Xaro Benavent
A New Wavelet-Based Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval
This paper presents a novel texture descriptor based on the wavelet transform. First, we will consider vertical and horizontal coefficients at the same position as the components of a bivariate random vector. The magnitud and angle of these vectors are computed and its histograms are analyzed. This empirical magnitud histogram is modelled by using a gamma distribution (pdf). As a result, the feature extraction step consists of estimating the gamma parameters using the maxima likelihood estimator and computing the circular histograms of angles. The similarity measurement step is done by means of the well-known Kullback-Leibler divergence. Finally, retrieval experiments are done using the Bro…
A relevance feedback CBIR algorithm based on fuzzy sets
CBIR (content-based image retrieval) systems attempt to allow users to perform searches in large picture repositories. In most existing CBIR systems, images are represented by vectors of low level features. Searches in these systems are usually based on distance measurements defined in terms of weighted combinations of the low level features. This paper presents a novel approach to combining features when using multi-image queries consisting of positive and negative selections. A fuzzy set is defined so that the degree of membership of each image in the repository to this fuzzy set is related to the user's interest in that image. Positive and negative selections are then used to determine t…
Multimedia Retrieval in a Medical Image Collection: Results Using Modality Classes
The effective communication between user and systems is one main aim in the Multimedia Information Retrieval field. In this paper the modality classification of images is used to expand the user queries within the ImageCLEF Medical Retrieval collection provided by organizers. Our main contribution is to show how and when results can be improved by understanding modality-related challenges. To do so, a detailed analysis of the results of the experiments carried out is presented and the comparison between these results shows that the improvement using modality class query expansion is query-dependent.
A statistical model for magnitudes and angles of wavelet frame coefficients and its application to texture retrieval
Abstract This paper presents a texture descriptor based on wavelet frame transforms. At each position in the image, and for each resolution level, we consider both vertical and horizontal wavelet detail coefficients as the components of a bivariate random vector. The magnitudes and angles of these vectors are computed. At each level the empirical histogram of magnitudes is modeled by a Generalized Gamma distribution, and the empirical histogram of angles is modeled by a different version of the von Mises distribution that accounts for histograms with 2 modes. Each texture is characterized by few parameters. A new distance is presented (based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence) that allows g…
Efficient Coding of Quadtree Nodes
In this paper an alternative non-pointer quadtree node codification to manage geographical spatial data is presented. New codification is based on a variable sequence of z-ordered base four digits. Memory requirements of the new codification are lower than previous codifications, and in particular lower than FD codification, the most commonly used in linear quadtrees. Furthermore, z-ordering makes compatible new codification with most of the algorithms developed for FD.
Image retrieval system for citizen services using penalized logistic regression models
This paper describes a procedure to deal with large image collections obtained by smart city services based on interaction with citizens providing pictures. The semantic gap between the low-level image features and represented concepts and situations has been addressed using image retrieval techniques. A relevance feedback procedure is proposed for Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) based on the modelling of user responses. One of the novelties of the proposal is that the feedback learning procedure can use the information that citizens themselves can provide when using these services.The proposed algorithm considers the probability of an image belonging to the set of those sought by the …
Mathematical Morphology for Color Images: An Image-Dependent Approach
This paper proposes one possibility to generalize the morphological operations (particularly, dilation, erosion, opening, and closing) to color images. First, properties of a desirable generalization are stated and a brief review is done on former approaches. Then, the method is explained, which is based on a total ordering of the colors in an image induced by its color histogram; this is valid for just one image and may present problems in smoothly coloured images. To solve these drawbacks a refinement consisting of smoothing the histogram and using a joint histogram of several images is presented. Results of applying the so-defined morphological operations on several sets of images are sh…
A novel dynamic multi-model relevance feedback procedure for content-based image retrieval
This paper deals with the problem of image retrieval in large databases with a big semantic gap by a relevance feedback procedure. We present a novel algorithm for modelling the users's preferences in the content-based image retrieval system.The proposed algorithm considers the probability of an image belonging to the set of those sought by the user, and estimates the parameters of several local logistic regression models whose inputs are the low-level image features. A Principal Component Analysis method is applied to the original vector to reduce its high dimensionality. The relevance probabilities predicted by these local models are combined by means of a weighted average. These weights …
FCA-based knowledge representation and local generalized linear models to address relevance and diversity in diverse social images
Abstract In social image retrieval, the main goal is to offer a relevant but also diverse result set of images to the user. To address relevance and diversity at the same time, we propose a multi-modal procedure. This approach deals with the diversification problem using a two-step procedure based on the application of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to organize the text content of the images, followed by a Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) step to find the topics addressed by the images. FCA detects the latent concepts covered by the images in the result set, organizing them according to these concepts. In the second step, clustering is carried out to group together the ones with a…
Multimedia Retrieval by Means of Merge of Results from Textual and Content Based Retrieval Subsystems
The main goal of this paper it is to present our experiments in ImageCLEF 2009 Campaign (photo retrieval task). In 2008 we proved empirically that the Text-based Image Retrieval (TBIR) methods defeats the Content-based Image Retrieval CBIR "quality" of results, so this time we developed several experiments in which the CBIR helps the TBIR. The TBIR System [6] main improvement is the named-entity sub-module. In case of the CBIR system [3] the number of low-level features has been increased from the 68 component used at ImageCLEF 2008 up to 114 components, and only the Mahalanobis distance has been used. We propose an ad-hoc management of the topics delivered, and the generation of XML struct…
Girls4STEM: Gender Diversity in STEM for a Sustainable Future
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are key disciplines towards tackling the challenges related to the Sustainable Development Goals. However, evidence shows that women are enrolling in these disciplines in a smaller percentage than men, especially in Engineering related fields. As stated by the United Nations Women section, increasing the number of women studying and working in STEM fields is fundamental towards achieving better solutions to the global challenges, since the potential for innovation is larger. In this paper, we present the Girls4STEM project, which started in 2019 at the Escola Tè
Some Results Using Different Approaches to Merge Visual and Text-Based Features in CLEF’08 Photo Collection
This paper describes the participation of the MIRACLE team at the ImageCLEF Photographic Retrieval task of CLEF 2008. We succeeded in submitting 41 runs. Obtained results from text-based retrieval are better than content-based as previous experiments in the MIRACLE team campaigns [5, 6] using different software. Our main aim was to experiment with several merging approaches to fuse text-based retrieval and content-based retrieval results, and it happened that we improve the text-based baseline when applying one of the three merging algorithms, although visual results are lower than textual ones.
Modeling user preferences in content-based image retrieval: A novel attempt to bridge the semantic gap
This paper is concerned with content-based image retrieval from a stochastic point of view. The semantic gap problem is addressed in two ways. First, a dimensional reduction is applied using the (pre-calculated) distances among images. The dimension of the reduced vector is the number of preferences that we allow the user to choose from, in this case, three levels. Second, the conditional probability distribution of the random user preference, given this reduced feature vector, is modeled using a proportional odds model. A new model is fitted at each iteration. The score used to rank the image database is based on the estimated probability function of the random preference. Additionally, so…
Semi-automated evaluation tool for retinal vasculopathy.
The ocular fundus is the only area of human body where vascular system is visible using relatively simple instrumentation. Furthermore, there is medical suggestive evidence of a direct relationship between certain measures of vascular characteristics in the ocular fundus (arteriolar and venular calibers and focal arteriolar narrowing) and cardiovascular diseases. In order to establish such relationship on sound statistical basis a method must be provided to measure the needed values in an easy, yet precise and repeatable way. This paper presents a system to assist physicians in signaling and storing the data associated to signs of vascular deterioration and vascular calibers in non-mydriati…