Giulia Letizia Mauro

The burden of previous fractures in hip fracture patients. The Break Study

A positive history of fractures in older patients with hip fracture is common. We determined the risk factors associated with a positive history of fractures and the profile of care in hip fracture patients. In the Break Study, we enrolled 1249 women aged ≥60 years, seeking care for a hip fracture. Baseline information included age, body mass index, lifestyle (smoking habit, alcohol consumption), patient's history of fracture after the age of 50 years, family history of fragility fracture and health status (presence of comorbidity, use of specific drugs, pre-fracture walking ability, type of fracture, time to surgery, type of surgery, osteoporosis treatment). In the multivariable model age,…

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Clinical and Functional Outcome After Abdominal Wall Incisional Hernia Repair: Evaluation of Quality-of-Life Improvement and Comparison of Assessment Scales.

Background Hernias severely impact patient quality of life (QoL), and 80% of patients need surgical operation. The primary outcome of the study is to assess improvements in balance, posture and deambulation after abdominal hernia repair. Moreover, the study investigated the improvement in the postoperative QoL. Methods Patients operated at the Policlinico “Paolo Giaccone” at Palermo University Hospital between June 2015 and June 2017 were identified in a prospective database. The functional outcome measures and QoL assessment scales used were numeric rating scale for pain, performance-oriented mobility assessment (POMA) scale, Quebec back pain disability scale, center of gravity (barycenter…

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Reply to: Denosumab for bone health in prostate and breast cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy? A systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized trials (Galvano et al., J Bone Oncol 2019; 18:100252)

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L'idrochinesiterapia nel recupero dell'arto superiore dopo allungamento dei flessori del gomito e asportazione di paraosteoartropatia di spalla in soggetto spatico. Nostra Esperienza

La spasticità, oltre a determinare alterazioni dei fisiologici schemi di movimento, siaccompagna a complicanze musoclo- scheletriche per le quali spesso si ricorre all'intervento chirurgico. La riabilitazione, partendo da un'accurata valutazione pre e postoperatoria del malato, da un lato mira al recupero e al mantenimento dell'articolarità, dall'altro al ripristino della motilità volontaria e della destrezza dei movimenti. L'idrochinesiterapia offre evidenti vantaggi nel trattamento di questi soggetti. In questo lavoro si espone la nostra esperienza su un paziente di 38 anni con esiti di trauma cranio-encefalico sottoposto dapprima ad intervento chirurgico sull'arto superiore ed in seguito…

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Intra-Articular Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

The purpose of the present paper was to review the available evidence on intra-articular botulinum toxin (BTX) injection in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis and to compare it to other conservative treatment options. A systematic review of the literature was performed on the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Pedro and Research Gate databases with the following inclusion criteria: (1) randomized controlled trials (RCTs), (2) written in the English language, and (3) published on indexed journals in the last 20 years (2001–2021) dealing with the use of BTX intra-articular injection for the treatment of knee OA. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias to…

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Combined Point of Care Tools Are Able to Improve Treatment Adherence and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Severe Hemophilia: An Observational Prospective Study

Introduction: Ultrasound (US) assessment of joints is an evolving point of care tool for the detection of early joint arthropathy (Napolitano M, Kessler CM. Hemophilia A and B. Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Kitchens, 4th edition); population pharmacokinetic (pop-PK) studies are adopted as a useful instrument to set the prophylaxis regimen for patients with hemophilia, they may improve adherence (Nagao A.et al. Thromb Res. 2019 Jan; 173:79-84) and reduce the annual bleeding rate (ABR). Adherence to continuous intravenous administrations of factor VIII or Factor IX products is challenging, thus patients may experience breakthrough bleedings while on prophylaxis. Repeated US examinat…

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Fratture da fragilità, fattori di rischio clinico e comorbidità: studio retrospettivo a lungo termine

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The effectiveness of intra-articular injectionc of Hyalubrix combined with exercise therapy in the tratment of hip osteoarthritis

Purpose. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder in the elderly, causing significant pain which negatively affects mobility and quality ol liie. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of ultrasound Ímage-guided intra-articular injections of Hyalubrix@ combined with exercise therapy in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. Methods. This was a single site, prospèctive, open-fabel, Investigator-initiated study. Forty patients rilere enrolled and received three ultrasound image.guided injections of Hyalubrix@, 45 days apart, combined with three sessions a week of physícal therapy (proprioceptive rehabilitation of the lower limbs; gait training; balance training) up to…

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Prescription of anti-osteoporosis medications after hospitalization for hip fracture: a multicentre Italian survey.

Purpose: Literature data indicate that the proportion of patients with recent hip fracture who receive a prescription for anti-osteoporotic drugs is low and does not seem to increase over time. This study aimed to obtain data on the prescription for anti-osteoporotic drugs in Italian patients discharged after a recent hip fracture and to assess which variables could have influenced the decision for prescribing osteoporosis medication. Methods: A total of four Italian centres located in four different geographical areas (Siena, Verona, Naples and Palermo) participated in this retrospective study. In each centre, experienced clinicians gathered the data of up to 200 consecutive patients disch…

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Il trattamento riabilitativo nel paziente con sindrome del tunnel carpale. Nostra esperienza.

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Polinucleotidi vs acido ialuronico nelle in filtrazioni ecoguidate dell'anca artrosica. Risultati preliminari

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Artrosi dell'anca, mai sottovalutarla. Agire in fretta per prevenire la deformità

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Erratum to: The burden of previuos fractures in hip fracture patients. The Break Study

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Co-morbidities in patients with hip osteoarthritis and treated with ecoguided infiltrations of Hyaluronic acid: study of the effectiveness of the treatment

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The incidence of hip, forearm, humeral, ankle, and vertebral fragility fractures in Italy: results from a 3-year multicenter study

Introduction: We aimed to assess the incidence and hospitalization rate of hip and "minor" fragility fractures in the Italian population.Methods: We carried out a 3-year survey at 10 major Italian emergency departments to evaluate the hospitalization rate of hip, forearm, humeral, ankle, and vertebral fragility fractures in people 45 years or older between 2004 and 2006, both men and women. These data were compared with those recorded in the national hospitalizations database (SDO) to assess the overall incidence of fragility fractures occurring at hip and other sites, including also those events not resulting in hospital admissions.Results: We observed 29,017 fractures across 3 years, with…

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An Integrated Pharmacophore/Docking/3D-QSAR Approach to Screening a Large Library of Products in Search of Future Botulinum Neurotoxin A Inhibitors

Botulinum toxins are neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. This toxin can be lethal for humans as a cause of botulism

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Aderenza alla terapia farmacologica con bisfosfonati: nostra esperienza

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Trasferimento energetico capacitivo e resistivo nella cervicoartrosi: nostra esperienza.

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Vertebral fracture, function and cognitive status in osteoporotic hip fractured women: The FOCUS study

Osteoporosis is characterizated by low bone mass and microarchitectural modifications of bone tissue with a consequent increase in fragility fracture.

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Screening dell'ipovitaminosi D nei pazienti con anemia falciforme: nostra esperienza

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Attitudes toward the SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Vaccination in the Metropolitan Cities of Bologna and Palermo, Italy

Vaccine hesitancy (VH) is known to play a relevant role in thwarting the efforts toward reaching satisfactory influenza vaccination coverage, and has caused similar difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to describe the phenomenon and produce insights on the reasons behind VH. A survey was administered between December 2020 and February 2021 to adults living in the cities of Bologna and Palermo. Of the 443 subjects enrolled, 47.3% were likely to get the influenza vaccination, while 75.6% were willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. The most frequent determinants that motivated the willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine were trust in the safety of vaccines and belie…

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Vitamina D ed osteoartrosi

La vitamina D ha un ruolo nel controllo di alcune vie dell’immunità innata e nell’ipostenia del quadricipite, fattori rilevanti nella patogenesi dell’osteoartrosi del ginocchio. Bassi livelli di 25(OH)D sono associati ad una aumentata progressione radiografica dell’OA. L’ipovitaminosi D è associata ad alterazioni cartilaginee evidenziabili mediante studi di imaging nell’artrosi del ginocchio. L’ipovitaminosi D non è associata ad altre localizzazioni osteoartrosiche .

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Comorbidità in pazienti con fratture dell'estremo prossimale di femore

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Femoral neck’s fracture in Fahr’s Syndrome: case report

Fahr's syndrome, also known as "Bilateral Striopallidodentate Calcinosis" (BSPDC) primitive, is a rare neurological disease characterized by the presence of idiopathic, bilateral, symmetrical and abnormal deposition of calcium in areas of the brain that control movements including the basal ganglia, dentate nuclei of the cerebellum, nuclei of thalamus and semi-oval center. We describe a case of a 76-year-old male patient underwent reduction and fixation of a subtrochanteric fracture with intramedullary nail. During post-operative rehabilitation therapists's patient management was difficult due to obvious extrapyramidal symptoms characterized by dysarthria, rigidity, bradykinesia, postural i…

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La paralisi del plesso brachiale continua a rappresentare una drammatica conseguenza dei parti complicati. Il trattamento riabilitativo in queste lesioni è fondamentale in quanto le forme non trattate hanno una prognosi sfavorevole. Il trattamento in acqua ha permesso il normale sviluppo delle attività psico motorie.

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Rehabilitative interventions for ischaemic digital ulcers, pain, and hand functioning in systemic sclerosis: a prospective before-after study

Abstract Background Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare connective tissue disease characterised by immune dysfunction, vasculopathy, cellular inflammation, fibrosis of the skin associated with multiple internal organs involvement. Ischaemic digital ulcers (IDU) of the hands commonly occur in patients with SSc adversely affecting functional independence. Purpose Aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of a rehabilitation protocol based on the combined use of ultrasound (US) therapy and therapeutic exercise in terms of ulcers healing, pain relief, and hand functioning in patients affected by SSc with IDUs. Moreover, we also investigated the safety of the proposed intervention. Stu…

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Approccio clinico e riabilitativo al paziente protesizzato di ginocchio

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Can Vitamin D deficiency influence muscle perfomance in post-menopausal women? A multicenter retrospective study

Background: The presence of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) has been recently demonstrated in human muscle supporting the theory of a role of vitamin D in the proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells. So far only few studies investigated the association between vitamin D and muscle performance in postmenopausal women. Aim: To define the functional impact of vitamin D deficiency. Design: Multicenter retrospective study. Setting: Five Italian outpatient services of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM). Population: Postmenopausal women. Methods: We divided the population in two groups based on the threshold of 30 ng/mL as cut-off to define sufficient and insufficient serum levels o…

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Pain monitoring and management in a rehabilitation setting after total joint replacement

Abstract Total hip replacement (THR) and, particularly, total knee replacement (TKR), are painful surgical procedures. Effective postoperative pain management leads to a better and earlier functional recovery and prevents chronic pain. Studies on the control of pain during the postoperative rehabilitation period are not common. The aim of this study is to present results of a perioperative anesthetic protocol, and a pain treatment protocol in use in the Orthopaedic and the Rehabilitation intensive units of our Hospital. 100 patients (50 THR and 50 TKR) were retrospectively included in this observational study. Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) for pain at rest registered in the clinical sheet was …

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Vertebral fragility fractures, usually occurring in elderly people affected by osteoporosis, due to bones resistance alteration, produce balance disorders [1].Balance is the correct connection between the subject and the surrounding environment [2]. Neuro-physiological, biomechanical, emotional, psychological and relational factors have an important influence in posture assessment and balance maintenance, because of the universally recognized role of “polisensorial system.” A preferential motor-sensorial strategy is always present with possibility of readaptation during life, especially after a central or peripheral injury, establishing neuro-plastic processes and compensation mechanisms to…

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Introduction: Fragility fractures are the cause of 43 thousand deaths: 50% are caused by femur fractures, 28% by vertebral fractures and 22% by various fractures in women, in men the percentages are 47%, 39% and 14% respectively. Vertebral fractures are the most common, 30-50% women over age 50 will experience one of them. Worldwide, is estimated that a new vertebral fracture occurs every 22 seconds. Additionally, vertebral fractures strongly predict the risk of both further fractures and re-fractures, in any skeletal segment. Vertebral fractures are often asymptomatic. Early diagnosis of these is extremely important. The aim of the study is to show, within a population of women over-50 in …

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Linee guida Raccomandazioni internazionali - Approccio globale riabilitativo al paziente con osteoporosi

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Multifactorial Assessment of Risk of Falling in 753 Post-Menopausal Women: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study by the Italian Group for the Study of Metabolic Bone Diseases

Giovanni Iolascon,1 Alessandro de Sire,1– 3 Dario Calafiore,1,4 Maria Grazia Benedetti,5 Carlo Cisari,2,6 Giulia Letizia Mauro,7 Silvia Migliaccio,8 Ranuccio Nuti,9 Giuseppina Resmini,10 Stefano Gonnelli,9 Antimo Moretti1 1Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties and Dentistry, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy; 2Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Department of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont “A. Avogadro”, Novara, Italy; 3Rehabilitation Unit, “Mons L. Novarese” Hospital, Vercelli, Moncrivello, Italy; 4Section of Neuromotor Rehabilitation, Department of Neuroscience, ASST Ca…

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Does the association of therapeutic exercise and supplementation with sucrosomial magnesium improve posture and balance and prevent the risk of new falls?

Abstract Background Fracture of the proximal femur is the most feared complication of osteoporosis. Given the numerous physiological functions that magnesium performs in our body, in the literature there is a correlation between osteoporosis and low serum levels of magnesium. Aim Evaluate the incidence of hypomagnesemia in patients with lateral fragility fracture of the proximal femur, the possible correlation between serum magnesium levels and fractures, and the effectiveness of supplementing Sucrosomial® magnesium associated with therapeutic exercise on the outcome of these patients. Methods We divided the study into two parts. In the first part, we assessed the preoperative incidence of …

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Trattamento riabilitativo interventistico ecoguidato nella fascite plantare

Con il termine "fascite plantare" si intende un processo infiammatorio della aponeurosi o fascia plantare, strettamente correlato ai microtraumi che il piede sopporta durante la falcata. Nel periodo compreso tra giugno 2011 e gennaio 2013 sono stati reclutati presso l'U.O.C di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone, 78 pazienti affetti da fascite plantare monolaterale e trattati con 3 infiltrazioni di metilprednisolone acetato e lidocaina in sede dolorosa sull'inserzione calcaneare della fascia sotto guida ecografica e prescrizione di un'ortesi plantare. I dati ottenuti dimostrano risultati soddisfacenti nella riduzione della sintomatologia algica nel breve, medio e lungo termine.

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Osteoporosis affects the skeletal system and is characterized by a reduction in bone strength that predisposes one to an increased risk of fractures. In Italy, about 3.5 million women and 1 million men suffers from osteoporosis. These numbers are set to increase in the coming twenty years because the percentage of the Italian population over 65 will increase by 25%. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the general characteristics of a population of patients suffering from osteoporosis and the relation with comorbidity. A single site, open-label, investigator-initiated, retrospective trial was conducted at the Bone Metabolic Disease Clinic, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitat…

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A Prospective Open‐Label Observational Study of a Buffered Soluble 70 mg Alendronate Effervescent Tablet on Upper Gastrointestinal Safety and Medication Errors: The GastroPASS Study

Upper gastrointestinal (GI) side effects are a main reason for discontinuing bisphosphonate treatment, an important therapeutic option for osteoporosis patients. Consequently, the development of novel formulations with improved tolerability is warranted. In this multicenter prospective, observational, postauthorization safety study conducted in Italy and Spain, postmenopausal women (PMW) with osteoporosis (naïve to bisphosphonates) were treated weekly with a buffered soluble alendronate 70 mg effervescent (ALN-EFF) tablet (Binosto®) and followed for 12 ± 3 months. Information was collected on adverse events (AEs), medication errors, persistence, and compliance using the Morisky-Green questi…

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Effectiveness of rehabilitation on pain and function in people affected by hemophilia

Introduction: Literature provides unclear evidence of the effectiveness of many physiotherapy interventions on pain intensity, quality of life, and functional ability in hemophilic patients, and suggests that rehabilitation programs should be focused on functional goals and the disability of patients. Aim: The aim of the present study is to present the outcome of a case series of patients with hemophilia in which a rehabilitation program has been carried out on the basis of a specific individual patient’s functional impairment. Methods: Fifty-one patients were enrolled: 32 patients (Rehab Group) received a rehabilitative treatment, 19 patients for different reasons (living far from the hosp…

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Protocollo riabilitativo integrato tra ultrasuoniterapia ed esercizio terapeutico vs magnetoterapia, ultrasuoni e rieducazione funzionale nella gonartrosi di I-II grado.

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Physical Agent Modalities in Early Osteoarthritis: A Scoping Review

Early osteoarthritis (EOA) still represents a challenge for clinicians. Although there is no consensus on its definition and diagnosis, a prompt therapeutic intervention in the early stages can have a significant impact on function and quality of life. Exercise remains a core treatment for EOA; however, several physical modalities are commonly used in this population. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of physical agents in the treatment of EOA. A technical expert panel (TEP) of 8 medical specialists with expertise in physical agent modalities and musculoskeletal conditions performed the review following the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and …

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Sinergismo di azione tra trattamento farmacologico e riabilitativo nel paziente osteoporotico.

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Ultrasound-guided viscosupplementation in glenohumeral microinstability in sports athletes

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Assessment of Early Juvenil Idiopathic Scoliosis: Clinical Trial for the Evaluation of A School-Based Screening Protocol

Abstract This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical tests currently in use for the diagnosis of JIS, through a survey, carried out in secondary schools in the province of Palermo, in order to standardize a school screening protocol that could be extended to the whole regional territory. The adolescents underwent a specialist physiatric examination in their classrooms; moreover three screening tests have been administred: Adams test, Bunnel Inclinometer and Plumb line test. In case of single positivity to one of the three tests, the adolescent underwent to radiography of the whole column. Then we examined the sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of the Adams or inclinometer …

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Case report: laser Nd:YAG e rieducazione funzionale nella sindrome del piriforme

La sindrome del piriforme è caratterizzata da una lombalgia con interessamento del gluteo e con possibile irradiazione all'arto inferiore; può essere definita come una patologia dovuta ad intrappolamento, compressione o irritazione del nervo sciatico a livello del muscolo piriforme con o senza deficit neurologici. In questo studio è stata valutata l'efficacia della sinergia terapeutica tra laser Neodimio:YAG e rieducazione funzionale nella riduzione del dolore e nel miglioramento dell'indipendenza funzionale in una paziente affetta da sindrome del piriforme.

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Nostra esperienza nella coxartosi: Trattamento riabilitativo integrato alla viscosupplementazione

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Nello studio della traumatologia da sport particolare interesse riscuotono le lesioni del collo piede. Scopo dello studio valutare l'efficacia in un gruppo di 30 pazienti di un protocollo riabilitativo mirato al controllo neuromomuscolare in atleti con distorsione della tibio peroneo astragalica. Dopo 4 settimane riscontrata una migliorat articolarità.

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Trattamento riabilitativo dopo acromion-plastica ed impianto di spaziatore sub-acromiale per lesione della cuffia dei rotatori

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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis screening: Could a school-based assessment protocol be useful for an early diagnosis?

BACKGROUND: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis screening still needs a considerable implementation, particularly throughout a school-based assessment protocol. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical examinations currently in use for the diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, through a survey carried out in secondary schools to standardize a screening protocol that could be generalized. METHODS: In their classrooms, the adolescents underwent an idiopathic scoliosis screening through three examinations: Adam’s test, axial trunk rotation (ATR) and plumb line. In case of single positivity to one of the three examinations, a column X-ray examination was recommen…

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Osteoporosis from etiopathogenesis to rehabilitation

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Studio RIFRA: il rischio fratturativo in Italia

L'osteoporosi è un disordine scheletrico cronico-evolutivo, caratferizzato dalla perdita dell'equilibrio del metabolismo osseo con conseguente degenerazione quantitativa e qualitativa che compromette la resistenza dell'osso e predispone ad un aumentato rischio di fratture. Colpisce soprattutto il sesso femminile,conunaprevalenza del33%nelrange tra60eT0aacheaumentaconl'avanzaredell'età. Può rimanere clinicamente silente e successivamente manifestarsi con fratture (vertebrali 100.000 casi/anno, di polso 85.000 casi/anno e femorali 80.000 casi/anno). Le fratture da fragilità comportano gravi conse gseîze, sia a livello clinico individuale che sociale ed economico; rappresenrano pertanto una fo…

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Valutazioni cliniche e bioumorali dopo 24 mesi di terapia con denosumab

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Tecarterapia versus ionoforesi e ultrasuoni nel trattamento delle epicondiliti: approcci terapeutici a confronto

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Trattamento riabilitativo della sclerodermia

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Trattamento riabilitativo nella rottura traumatica del tendine quadricipitale nella malattia di Pompe

La glicogenosi di tipo II o malattia di Pompe è una rara miopatia metabolica a trasmissione A.R., causata da mutazioni nel gene che codifica l'enzima lisosomiale alfa-glucosidasi acida, catalizzatore del processo di degradazione del glicogeno a glucosio. Presso l'U.O.C. di riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P Paolo Giaccone giungeva nel marzo 2013 il signor B.G, di anni 52 con diagnosi di "postumi di intervento chirurgico di riparazione del tendine quadricipitale destro", per sottoporsi a trattamento riabilitativo in regime di DH; il paziente era affetto a glicogenosi metabolica di tipo II, diagnosticata nel 2007. nel nostro paziente l'esercizio terapeutico mirato al recupero del ROM e del tonotrofi…

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Improvement of quality of life during treatment with anabolic therapy: results of multicenter study

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Management riabilitativo del paziente con spondilite anchilosante

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Efficacy and tolerability of a fixed dose combination of cortex phospholipid liposomes and cyanocobalamin for intramuscular use in peripheral neuropathies

Peripheral neuropathies are frequently encourtered in clinical practice and are assiociated with a major impairment in quality of life . Howewvwr, their management reamans poor, and current therapies are often burdened with major side effects and can present poor efficacy on pain and functionality. Therefore, it has been suggested that the combination of two or more different drugs may improve analgesis efficacy and reduce side effects. Tricortin 1000 is formulated with 12 mg of Brain cortex phospholipid liposomes + 1000 microgrammi of Cyanocobalamin injectable (PL+ CNCb1) for intramuscolar use and is indicated in the tratment of poly-algo-neuropathic syndromes. This combination exerts a ma…

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Polinucleotides versus ialuronic acid in ecoguided hip infiltration: preliminary results

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Case report: esiti di crush syndrome complicata da poliradicolonevrite

LOa crush syndrome o rabdomiolisi traumatica è una patologia conseguente a compressione prolungata (h 4-6) su uno o più arti ed è caratterizzata da shock ipovolemico e blocco renale conseguenti ad una lesione da schiacciamento a carico di più muscoli. questo case report si propone di descrivere la presa in carico riabilitativa di un soggetto affetto da crush syndrome, associata a lesione completa del plesso brachiale destro, incompleta di quello sinistro e poliradicolonevrite di Guillan-Barrè.

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L'efficacia della tecar-terapia nel trattamento della fascite plantare.

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Trattamento riabilitativo della gonartrosi di grado severo non operabile

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Case-control study in an integrated treatment of gonarthrosis using magnetotherapy and therapeutic exercise VS the same treatment in association with endo-articular injections.

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Osteoporosi: prevenzione e trattamento riabilitativo

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Treatment adherence and QoL with intermittent PTH therapy: Results from a multicentre Italian study after 6 months

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La malattia di Ollier è una displasia condromatosa congenita caratterizzata dalla presenza di encondromi multipli con deformità ossee associate. Nel nostro studio presentiamo il caso clinico di un pz D.S.D. di sesso maschile di 59 anni affetta da malattia di Ollier giunto presso il nostro ambulatorio nel dicembre 2013 lamentando poliartralgie con prevalente interessamento delle anche e delle ginocchia. associate a limitazione funzionale e difficoltà nella deambulazione da diversi anni.Il pazinete è stato sottoposto au progetto-programma riabilitativo individuale consistente in TENS, rieuducazione funzionale e propriocettiva degli arti inferiori e trainig deambulatorio eseguito a cadenza quo…

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Approccio farmacologico topico all'artralgia

non disponibile

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Trattamento infiltrativo e riabilitativo nella coxartrosi: risultati a lungo termine

L'artrosi d'anca è tra le patologie piu' frequenti ed invalidanti del nuovo millennio. Evidenze scientifiche dimostrano che un numero sempre maggiore di soggetti, anche giovani, si sottopongono a protesizzazione. Il presente studio è stato effettuato al fine di ottenere evidenza clinica sull'effetto analgesico immediato e a medio termine della terapia infiltrativa eco-guidata con HA a medio/alto p.m. I risultati mostrano come 3 infiltrazioni, eseguite a distanza di 30 giorni l'una dall'altra, siano ben tollerate e detrminano un elevato grado di soddisfazione da parte del paziente, in termini di efficacia per almeno 6 mesi. Il follow-up a 12 mesi ha evidenziato un effettivo mantenimento dei …

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Early Denosumab for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in breast cancer women undergoing aromatase inhibitors: A case-control retrospective study

BACKGROUND: Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) might have a detrimental impact on bone health in breast cancer (BC) women. Denosumab has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures, but the appropriate time for starting is yet to be clearly defined. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of early treatment with Denosumab (⩽ 12 months after starting AIs) compared to a delayed treatment in BC women. METHODS: In this retrospective case-control study, we included medical records of BC post-menopausal women, treated with AIs therapy; they were divided as: study group (starting Denosumab ⩽ 12 months after AIs) and control group (> 12 months). At the baseline (T0) and at 18 months (T1), we evaluated the lum…

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Nonunion of the carpal navicular: surgical treatment and PRP

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Case- report: frattura di collo- femorale e sindrome di Fahr.

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Effectiveness of Rehabilitative Intervention on Pain, Postural Balance, and Quality of Life in Women with Multiple Vertebral Fragility Fractures: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Patients with vertebral fragility fractures often experience chronic pain, postural and balance disorders, and poor quality of life (QoL). Although several studies have investigated the role of rehabilitation in severe osteoporosis, the effectiveness of this intervention in patients with multiple vertebral fractures is poorly known. The aim of our longitudinal cohort study is to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation, including postural training, resistance exercises, and visual stabilization exercises, for a 7-week period, on the pain, postural balance, and QoL of subjects with at least two vertebral fragility fractures receiving denosumab and vitamin D. We investigated, before (T0) …

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A Systematic Review of Pharmacologic and Rehabilitative Treatment of Small Fiber Neuropathies

The aim of this systematic review is to guide the physician in defining the pharmacologic and rehabilitative therapeutic approaches for adopting the best strategies described in the current literature. The search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and Web of Science to identify the treatment of small fiber neuropathies. Two reviewers independently reviewed and came to a consensus on which articles met inclusion/exclusion criteria. The authors excluded the duplicates, animal studies and included the English articles in which the treatment of patients with small fiber neuropathies was described. The search identified a total of 975 articles with the keywords “small fiber neurop…

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Vitamina D e prevenzione fratture da fragilità

È raccomandato uno screening per la valutazione del deficit della vitamina D solo negli individui a rischio. L’associazione di Vitamina D e calcio riduce il rischio, seppure in maniera lieve, di frattura d’anca, in particolare in popolazioni ad alto rischio (pazienti istituzionalizzati). La Vitamina D da sola non è efficace nella prevenzione della frattura d’anca.L’associazione di Vitamina D e calcio riduce significativamente l’incidenza di nuove fratture non vertebrali e in misura minore di nuove fratture vertebrali. La supplementazione di Vitamina D con o senza calcio è efficace nel migliorare la funzione e la forza della muscolatura prossimale riducendo il rischio di caduta.

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Epicondilite: metodiche riabilitative a confronto

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Il percorso ideale nella gestione del paziente con osteoporosi severa:dalla valutazione del rischio all'approccio multidisciplinare

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Does Transfer Capacitive Resistive Energy Has a Therapeutic Effect on Peyronie's Disease? Randomized, Single-Blind, Sham-Controlled Study on 96 Patients: Fast Pain Relief.

<b><i>Background/Aims/Objectives:</i></b> We have investigated the clinical and physiological effects of Transfer Capacitive Resistive Energy (TCARE) therapy on men with Peyronie's disease (PD). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Ninety-six men with PD have been randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive 3 sessions of TCARE therapy or sham therapy. Pain, penile curvature and erectile function have been assessed before the first treatment and up to 9 months after the end of treatment, using the Visual Analogue Scale for the pain, a goniometer to measure the degree of curvature using at-home photography and an International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) que…

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Sinergismo d'azione tra protocollo riabilitativo ed anti-TNFalfa versus terapia biologica

La spondilite anchilosante è una malattia infiammatoria cronica ad eziologia sconosciuta che colpisce prevalentemente lo scheletro assile ma che può coinvolgere anche le entesi periferiche. Presso l'ambulatorio dell'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.U.O.P. "Paolo Giaccone" di Palermo, in diciotto mesi (Aprile 2011-Maggio 2012) sono stati arruolati 24 soggetti (6 donne- 18 uomini). affetti da Spondilite Anchilosante HLA B27 diagnosticata secondo i criteri europei. Il presente studio ha mostrato efficacia nel trattamento di pazienti con SA mediante un progetto-programma riabilitativo mirato e specifico per distretto articolare. Svolgere con regolarità e costanza l'esercizio terapeutico in assoc…

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Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Neck pain is par excellence one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, second only to low back pain. It constitutes 40 % of all backache. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain of cervical origin coming from an area between the nuchal line and another imagi-nary line that passes through the lower end of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra and the sagittal plans tangent to the side edges of the neck. This definition considers therefore posterior pain which in turn can be divided into high pain, up to C3, and lower pain, down from C4. Also, as all diseases, it can be divided into acute and chronic neck pain, merely according…

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Sinergia d'azione tra il trattamento farmacologico e riabilitativo nell'osteoporosi post-menopausale

L'osteoporosi è un disordine scheletrico caratterizzato da compromissione della resistenza dell'osso che predispone ad un aumentato rischio di fratture. Presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone tra gennaio 2009 e marzo 2013, sono state sottoposte a trattamento farmacologico associata alla somministrazione giornaliera di calcio e vitamina D, 149 donne in età post-menopausale, suddivise in 2 gruppi: il gruppo A è stato sottoposto solamente a terapia farmacologica, il gruppo B ha eseguito, in associazione al trattamento farmacologico, un progetto-programma riabilitativo. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza l'efficacia antifratturativa dei farmaci utilizzati nel trattamento del…

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Prevenzione e trattamento dell'osteoporosi

non disponibile

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Effetti della terapia con Laser Nd- Yag nel trattamento riabilitativo della lombosciatalgia acuta: nostra esperienza

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La riabilitazione nelle fratture atipiche di femore

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Miglioramento della qualità della vita durante il trattamento con terapia anabolica: risultati di uno studio multicentrico

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The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients

Physical exercise is considered an effective means to stimulate bone osteogenesis in osteoporotic patients. The authors reviewed the current literature to define the most appropriate features of exercise for increasing bone density in osteoporotic patients. Two types emerged: (1) weight-bearing aerobic exercises, i.e., walking, stair climbing, jogging, and Tai Chi. Walking alone did not appear to improve bone mass; however it is able to limit its progressive loss. In fact, in order for the weight-bearing exercises to be effective, they must reach the mechanical intensity useful to determine an important ground reaction force. (2) Strength and resistance exercises: these are carried out with…

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Tecar-therapy in the low back pain in acute phase: our experience.

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Tendinopatie inserzionali agli arti inferiori nello sportivo

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Sinergismo tra viscosupplementazione ed esercizio fisico nella coxartrosi

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Protocollo riabilitativo integrato nello sportivo affetto da impingement femoro-acetabolare

L'impingement femoro-acetabolare (FAI) è un processo legato a patologie congenite o acquisite dell'anca, il cui elemento patogenetico principale è l'abnorme contatto tra il cotile acetabolare e l'epifisi prossimale del femore. Presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone sono afferiti, tra gennaio 2011 e ottobre 2012, 24 sportivi amatoriali affetti da FAI (9 femmine - 15 maschi)di età compresa tra i 32 e i 43 anni. Tutti sono stati sottoposti ad un progetto-programma riabilitativo che prevedeva 20 sedute a cadenza giornaliera di rieducazione funzionale segmentaria e globale, rinforzo dei muscoli dell'arto inferiore e recupero del gesto atletico e un ciclo di 3 infiltrazion…

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Le tendinopatie della cuffia dei rotatori rappresentano la causa più frequente di dolore e disabilità della spalla che possono insorgere sia a seguito di episodi traumatici, che in conseguenza di eventi degenerativi da sovraccarico. Si verificano con maggiore frequenza nei soggetti di età superiore ai 45 anni e colpiscono con la stessa frequenza entrambi i sessi. La severità della sintomatologia dolorosa e della conseguente ipostenia possono determinare la riduzione dei movimenti di antepulsione e retropulsione, rotazione esterna e interna, abduzione e adduzione, determinando la riduzione della funzionalità articolare. Una popolazione di 30 soggetti che presentavano una tendinopatia della c…

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Multidisciplinary integrated approach for older adults with symptomatic osteoarthritis: SIMFER and SI-GUIDA Joint Position Statement.

Multidisciplinary approach to osteoarthritis (OA) in older patients, whose functional decline is multifactorial and who present with multiple symptoms, has been long advocated, but it is still seldom implemented in daily practice. Therefore, further indications for the management of OA are eagerly awaited and should consider the specific clinical features of this population, including the presence of frailty and comorbidities. This clinical approach should be based both on well-grounded evidence and practical experience of experts in OA management. This manuscript comments the multidisciplinary integrated approach for OA management in the older population, according to the opinion of a mult…

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Il trattamento riabilitativo integrato alla terapia farmacologica con anticorpo anti RANK-L

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Le amputazioni degli arti inferiori sono particolarmente frequenti; infatti il rapporto arto superior/arto inferiore è di 1/11. Colpiscono prevelentemente gli uomini (M/F:2/1) e sono fortemente correlate all'età. Nel 70% dei casi sono dovute a malattie vascolari, nel 22% a traumi, nel 5% a tumori e nel 3% a deformazioni congenite. Presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'AOUP P.Giaccone di Palermo, da settembre 2012 a maggio 2014 sono stati recluatati 22 pazienti amputati di arto inferiore per cause vascolari (19 uomini e 3 donne) di età compresa tra i 69 ed i 85 anni (età media 77). Tutti i pazienti sono stati valutatai clinicamente e mediante la somministrazione di scale di valutazione per …

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Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: laser CO2 vs intra-articular injections

Analysis of our data shows that the functional rehabilitation associated with the CO2 laser causes a greater reduction in pain, better recovery of joint ROM and increase in muscle strength compared to treatment associated with injections of corticosteriods

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Postural Assessment Systems in the Prevention of Haemophilic Arthropathy: A Narrative Review

This narrative review aims to give an overview of some postural evaluation systems currently used in patients with haemophilia. Among them, first, we analyse the HJHS scale, recognized as a specific evaluation tool for haemophilic arthropathy. Second, we focus on other systems usually used in non-haemophilic patients that have also shown good applicability in this patient category, such as gait analysis, stabilometry, and baropodometric examination. This review underlines the use these tools could have in clinical practice to identify the early postural alterations in patients with haemophilia and set up personalised rehabilitation programs.

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Retrospective evaluation of persistence in osteoporosis therapy with oral bisphosphonates in Italy: the TOBI study

The patients’ persistence with osteoporosis treatments is low. This retrospective, multicenter survey showed that almost 30% of osteoporotic patients discontinued the treatment within the first 6 months and that those taking drinkable bisphosphonates were less likely to interrupt the therapy; instead, the use of generic bisphosphonates was associated to a more precocious interruption. Purpose: Low persistence with osteoporosis medications is associated with higher fracture risk. This study aimed to assess the persistence to treatment with oral bisphosphonates among Italian osteoporotic patients under treatment for at least 6 months and to evaluate whether the different oral formulations of …

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Il problema della spalla dolorosa è di cospicue dimensioni. Nel trattamento oltre agli antiflogistici un ruolo fondamentale giocano i miorilassanti, condroprotettri ed infilitrazioni con acido ialuronico.

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Approccio fisiatrico nel trauma muscolare dello sportivo

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Le fratture dell'estremo prossimale del femore, da fragilità, i età geriatrica, costituiscono un rilevante problema di salute pubblica destinato a peggiorare nel corso degli anni. E' stata condotta un'analisi retrospettiva su 237 pz osteoporotici (gruppo A) di entrambi i sessi con esiti di frattura laterale di femore sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico di osteosintesi con chiodo endomidollare. Come gruppo di controllo (gruppo B) abbiamo valutato 230 pazienti non andati incontro a ad alcun evento fratturativo. Il nostro studio evidenzia l'importante ruolo giocato dalle comorbilità nel determinare l'aumento del rischio di frattura laterale dell'epifisi prossimale del femore nel paziente anzia…

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Pharmacological Treatment for Acute Traumatic Musculoskeletal Pain in Athletes

Pain management is a crucial issue for athletes who train and compete at the highest performance levels. There are still evidence gaps for the use of analgesics for sports injuries despite the growing interest in training and competition settings. However, high-quality research is needed to determine the most appropriate and optimal timing and formulations in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and opioid management, particularly given the strictness of anti-doping regulations. Indeed, the role of pharmacological therapy in reducing acute traumatic pain in athletes should still be addressed to minimize the timing of return to sport. Therefore, the aim of this comprehensive review was to su…

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Trattamento riabilitativo nell'impingement femoro-acetabolare dopo artroscopia

L'impingement femoro-acetabolare (FAI) è un processo legato a patologie congenite o acquisite dell'anca, il cui elemento patogenetico principale è l'abnorme contatto tra il cotile acetabolare e l'epifisi prossimale del femore. Il FAI è una patologia sempre esistita, ma di recente definizione, inquadramento diagnostico e terapeutico, nella quale la chirurgia a cielo aperto ha lasciato sempre piu' spazio all'artroscopia. Poichè colpisce soprattutto soggetti giovani attivi appare evidente l'importanza di un progetto-programma riabilitativo post-operatorio, tempestivo ed adeguato al fine di consentire un recupero funzionale ed una corretta esecuzione del gesto atletico con il ripristino di un'o…

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I valori della QUS nelle apnee ostruttive nel sonno (OSAS): nostra esperienza

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2020 Reply to: Denosumab for bone health in prostate and breast cancer patients receiving endocrine therapy? A systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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Alfa-lipoic acid and superoxide dismutase in the management of chronic neck pain: a prospective randomized study

Background and Objective Since oxidative stress plays a pathogenetic role in chronic neck pain (CNP), we investigated whether a combination of α-lipoic acid (ALA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) might improve pain control and the efficacy of physiotherapy (“multimodal therapy”) in patients with CNP. Setting This study was conducted in the Rehabilitation Unit of the Department of Surgical and Oncological Sciences at the University Policlinic in Palermo, Italy. Design and Patients This was a prospective, randomized, open study in outpatients. Intervention Patients randomly received either physiotherapy alone (group 2; n = 45) or a combination of ALA 600 mg and SOD 140 IU daily in addition to p…

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Tendinopatie calcifiche di spalla: Trattamento con onde d’urto extracorporee.

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The lateral fracture of brittleness femur: new pharmacological and rehabilitation approach.

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Riabilitazione dell'atleta nella sindrome di Sinding-Larsen-Johansson

la malattia di Sinding-Larsen-Johansson è una tendinopatia inserzionale prossimale del tendine rotuleo. Si manifesta più frequentemente nella popolazione sportiva di età compresa tra i 14 e 20 anni. Gli sport più interessati sono la pallacanestro, la pallavolo e l'atletica leggera, sport in cui l'apparato estensore del ginocchio ed in particolare il tendine rotuleo, è sottoposto a grandi sollecitazioni. Da marzo 2010 a gennaio 2013, presso la nostra U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone, sono stati reclutati 3 atleti agonisti (2 pallavolisti ed 1 cestista) di età compresa tra i 18 ed i 20 anni. Il protocollo riabilitativo consisteva in 10 sedute a cadenza giornaliera di lase…

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Rehabilitation approach in robot assisted total knee arthroplasty: an observational study

Abstract Background The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with the aid of Navio Robot, comparing it with standard prosthetic surgery on the functional outcomes of patients after an intensive rehabilitation program. Method A case–control observational study was conducted on patients undergoing TKA for severe KOA. All patients underwent the same intensive hospital rehabilitation program of 14 daily sessions lasting 3 h. The following rating scales were administered: Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Knee Society Score (KSS) and 12-Item Short Form Survey scale. Patient assessments were performed 1 week post-surgery (T0), 1 month post-surgery (T2), and 3…

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Neck Pain in Fibromyalgia: Treatment with Exercise and Mesotherapy

Background and Objectives: Fibromyalgia is a very common musculoskeletal disease. The purpose of this study is to assess, on a population of fibromyalgic patients, the clinical efficacy of antalgic mesotherapy with diclofenac and thiocolchicoside in the treatment of cervical pain reduction for improvement of the functional capacity and quality of life of these patients. Materials and Methods: We conducted an observational study of 78 fibromyalgia patients recruited using our hospital database. Based on the different types of treatment received, the patients were divided into two groups: the treatment group (TG), who received antalgic mesotherapy with diclofenac, thiococolchicoside, and mepi…

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Osteocondrite dissecante della testa dell'omero: stategie riabilitative

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Infiltrative treatment associated with rehabilitation in coxarthrosis: long-term results

This study was performed to obtain clinical evidence, not only about immediate analgesic effect, but also regarding the delay in arthroplasty. Results show that 3 infiltrations every 30 days are well tolerated and they get a high degree of satisfaction for effectiveness for at least 6 months.

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Infiltrazioni intra-articolari ecoguidate di acido ialuronico (Hyalubrix) nel trattamento di pazienti con grave osteoatrosi d'anca: dati clinici e valutazioni preliminari

L'osteoartrosi dell'anca (AO), nei casi indirizzabili al trattamento chirurgico è solitamente curata con terapie mediche sistemiche. la viscosupplementazione si propone come opzione terapeutica. il presente studio ha mostrato efficacia nel trattamento di pazienti con OA d'anca di grado alto.

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Protocollo riabilitativo integrato tra ultrasuoni e rieducazione funzionale versus infiltrazioni endoarticolari nella rizoartrosi

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Nella chirurgia sostitutiva protesica, ripercorrendo le tappe riabilitative e analizzandone le modalità e le tecniche, si evince che è possibile permettere al paziente il riapprendimento della corretta deambulazione con la riorganizzazione di tutte le fasi e della gestualità corrente per il reinserimento efficace nel contesto sociale di appartenenza. Oltre che dal punto di vista puramente motorio, il soggetto deve essere seguito anche sotto l’aspetto della psicomotricità e nel rispetto di importanti esigenze psicologiche. Viene sorretto, incoraggiato, ma soprattutto responsabilizzato sul fatto che per la ripresa completa si rende indispensabile la sua partecipazione attiva e la costanza del…

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Il trattamento riabilitativo dopo protesi d’anca nello sportivo

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Can the Combination of Rehabilitation and Vitamin D Supplementation Improve Fibromyalgia Symptoms at All Ages?

Several studies have indicated a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and widespread chronic pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia. During this study, the effect of supplementation with vitamin D in association with physical exercise in patients with fibromyalgia was evaluated, in terms of improvement of pain, functional capacity and quality of life, also evaluating the presence of any differences in age. A single-center, observational, comparative study was conducted in 80 fibromyalgia patients. They are randomized into 2 groups: Group A, consisting of patients ≤50 years; and group B, consisting of patients >50 years. Both received weekly supplementation with 50,000 IU cholecalcifero…

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Sinergismo d'azione tra trattamento riabilitativo e farmacologico nella donna mastectomizzata con ipovitaminosi D

L'ipovitaminosi D rappresenta una vera emergenza medica non solo per la sua diffusione ma soprattutto per il ruolo ubiquitario che questa vitamina svolge nella fisiologia del nostro organismo. Presso l'U.O.C. di "Riabilitazione" dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone tra Gennaio 2012 e aprile 201, sono state reclutate 15 pazienti di età compresa tra i 35 e i 50 anni (età media 42,4) sottoposte ad intervento chirurgico per carcinoma mammario (quadrantectomia e/o mastectomia) che presentavano uno stato di ipovitaminosi D. tutte le pazienti hanno effettuato un programma riabilitativon che prevedeva 3 sedute settimanali di esercizio terapeutico per un totale di 2o sedute, associato a terapia farmacologic…

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Ruolo dell'idrochinesiterapia nelle patologie osteomioarticolari dell'atleta

Gli autori descrivono l'importanza dell caretteristiche fisico- chimiche dell'acqua nel recupero delle patologie ostemioarticolari dello sportivo. Sottolineano la necessità dell'esrcizio terapeutico in acqua per un corretto recupero articolare e un buono tonotrofismo.

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Effetto antalgico “immediato” nella malattia di La Peyronie: TECAR Terapia. Studio di fase uno

Introduzione. Con lo scopo di valutare la TECAR terapia quale nuovo possibile trattamento medico della malattia di La Peyronie (PD), abbiamo condotto uno studio di fase uno senza placebo né gruppo di controllo. La TECAR terapia si basa sull’utilizzo di radiofrequenze in grado di trasferire energia ai tessuti trattati causando movimenti ionici. Ciò provoca una stimolazione cellulare in senso replicativo e riparativo. La TECAR terapia ha ottenuto risultati eccellenti nel trattamento di alcune patologie del tesuto connettivo, così abbiamo deciso di condurre uno studio circa l’applicabilità e la sicurezza della TECAR nel trattamento della PD. MATERIALI E METODI. Da giugno a settembre 2012 sono …

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Il ruolo del trattamento riabilitativo nei traumi distorsivi dell’articolazione tibio - peroneo - astragalica

Nello studio della traumatologia da sport, interesse meritano le lesioni del collo del piede, dovuta a molteplici e differenti sollecitazioni dinamiche alle quali viene sottopsota l'articolazione tibio- tarsica, in conseguenza del carettere esplosivo dei movimeni in particolari circostanze. Il livello di controllo posturale rappresenta la cartina di tornasole della stabilità funzionale dell'arto inferiore. Per avere articolazioni stabili serve una buona stabilità statica e dinamica, altrimenti avremo come conseguenza alto rischio di lesioni articolari e muscolari, riduzione della potenza esprimibile, gesto tecnico disturbato da movimenti parassiti di compenso, aumento del dispendio energeti…

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PRP in the treatment of Achilles tendinopaty

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Sinergy of action between rehabilitation protocol and anti-TNF alpha versus biological therapy

AS is a chronic and progressive pathology that notably cripples the patient's psyco-physical status, with a remarkable compromising of the relational life. Practising regularly the therapeutic exercise along with the anti-TNF alpha, allowed a quick pain reduction, a long maintenance of the rachis functional elasticity and a correct posture, giving a better social and professional life quality.

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La terapia ortesica nel trattamento della lombosciatalgia da ernia discale

Le ortesi sono dispositivi finalizzati al recupero di una funzione corporea in quanto migliorano la biomeccanica, la funzionalità e la performance. Distinguiamo Corsetti dinamici, semirigidi e rigidi. Importante sottolineare che l'uso dei corsetti deve essere limitato soltanto nella fase acuta.

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Hybrid Hyaluronic Acid versus High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis in Overweight/Obese Patients

Background: Obesity is the main risk factor for hip osteoarthritis, negatively affecting the outcome of the disease. We evaluated the effectiveness of viscosupplementation with hybrid hyaluronic acid compared to that with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in overweight/obese patients with hip osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: 80 patients were divided into two groups: a treatment group received two ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injections of hybrid HA 15 days apart; a control group received a single ultrasound-guided infiltration with medium-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (1500–2000 kDa). We assessed the pain, functional and cardiovascular capacity of the patients at bas…

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Sinergismo d'azione tra trattamento riabilitativo e denosumab: nostra esperienza

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Algodystrophy of the hand: innovation therapeutical, pharmacological and rehabilitative strategies

An early rehabilitation program, in combination with proper medication, can prevent the worsen of the hand algo-dystrophy towards a permanent framework characterized by muscle-tendon stiffness, contractures and ankylosis of the distal small joints. We can assert, consequently, that synergy between functional rehabilitation, treatment with disodium clodronate, PEMF and Laser Nd-Yag is a main point for therapeutic efficacy

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Anti-osteoporotic tratment compliance: our experience

Analysis of the results of the study shows that prevention and treatment of osteoporosis risk factors are crucial in reducing the incidence to prescribed treatment and because of the most frequent cause of discontinuation of drug treatment (81,6%) is represented by a separate decision of the patient, it requires an extensive campaign oublic awareness on the problem of osteoporosis and its debilitating complications.

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Non disponibile

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Severe senile osteoporosis: synergism of action between PTH 1-34 and rehabilitation

An analysis of the data shows that the PTH 1-34 in association with specific rehabilitation treatment is effective in reducing early pain borne by the dorsal-lumbar spine, to avoid the risk of new fractures, improve balance and gait to correct a good quality of life. Even taking into account the small number of patients, we emphasize the absence of new osteoporotic fractures in women who have also physical therapy and therapeutic exercise.

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Peri-Implant Distal Radius Fracture: Proposal of a New Classification

A peri-implant fracture near the volar plate of the distal radius represents a rarity and can be associated with a mechanical failure of the devices. A literature review was conducted including all fractures that occurred around a volar wrist plate, which could be associated with an ulna fracture. All articles published until December 2021 were considered according to the guidelines presented in the PRISMA Statement. The search was conducted with the PubMed electronic database, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Medline, Embase, and Google Scholar. Only nine cases of these fractures were reported in the literature. The causes could be due to delayed union/non-union of the old fracture…

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Risk Factors, Lifestyle and Prevention among Adolescents with Idiopathic Juvenile Scoliosis: A Cross Sectional Study in Eleven First-Grade Secondary Schools of Palermo Province, Italy.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has an incidence of 2–3% in the general population and a multifactorial etiology. The present study aims to analyze modifiable risk factors and their interactions in the development of AIS in order to increase knowledge about the disease and to prevent the evolution of AIS in young students with tailored public health strategies. A cross-sectional study was conducted over two consecutive school years among students attending 11 first-grade secondary schools in the province of Palermo, Italy. A self-administered questionnaire that investigated socio-demographical, physical and anamnestic characteristics and habits, focusing on possible risk factors…

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Intra-Articular Hybrid Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment in Overweight Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Single-Center, Open-Label, Prospective Study

Background: A BMI &gt

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Disfunzione dell'ATM: terapia riabilitativa ed infiltrativa con acido ialuronico

I "disordini dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (DTM" rappresentano un eterogeneo e complesso gruppo di patologie del sistema stomatognatico che si manifestano con quadri algici e/o disfunzionali a carico dell'ATM, dei muscoli e delle componenti ad essa correlate. Lo studio è stato condotto su 21 pazienti (16 donne e 5 uomini) di età compresa tra i 41 ed i 65 anni affetti da artrosi dell'ATM (3 presentavano anche una sublussazione) afferiti presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone tra gennaio 2012 e marzo 2013. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti al seguente protocollo riabilitativo: terapia farmacologica con tiocolchicoside, infiltrativa con acido ialuronico e 2…

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Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study

Abstract Introduction Chronic low back pain (LBP) caused by intervertebral disc herniation was reported in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study to be the main reason for years lived with disability. It causes significant personal, social, and economic burdens. Many of those who suffer from LBP find conventional medical treatments to be unsatisfactory for treating their pain, so they are increasingly resorting to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Given that the population is aging, there is an urgent need to characterize the combinations of complementary therapies that yield the best outcomes and treatments, even for prolonged periods. This observational study aimed …

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Lumbar spinal stenosis: rehabilitation after surgery treatment

After the preliminary outcomes obtained, we can assert that a post-operative rehabilitation program supplemented by an educational booklet, such as visual and mnemonic support, improves results of surgery of the spine, quality of life and maintains over time the well-being.

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Trattamento infiltrativo ecoguidato d'anca versus infiltrazioni associate a terapia riabilitativa: studio randomizzato controllato

La coxartrosi è una malattia, caratterizzata da deterioramento della cartilagine e delle strutture articolari, che si manifesta clinicamente con dolore ingravescente e conseguente riduzione della funzionalità. Presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone, tra febbraio 2008 e gennaio 2013 sono stati reclutati 224 soggetti sottoposti ad un ciclo infiltrativo che prevedeva 3 somministrazioni intrarticolari di acido ialuronico, eseguite sotto guida ecografica, a distanza di 45 giorni l'una dall'altra; i pazienti sono stati suddivisi, in modo random, in 2 gruppi (gruppo A e gruppo B). Il gruppo A è stato sottoposto solamente a trattamento infiltrativo; al gruppo B è stato assoc…

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Severe osteoporosis: synergic action between pharmacological and rehabilitative treatment.

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Il ruolo della riabilitazione nei pazienti con morbo di Parkinson trattati con DBS

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Low back pain: l’efficacia della rieducazione propriocettiva

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La riabilitazione nelle fratture da osteoporosi

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The effectiveness of eco-guided infiltrations with high molecular weight associated with administration of oral chondroprotective supplements in osteoarthritis of the hip

Osteoarthritis does not mean a degenerative articular process only but a pathologic expression of wear, inflammation and immunological imbalance of the joints. Our study has the aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of eco-guidate infiltrations with high molecular weight associated with administration of oral chondroprotective supplements (glucosamine solfate, chondroitin sulphate, hydrolyzed collagen type II, hyaluronic acid and L carnitine fumarate) in comparison with the only treatment with ecoguided infiltrations with hyaluronic acid in patients suffering from primary osteoarthiritis of the hip.

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The Role of Physical Exercise and Rehabilitative Implications in the Process of Nerve Repair in Peripheral Neuropathies: A Systematic Review

Background: The various mechanisms involved in peripheral nerve regeneration, induced by exercise and electrical nerve stimulation, are still unclear. Objective: The aim of this review was to summarize the influence of physical exercise and/or electrical stimulation on peripheral nerve repair and regeneration and the variation of impact of intervention depending on timing, as well as kind and dosage of the intervention. A literature survey was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, between February 2021 to July 2021, with an update in September 2022. Methodology: The literature search identified 101,386 articles with the keywords: “peripheral nerve” OR “neuropathy” AND “sprouting”…

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Impingment Syndrome:protocollo riabilitativo

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Valutazione del Outcome terapeutico nella sindrome del tunnel carpale: terapie a confronto

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La cervicalgia rappresenta un dolore che colpisce il rachide cervicale in modo episodico, caratterizzato da periodiche remissioni e livelli variabili di recupero funzionale. L'eziologia è multifattoriale e dipende da fattori non modificabili e da fattori modificabili; gli stessi fattori di rischio possono assumere anche una valenza prognostica, favorendo o ritardando le recidive dolorose. Da marzo 2013 ad aprile 2014 abbiamo recluatato 40 pazienti (28 donne e 12 uomini) di età compresa fra i 24 e i 55 anni afferiti presso il nostro ambulatorio. I pazienti sono stati randomizzati in 2 gruppi: gruppo A sottoposto a terapia faramacologica con eperisone cloridrato in associazione a 20 sedute di…

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Prevalence of Vertebral Fractures in Osteoporotic HIP Fractured Patients: The Focus Study

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Physical exercise and sarcopenia in older people: position paper of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Medicine (OrtoMed)

Sarcopenia is the age-associated loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. It is a major clinical problem for older people and research in understanding of pathogenesis, clinical consequences, management, and socioeconomic burden of this condition is growing exponentially. The causes of sarcopenia are multifactorial, including inflammation, insulin resistance, changing endocrine function, chronic diseases, nutritional deficiencies and low levels of physical activity. Operational definition of sarcopenia combines assessment of muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance. The diagnosis of sarcopenia should be based on having a low appendicular fat free mass in combination with low …

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Il trattamento riabilitativo nella malattia di Osgood-Schlatter: nostra esperienza

La malattia di Osgood-Schlatter è una osteocondrosi dell'apofisi tibiale anteriore; è comune negli atleti adolescentin di età compresa tra i 10-15 anni. Presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone sono stati reclutati , da settembre 2011 ad aprile 2013, 30 soggetti sportivi agonisti suddivisi in 2 gruppi (gruppo A e gruppo B). Il protocollo attuato è stato il seguente: riposo e astensione dalla pratica sportiva, crioterapia e utilizzo di ortesi di contenimento sottoruteleo; al gruppo A sono state somministrate 20 sedute di TENS a cadenza quotidiana per 5 volte a settimana; ai pazienti del gruppo B sono state applicate 10 sedute di laser Nd:YAG in modalità pulsata a cadenz…

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In Italy, vaccination against COVID-l 9 began on December 27, 2020. To date, 13,7 13,224 people in Italy are fully vaccinated, which accounts îor 25.3 oh of the general population, and 44.804 received at least one vaccination dose. Thc prescnt study aim to investigate willingness to receive COVID-I9 vaccination in costumers accessing a sample of community pharmacies in the Province of Palermo, Italy. A self- administered and anon),rnous questionnaire was carried out among costumers older than 18 ycars old between Dcccmbcr 2020 atrd March 2021. Three hundred and sixty-three subjects were enrolled in the study, 259 (71.3%) expressed their willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccination. The main …

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Fratture da fragilità: l'importanza del trattamento farmacologico e riabilitativo

L'osteoporosi è una malattia sistemica dello scheletro caratterizzata da ridotta massa e alterazioni qualitative dell'osso che si accompagnano ad aumento del rischio di frattura. Le fratture di femore rappresentano la complicanza più temibile, con una mortalità pari al 25% nel primo anno ed una morbilità, in termini di perdita di autosufficienza, pari al 25% per oltre un anno. Nel periodo compreso tra gennaio 2010 e gennaio 2013 sono stati reclutati, presso l'U.O.C. di Riabilitazione dell'A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone, 277 pazienti (51 M e 226 F), giunti alla nostra osservazione per essere sottoposti a trattamento riabilitativo in seguito a postumi di frattura laterale di femore sintetizzata con …

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La sindrome dello stretto toracico superiore: case report

La nostra esperienza conferma la validità della terapia fisica, della rieducazione funzionale distrettuale e degli esercizi respiratori nella TOS, associati al trattamento farmacologico con neurotrofici. Il nostro protocollo riabilitativo ha consentito un ripristino delle ADL, una migliiore tolleranza allo sforzo e di conseguenza una migliore qualità di vita.

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Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitoyletanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study

Provide enhanced digital features for this article If you are an author of this publication and would like to provide additional enhanced digital features for your article then please contact adisrapidplus@springer.com. The journal offers a range of additional features designed to increase visibility and readership. All features will be thoroughly peer reviewed to ensure the content is of the highest scientific standard and all features are marked as ‘peer reviewed’ to ensure readers are aware that the content has been reviewed to the same level as the articles they are being presented alongside. Moreover, all sponsorship and disclosure information is included to provide complete transparen…

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PER LE FRATTURE DEL FEMORE NECESSITA UN'ATTENTA RIABILITAZIONE(AZ salute – Mensile di informazione biomedica e sanitaria)

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