the tot…

research product

Gene expression of neuregulin-1 isoforms in different brain regions of elderly schizophrenia patients

One important risk gene in schizophrenia is neuregulin-1 (NRG1), which is expressed in different isoforms in the brain. To determine if alterations of NRG1 are present in schizophrenia, we measured gene expression of NRG1 and its main isoforms as well as the impact of genetic variation of NRG1 in an exploratory study examining three brain regions instead of only one as published so far. In all, we examined post-mortem samples from 11 schizophrenia patients and eight normal subjects. We investigated gene expression of total NRG1 and isoforms I, II and III by real-time PCR in the prefrontal cortex (Brodmann areas 9 and 10) and right hippocampal tissue. For the genetic study, we genotyped the …

research product

Einfluss von multimodaler sportlicher Aktivität auf Kognition und Alltagskompetenzen bei früher Alzheimer-Demenz (SPORT&KOG)

Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt ein vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit gefördertes Vorhaben zum «Leuchtturmprojekt Demenz» im Themenfeld 1 «Therapie und Pflegemaßnahmen: Wirksamkeit unter Alltagsbedingungen». Hierbei handelt es sich um eine multizentrische randomisierte Interventionsstudie, die den Einfluss von Sport (multimodale sportliche Aktivität) unter kontrollierten Bedingungen auf die kognitive Entwicklung von Alzheimer-Patienten im frühen Stadium prüft. In einem zweiarmigen Design werden je 150 Patienten mit früher AD unter Verum- bzw. Kontroll-Bedingungen untersucht. Die Verum-Gruppe erhält ein spezifisches sportliches Trainingsprogramm. In der Kontrollgruppe werden lediglich…

research product

Reduced oxytocin receptor gene expression and binding sites in different brain regions in schizophrenia: A post-mortem study

Schizophrenia is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder with impairments in social cognition. Several brain regions have been implicated in social cognition, including the nucleus caudatus, prefrontal and temporal cortex, and cerebellum. Oxytocin is a critical modulator of social cognition and the formation and maintenance of social relationships and was shown to improve symptoms and social cognition in schizophrenia patients. However, it is unknown whether the oxytocin receptor is altered in the brain. Therefore, we used qRT-PCR and Ornithine Vasotocin Analog ([125I]OVTA)-based receptor autoradiography to investigate oxytocin receptor expression at both the mRNA and protein level in the left p…

research product

EPA guidance on physical activity as a treatment for severe mental illness: a meta-review of the evidence and Position Statement from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), supported by the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH)

AbstractPhysical activity (PA) may be therapeutic for people with severe mental illness (SMI) who generally have low PA and experience numerous life style-related medical complications. We conducted a meta-review of PA interventions and their impact on health outcomes for people with SMI, including schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder. We searched major electronic databases until January 2018 for systematic reviews with/without meta-analysis that investigated PA for any SMI. We rated the quality of studies with the AMSTAR tool, grading the quality of evidence, and identifying gaps, future research needs and clinical practice recommendations.…

research product

Asymmetrie des Planum temporale bei Zwillingen und Schizophrenen

Anhand eines Zwillingskollektivs und einer Gruppe ersterkrankter Schizophrener (zehn eineiige und zehn zweieiige Zwillingspaare, 38 ersterkrankte Schizophrene, 15 Kontrollen) wird ein moglicher genetischer Einflus auf Grose und Windungsmuster des Planum temporale untersucht. MRT: FLASH-3D-T1-gewichtete Datensatze aus koronaren 3-mm-Schichten; 3D-Rekonstruktion mit ISG-Workstation Allegro. Gemessen wurden Lange und Flache des Planum temporale und Lange des Heschlschen Gyrus. Der Windungsverlauf wurde nach qualitativen Kriterien beurteilt. Schizophrene zeigen im Gegensatz zu gesunden Kontrollen, eineiigen und zweieiigen Zwillingen vor allem bei der Lanlge und weniger bei der Flache des Planum…

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