M. Al Monthery
Large Shape Staggering in Neutron-Deficient Bi Isotopes
Identification of sub-μs isomeric states in the odd-odd nucleus 178Au
The neutron-deficient gold (Z=79) isotopes in the vicinity of the neutron midshell N=104 provide prolific examples of shape coexistence and isomerism at low excitation energy. They can be probed via a number of different experimental techniques. In this study, two new isomeric states with half-lives of 294(7) and 373(9) ns have been observed in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nuclide 178Au (N=99) in an experiment at the RITU gas-filled separator at JYFL, Jyväskylä. This result was achieved due to the use of a segmented planar germanium detector with a high efficiency at low energies. By applying the recoil-decay tagging technique, they were assigned to decay to two different long-lived α-deca…
Identification of a 6.6μs isomeric state in 175Ir
An experiment has been performed to study excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus 175Ir via the use of the JUROGAM II high-purity germanium detector array and the RITU gas-filled separator at JYFL, Jyväskylä. By using isomer tagging, an isomeric state with a half-life of 6.58(15) μs has been observed in 175Ir for the first time. It has been established that the isomer decays via a 45.2 (E1)–26.1 (M1) keV cascade to new states below the previously reported ground state in 175Ir with Iπ = (5/2−). We now reassign this (5/2−) state to the isomeric state discovered in this study. peerReviewed
Hyperfine anomaly in gold and magnetic moments of $I^{\pi}$ $= 11/2^{−}$ gold isomers
Physical review / C 101(3), 034308 (2020). doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.101.034308
Change in structure between the $I = 1/2$ states in $^{181}$Tl and $^{177,179}$Au
Abstract The first accurate measurements of the α-decay branching ratio and half-life of the I π = 1 / 2 + ground state in 181Tl have been made, along with the first determination of the magnetic moments and I = 1 / 2 spin assignments of the ground states in 177,179Au. The results are discussed within the complementary systematics of the reduced α-decay widths and nuclear g factors of low-lying, I π = 1 / 2 + states in the neutron-deficient lead region. The findings shed light on the unexpected hindrance of the 1 / 2 + → 1 / 2 + , 181Tl → g 177 Aug α decay, which is explained by a mixing of π 3 s 1 / 2 and π 2 d 3 / 2 configurations in 177Aug, whilst 181Tlg remains a near-pure π 3 s 1 / 2 .…
Shape coexistence in Au 187 studied by laser spectroscopy
Hyperfine-structure parameters and isotope shift of the 9/2$^−$ isomeric state in $^{187}$Au relative to $^{197}$Au for the 267.6-nm atomic transition have been measured for the first time using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. The magnetic dipole moment and change in the mean-square charge radius for this 9/2$^−$ isomer have been deduced. The observed large isomer shift relative to the 1/2$^+$ ground state in $^{187}$Au confirms the occurrence of the shape coexistence in $^{187}$Au proposed earlier from the analysis of the nuclear spectroscopic data and particle plus triaxial rotor calculations. The analysis of the magnetic moment supports the previously proposed …
Identification of a 6.6μs isomeric state in Ir175
Identification of sub- μs isomeric states in the odd-odd nucleus Au178
The neutron-deficient gold (Z=79) isotopes in the vicinity of the neutron midshell N=104 provide prolific examples of shape coexistence and isomerism at low excitation energy. They can be probed via a number of different experimental techniques. In this study, two new isomeric states with half-lives of 294(7) and 373(9) ns have been observed in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nuclide Au178 (N=99) in an experiment at the RITU gas-filled separator at JYFL, Jyvaskyla. This result was achieved due to the use of a segmented planar germanium detector with a high efficiency at low energies. By applying the recoil-decay tagging technique, they were assigned to decay to two different long-lived α-deca…
Large shape staggering in neutron-deficient Bi isotopes
The changes in the mean-square charge radius (relative to 209Bi), magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole moments of 187,188,189,191Bi were measured using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique at ISOLDE (CERN). A large staggering in radii was found in 187,188,189Big, manifested by a sharp radius increase for the ground state of 188Bi relative to the neighboring 187,189Big. A large isomer shift was also observed for 188Bim. Both effects happen at the same neutron number, N=105, where the shape staggering and a similar isomer shift were observed in the mercury isotopes. Experimental results are reproduced by mean-field calculations where the ground or isomeric states were…