Sergio Ferrara

L’otosclerosi cocleare e fenestrale.

research product

A genotype-phenotype correlation in Sicilian patients with GJB2 biallelic mutations

The aim of this work was to study the genotype distribution of Sicilian patients with biallelic GJB2 mutations; to correlate genotype classes and/or specific mutations of GJB2 gene (35delG-non-35delG) with audiologic profiles. A total of 10 different mutations and 11 different genotypes were evidenced in 73 SNHL subjects; 35delG (90.36 % of cases) and IVS1+1 (13.69 %) were the most common mutations found in the cohort with a significant difference in the distribution between North and South Sicily. Audiological evaluation revealed a severe (16/73) to profound (47/73) hearing loss (HL) in 86.13 % of cases without significant difference between the degree of HL and the province of origin of t…

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Parietal subdural empyema as complication of acute odontogenic sinusitis: a case report

Introduction: To date intracranial complication caused by tooth extractions are extremely rare. In particular parietal subdural empyema of odontogenic origin has not been described. A literature review is presented here to emphasize the extreme rarity of this clinical entity. Case presentation: An 18-year-old Caucasian man with a history of dental extraction developed dysarthria, lethargy, purulent rhinorrhea, and fever. A computed tomography scan demonstrated extensive sinusitis involving maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoid and frontal sinus on the left side and a subdural fluid collection in the temporal-parietal site on the same side. He underwent vancomycin, metronidazole and meropenem th…

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Le fistole liquorali nella patologia otologica

Cerebrospinal fluid fistulas in the otologic pathology show the presence of one or more anomalous touches between subaracnoids spaces and temporal bone. Cerebrospinal fluid fistulas are distinguished in congenital and acquired. The acquired fistulas are the most large group and they include post-traumatic fistulas, post-infective fistulas and/or post-inflammatory fistulas, iatrogenic fistulas, post-neoplastic fistulas and spontaneous fistulas. The congenital fistulas are more rare, they involve otic capsula and are, often, associated with malformations of inner ear. The critical analysis of our data leads, in our opinion, to some interesting diagnostic considerations. © Copyright 2005, CIC …

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No-scale N=4 supergravity coupled to Yang-Mills: the scalar potential and super-Higgs effect

We derive the scalar potential of the effective theory of type IIB orientifold with 3-form fluxes turned on in presence of non abelian brane coordinates. N=4 supergravity predicts a positive semidefinite potential with vanishing cosmological constant in the vacuum of commuting coordinates, with a classical moduli space given by three radial moduli and three RR scalars which complete three copies of the coset (U(1,1+n)/U(1)\otimes U(1+n)), together with 6n D3-branes coordinates, n being the rank of the gauge group G. Implications for the super Higgs mechanism are also discussed.

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Emangiopericitoma Vs Tumore glomico

OBIETTIVI I tumori che originano dalle cellule di supporto dei vasi, i periciti, appartengono alla vasta categoria dei tumori dei tessuti molli che sono lesioni generalmente frequenti nel distretto testa-collo. La trasformazione in senso neoplastico dei periciti è comunque poco frequente e può dare origine a due gruppi neoplastici: i tumori glomici e l’emangiopericitoma. Gli autori presentano in seno alla stessa famiglia due casi clinici rispettivamente di tumori glomico timpanico e di emangiopericitoma del condotto uditivo esterno. MATERIALI I tumori glomici timpanici e giugulari sono rare neoformazioni ipervascolarizzate, a lenta crescita, che si sviluppano nell’ambito dell’orecchio medio…

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On the Super Higgs Effect in Extended Supergravity

We consider the reduction of supersymmetry in N-extended four dimensional supergravity via the super Higgs mechanism in theories without cosmological constant. We provide an analysis largely based on the properties of long and short multiplets of Poincare' supersymmetry. Examples of the super Higgs phenomenon are realized in spontaneously broken N=8 supergravity through the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and in superstring compactification in presence of brane fluxes. In many models the massive vectors count the difference in number of the translation isometries of the scalar sigma-model geometries in the broken and unbroken phase.

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Observations on the Darboux coordinates for rigid special geometry

We exploit some relations which exist when (rigid) special geometry is formulated in real symplectic special coordinates $P^I=(p^\Lambda,q_\Lambda), I=1,...,2n$. The central role of the real $2n\times 2n$ matrix $M(\Re \mathcal{F},\Im \mathcal{F})$, where $\mathcal{F} = \partial_\Lambda\partial_\Sigma F$ and $F$ is the holomorphic prepotential, is elucidated in the real formalism. The property $M\Omega M=\Omega$ with $\Omega$ being the invariant symplectic form is used to prove several identities in the Darboux formulation. In this setting the matrix $M$ coincides with the (negative of the) Hessian matrix $H(S)=\frac{\partial^2 S}{\partial P^I\partial P^J}$ of a certain hamiltonian real fun…

research product

Profilo familiare ed individuale come fattore predittivo delle performances verbo-acustiche pre impianto cocleare: esperienza personale

RAZIONALE L’impianto cocleare è oramai il trattamento di scelta in tutti quei casi di sordità preverbale severa/profonda permettendo di ottenere a distanza di 12 mesi una soglia uditiva amplificata integralmente all’interno dello spettro acustico del parlato. Se ciò è dimostrato ampiamente dalla letteratura, è comunque vero che le aspettative familiari e le performances verbo/acustiche sono altamente variabili. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di identificare tramite un accurato studio del profilo familiare ed individuale, tutte le possibili variabili in grado di influenzare i risultati. MATERIALI E METODI Le variabili oggetto del presente studio sono state suddivise in familiari ed in…

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Psychopathologic disease in patients with tinnitus: a case control of an outpatient cohort

The goal of this work was to study if patients suffering from tinnitus, that affects 14.5% of Italian people, are more susceptible to psychological distress than those who are not affected by tinnitus; to evaluate the prevalence of psychopathological disorders among the cohort, their relationship with the severity of tinnitus and eventual correlation between the distress caused by tinnitus and age of patients. 191 cases and 237 controls were enrolled between 2009-2011. Cases were 80 females and 111 males with mean age of 48.06. Controls were 106 females and 131 males with mean age of 47.09. Overall subjects completed Symptom CheckList-90 R (SCL 90-R) and some brief questionnaire about audio…

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Rara complicanza di un caso di litiasi parotidea

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Frequenza e fenotipo delle mutazioni GJB2 in pazienti con ipoacusia neurosensoriale non-sindromica congenita: analisi di una coorte della Sicilia Occidentale

Circa il 60% delle ipoacusie congenite sono associate a cause genetiche nei paesi sviluppati. La sordità genetica è classificata in sindromica (30%) e non sindromica (70%), quest’ultima riconducibile in più del 50% dei casi a mutazioni del gene GJB2. Tale gene, espresso nella coclea, codifica per la proteina gap junction “Connessina 26”, la cui funzione è cruciale per la comunicazione intercellulare. L’obiettivo del nostro lavoro è stato quello di stimare la frequenza delle mutazioni GJB2 e la loro correlazione con il fenotipo audiologico in 102 pazienti siciliani affetti da sordità neurosensoriale congenita non sindromica (NSHL) bilaterale e portatori di almeno una mutazione del gene GJB2.…

research product

Real symplectic formulation of local special geometry

We consider a formulation of local special geometry in terms of Darboux special coordinates $P^I=(p^i,q_i)$, $I=1,...,2n$. A general formula for the metric is obtained which is manifestly $\mathbf{Sp}(2n,\mathbb{R})$ covariant. Unlike the rigid case the metric is not given by the Hessian of the real function $S(P)$ which is the Legendre transform of the imaginary part of the holomorphic prepotential. Rather it is given by an expression that contains $S$, its Hessian and the conjugate momenta $S_I=\frac{\partial S}{\partial P^I}$. Only in the one-dimensional case ($n=1$) is the real (two-dimensional) metric proportional to the Hessian with an appropriate conformal factor.

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L’otite sieromucosa ricorrente. Follow-up a 5 anni.

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Laryngeal amyloidosis

Laryngeal amyloidosis is a rare and idiopathic disease that represents about 1% of all benign laryngeal lesions. It is characterized by the extracellular deposition of an abnormal amount of non-soluble fibrillar proteins in larynx. This disease presents unspecific symptoms and laringoscopic findings that make difficult to diagnose it. Management of these lesions consists of endoscopic resection of the mass through microdirect laryngoscopy. Recurrence is possible and it can occur up to 10 years after treatment; therefore a close and long-term follow-up is requested. A 60-year-old man presented with hoarseness and dysphonia. Laryngoscopy revealed a smooth, translucent and yellowish formation …

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Born-Infeld Corrections to D3 brane Action in AdS5×S5 and N=4, d=4 Primary Superfields

We consider certain supersymmetric Born-Infeld couplings to the D3 brane action and show that they give rise to massless and massive KK excitations of type IIB on AdS5×S5, in terms of singleton Yang-Mills superfields.

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Spinor algebras

We consider supersymmetry algebras in space-times with arbitrary signature and minimal number of spinor generators. The interrelation between super Poincar\'e and super conformal algebras is elucidated. Minimal super conformal algebras are seen to have as bosonic part a classical semimisimple algebra naturally associated to the spin group. This algebra, the Spin$(s,t)$-algebra, depends both on the dimension and on the signature of space time. We also consider maximal super conformal algebras, which are classified by the orthosymplectic algebras.

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Insuccessi anatomici e funzionali nella chirurgia dell’orecchio medio.

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La timpanoplastica aperta: indicazioni e nostri risultati a distanza

OBIETTIVI Le indicazioni per una tecnica aperta sono in primo luogo le otomastoiditi colesteatomatose, le neoplasie, alcune complicanze ed alcune forme di otomastoidite granulomatosa diffusa con totale coinvolgimento della catena ossiculare, specialmente quando esiste una mastoide eburmnea. MATERIALI Nel periodo 1975‐2006 sono state eseguite 4875 timpanoplastiche, di cui 3343 con tecnica aperta. In considerazione dell'esperienza maturata è utile distinguere un periodo compreso tra il 1975 e 1990, nel quale, indipendentemente dalla diagnosi, si eseguiva la tecnica chiusa nel 95% dei casi, mentre la tecnica aperta era riservata al 5% dei casi. Nell'85% delle tecniche chiuse veniva eseguito un…

research product

Gauged extended supergravity without cosmological constant: No-scale structure and supersymmetry breaking

We consider the interplay of duality symmetries and gauged isometries of supergravity models giving N-extended, spontaneously broken supergravity with a no-scale structure. Some examples, motivated by superstring and M-theory compactifications are described.

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Patologie rare dell'orecchio

After fifty years of experience, mostly spent in ENT surgery at the University of Palermo, I have pleasure in presenting this Atlas of rare diseases of the ear, including clinical cases observed and documented during this long period from 1958 to 2006. We would prefer to divide all the case studies into three chapters: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

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Attuali orientamenti patogenetici e chirurgici nel colesteatoma dell’orecchio medio. Tavola Rotonda.

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No-scale D=5 supergravity from Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=6 theories

We perform a generalized dimensional reduction of six dimensional supergravity theories to five dimensions. We consider the minimal $(2,0)$ and the maximal $(4,4)$ theories. In each case the reduction allows us to obtain gauged supergravities of no-scale type in dimension five with gauge groups that escape previous classifications. In the minimal case, the geometric data of the reduced theory correspond to particular cases of the D=5 real special geometry. In the maximal case we find a four parameter solution which allows partial breaking of supersymmetry.

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Labirintopatie periferiche in corso di malattie autoimmuni.

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L’efficacia dell’acido jaluronico nella chirurgia dell’orecchio medio al fine di prevenire la timpanosclerosi secondaria. Otorinolaringol 2004;54:203-6.

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Su di un caso di Schwannoma del condotto uditivo esterno. Riv. Orl Aud. Fon. Vol. 24- numero unico 2004- 39-40.

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Cavernous haemangioma of the external auditory canal: clinical case and review of the literature

Although benign vascular lesions are frequent in the head and the neck region, clinical evidence of cavernous haemangioma of the external auditory canal is extremely rare; when present, the lesion invades the middle ear space. Herein, a rare case of a soft mass filling the external auditory canal, not involving the tympanic membrane, in a symptomatic 59-year-old male is described. Clinical and audiological characteristics, imaging studies and surgical treatment with histological evaluation are reported, which led to a diagnosis of a cavernous haemangioma. This is only the seventh case described in the literature, to date, not involving the tympanic membrane and the middle ear space. In addi…

research product

Stapedotomia V.S. Stapedectomia: nostra esperienza

RAZIONALE La chirurgia della staffa ha visto negli ultimi anni molte innovazioni nel trattamento chirurgico dell'otosclerosi. In particolare, la stapedectomia è stata sostituita sempre più dalla stapedotomia prima con metodo classico e successivamente con metodica invertita, in quanto si ritiene che tali varianti chirurgiche consentano una maggiore riduzione del gap tra via ossea e via aerea per le alte frequenze, una migliore discriminazione vocale oltre che minori complicanze intra e post operatorie. Lo scopo del presente studio è stato quello di confrontare i risultati della stapedotomia con la stapedectomia nei pazienti affetti da otosclerosi e in particolare il miglior recupero uditivo…

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Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5 special and quaternionic geometry

We give the N=2 gauged supergravity interpretation of a generic D=4, N=2 theory as it comes from generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5, N=2 (ungauged) supergravity. We focus on the geometric aspects of the D=4 data such as the general form of the scalar potential and masses in terms of the gauging of a ``flat group''. Higgs and super-Higgs mechanism are discussed in some detail.

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Gauging of flat groups in four dimensional supergravity

We show that N=8 spontaneously broken supergravity in four dimensions obtained by Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction can be obtained from a pure four dimensional perspective by gauging a suitable electric subgroup of E_{7,7}. Owing to the fact that there are non isomorphic choices of maximal electric subgroups of the U-duality group their gaugings give rise to inequivalent theories. This in particular shows that the Scherk-Schwarz gaugings do not fall in previous classifications of possible gauged N=8 supergravities. Gauging of flat groups appear in many examples of string compactifications in presence of brane fluxes.

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Tratamiento de las lesiones precancerosas de las cuerdas vocales.

After peer review of clinical and histological classifications of precancerosis lesions, we studied 180 cases in the period 1982 through 1999. We divided clinically the cases in: leucoplakia, erythroplakia and erythroleucoplakia; and histologically in: LIN 1, LIN 2, LIN 3 e carcinoma in situ. After surgery, we considered, in each group, clinical development with follow-up over five years.

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N=2 Super-Higgs, N=1 Poincare' Vacua and Quaternionic Geometry

In the context of N=2 supergravity we explain the occurrence of partial super-Higgs with vanishing vacuum energy and moduli stabilization in a model suggested by superstring compactifications on type IIB orientifolds with 3-form fluxes. The gauging of axion symmetries of the quaternionic manifold, together with the use of degenerate symplectic sections for special geometry, are the essential ingredients of the construction.

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Some aspects of deformations of supersymmetric field theories

We investigate some aspects of Moyal-Weyl deformations of superspace and their compatibility with supersymmetry. For the simplest case, when only bosonic coordinates are deformed, we consider a four dimensional supersymmetric field theory which is the deformation of the Wess-Zumino renormalizable theory of a chiral superfield. We then consider the deformation of a free theory of an abelian vector multiplet, which is a non commutative version of the rank one Yang-Mills theory. We finally give the supersymmetric version of the $\alpha'\mapsto 0$ limit of the Born-Infeld action with a B-field turned on, which is believed to be related to the non commutative U(1) gauge theory.

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Effetti dei campi elettromagnetici sull’udito valutati mediante ABR: risultati preliminari

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On Central Charges and Hamiltonians for 0-brane dynamics

We consider general properties of central charges of zero branes and associated duality invariants, in view of their double role, on the bulk and on the world volume (quantum-mechanical) theory. A detailed study of the BPS condition for the mass spectrum arising from toroidal compactifications is given for 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS states in any dimensions. As a byproduct, we retreive the U-duality invariant conditions on the charge (zero mode) spectrum and the orbit classification of BPS states preserving different fractions of supersymmetry. The BPS condition for 0-branes in theories with 16 supersymmetries in any dimension is also discussed.

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In vivo Microperfusion Studies: Validation and Potential Uses in Critical Patients

Recent studies have suggested an increase in sepsis rates, this increase is due to several factors, such as the increase in the average age of the population, the growing number of invasive procedures and use of immunosuppressive drugs. The increase in sepsis incidence causes localized endothelial damage in various regions, it was this aspect that led us to focus the studies on the endothelium and in vivo microperfusion investigations in order to contribute to the scientific knowledge in this field. The present study will meticulously analyze this current and complex issue that affects on a daily basis, everyone involved in critical patient care.

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Inferior turbinate surgery.Proceedings in V European Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Rodos 11-16 September 2004. pp. 197-199.

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Duality and Spontaneously Broken Supergravity in Flat Backgrounds

It is shown that the super Higgs mechanism that occurs in a wide class of models with vanishing cosmological constant (at the classical level) is obtained by the gauging of a flat group which must be an electric subgroup of the duality group. If the residual massive gravitinos which occur in the partial supersymmetry breaking are BPS saturated, then the flat group is non abelian. This is so for all the models obtained by a Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking mechanism. If gravitinos occur in long multiplets, then the flat groups may be abelian. This is the case of supersymmetry breaking by string compactifications on an orientifold T^6/Z_2 with non trivial brane fluxes.

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Horizon geometry, duality and fixed scalars in six dimensions

We consider the problem of extremizing the tension for BPS strings in D=6 supergravities with different number of supersymmetries. General formulae for fixed scalars and a discussion of degenerate directions is given. Quantized moduli, according to recent analysis, are supposed to be related to conformal field theories which are the boundary of three dimensional anti-de Sitter space time.

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Axion gauge symmetries and generalized Chern-Simons terms inN=1 supersymmetric theories

We compute the form of the Lagrangian of N=1 supersymmetric theories with gauged axion symmetries. It turns out that there appear generalized Chern-Simons terms that were not considered in previous superspace formulations of general N=1 theories. Such gaugings appear in supergravities arising from flux compactifications of superstrings, as well as from Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction in M-theory. We also present the dual superspace formulation where axion chiral multiplets are dualized into linear multiplets.

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Hemangiopericytoma: A cause of recurrent epistaxis

Hemangiopericytoma is a soft tissue tumor with histological variability and unpredictable clinical and biological behavior. this disease is uncommon in the head and neck and the growth pattern is unspecific; thus, diagnosis is often made by exclusion. A 43-year-old woman presented with a story of recurrent epistaxis associated to a growing mass in the paranasal sinus and a paraneoplastic syndrome. the imaging revealed an hypervascular tumor in the right nasal cavity and obliteration of all the ipsilateral sinus cavities. after biopsy the lesion was removed with resolution of epistaxis and paraneoplastic syndrome. There has been no evidence of disease recurrence in 3 years of follow-up. Our …

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On the Embedding of Space-Time Symmetries into Simple Superalgebras

We explore the embedding of Spin groups of arbitrary dimension and signature into simple superalgebras in the case of extended supersymmetry. The R-symmetry, which generically is not compact, can be chosen compact for all the cases that are congruent mod 8 to the physical conformal algebra so($D-2$,2), $D\geq 3$. An $\rm{so}(1,1)$ grading of the superalgebra is found in all cases. Central extensions of super translation algebras are studied in this framework.

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Follow-up a 5 anni dell’otite sieromucosa ricorrente nei bambini.

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Fatores que influenciam a ocorrência de otite media entre crianças sicilianas com infecções de vias aéreas superiores

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Upper respiratory tract infection is a nonspecific term used to describe an acute infection involving the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx. Upper respiratory tract infections in children are often associated with Eustachian tube dysfunction and complicated by otitis media, an inflammatory process within the middle ear. Environmental, epidemiologic and familial risk factors for otitis media (such as sex, socioeconomic and educational factors, smoke exposure, allergy or duration of breastfeeding) have been previously reported, but actually no data about their diffusion among Sicilian children with upper respiratory tract infections are available. OBJECTIVE: T…

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L’iperplasia angiolinfoide con eosinofilia (ALHE) è una rara malattia benigna ad eziologia poco chiara, anche se la malattia viene considerata dalla maggior parte degli autori un processo reattivo o di natura vascolare amartomatosa. Colpisce con leggera prevalenza il sesso femminile tra la III e la V decade ed è caratterizzata da lesioni papulose e nodulari con sede elettiva al capo, al collo e al condotto uditivo esterno, senza linfadenopatia e con lieve eosinofilia periferica. Dal punto di vista istologico è presente una proliferazione vascolare dermica e/o ipodermica accompagnata da un infiltrato in gran parte costituito da linfociti, istiociti ed eosinofili. Gli autori descrivono un cas…

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Gli Autori descrivono i vantaggi dell’adenoidectomia eseguita in video-endoscopia per la possibilità di asportare completamente la tonsilla faringea ed il tessuto linfatico peritubarico, spesso responsabile delle otiti sieromucose recidivanti. Infine espongono una tecnica chirurgica personale, che consente la sicura asportazione totale della tonsilla faringea.

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Su 2 casi di miringite cronica granulare. Otorinolaringol 2004;54:175-78.

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4-D gauged supergravity analysis of type IIB vacua on K3xT2/Z2

We analyze N = 2, 1, 0 vacua of type-IIB string theory on K3 x T-2/Z(2) orientifold in presence of three-form fluxes from a four dimensional supergravity viewpoint. The quaternionic geometry of the K3 moduli space together with the special geometry of the NS and R-R dilatons and of the T-2-complex structure moduli play a crucial role in the analysis. The introduction of fluxes corresponds to a particular gauging of N = 2, D = 4 supergravity. Our results agree with a recent work of Tripathy and Trivedi. The present formulation shows the power of supergravity in the study of effective theories with broken supersymmetry.

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Otite media atelettasica, adesiva, timpanosclerotica: update medico e chirurgico

Otitis media secretive is one of the most common ear diseases characterized by frequent sequelae and complications; in particular the authors describe middle ear atelectasis with pocket retraction of tympanic membrane, pocket retraction limited to pars tensa or to pars flaccida, adhesive otitis media, partial or total myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. For each disease the Authors comment the best surgical approaches to preserve and restore conductive hearing loss. As for middle ear atelectasis, adhesive otitis media, myringosclerosis and partial tympanosclerosis it was evidenced a significant hearing gain while in total tympanosclerosis there was an initial hearing improvement in a sho…

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Integration of massive states as contractions of non linear sigma-models

We consider the contraction of some non linear sigma models which appear in effective supergravity theories. In particular we consider the contractions of maximally symmetric spaces corresponding to N=1 and N=2 theories, as they appear in certain low energy effective supergravity actions with mass deformations. The contraction procedure is shown to describe the integrating out of massive modes in the presence of interactions, as it happens in many supergravity models after spontaneous supersymmetry breaking.

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Supersymmetry in non commutative superspaces

Non commutative superspaces can be introduced as the Moyal-Weyl quantization of a Poisson bracket for classical superfields. Different deformations are studied corresponding to constant background fields in string theory. Supersymmetric and non supersymmetric deformations can be defined, depending on the differential operators used to define the Poisson bracket. Some examples of deformed, 4 dimensional lagrangians are given. For extended superspace (N>1), some new deformations can be defined, with no analogue in the N=1 case.

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Rara complicanza di un caso di litiasi parotidea. (poster).

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