M.h. Aliabadi
A Multiscale Approach to Polycrystalline Materials Damage and Failure
A two-scale three-dimensional approach for degradation and failure in polycrystalline materials is presented. The method involves the component level and the grain scale. The damage-induced softening at the macroscale is modelled employing an initial stress boundary element approach. The microscopic degradation is explicitly modelled associating Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) to relevant points of the macro continuum and employing a cohesive-frictional 3D grain-boundary formulation to simulate intergranular degradation and failure in the Voronoi morphology. Macro-strains are downscaled as RVEs' periodic boundary conditions, while overall macro-stresses are obtained upscaling the micr…
A boundary element model for structural health monitoring using piezoelectric transducers
In this paper, for the first time, the boundary element method (BEM) is used for modelling smart structures instrumented with piezoelectric actuators and sensors. The host structure and its cracks are formulated with the 3D dual boundary element method (DBEM), and the modelling of the piezoelectric transducers implements a 3D semi-analytical finite element approach. The elastodynamic analysis of the structure is performed in the Laplace domain and the time history is obtained by inverse Laplace transform. The sensor signals obtained from BEM simulations show excellent agreement with those from finite element modelling simulations and experiments. This work provides an alternative methodolog…
A three-dimensional grain boundary formulation for microstructural modeling of polycrystalline materials
Abstract A three-dimensional grain boundary formulation is presented for the analysis of polycrystalline microstructures. The formulation is based on a boundary integral representation of the elastic problem for the single grains of the polycrystalline aggregate and it is expressed in terms of the intergranular fields, namely displacements and tractions, that play an important role in polycrystalline micromechanics. The artificial polycrystalline morphology is represented using the Hardcore Voronoi tessellation, which is simple to generate and able to embody the main statistical features of polycrystalline microstructures. The details of the microstructure generation and meshing, which invo…
A fast BEM for the analysis of damaged structures with bonded piezoelectric sensors
A fast boundary element method for the analysis of three-dimensional solids with cracks and adhesively bonded piezoelectric patches, used as strain sensors, is presented. The piezoelectric sensors, as well as the adhesive layer, are modeled using a 3D state-space finite element approach. The piezoelectric patch model is formulated taking into account the full electro-mechanical coupling and embodying the suitable boundary conditions and it is eventually expressed in terms of the interface variables, to allow a straightforward coupling with the underlying host structure, which is modeled through a 3D dual boundary element method, for accurate analysis of cracks. The technique is computationa…
A fast hierarchical dual boundary element method for three-dimensional elastodynamic crack problems
In this work a fast solver for large-scale three-dimensional elastodynamic crack problems is presented, implemented, and tested. The dual boundary element method in the Laplace transform domain is used for the accurate dynamic analysis of cracked bodies. The fast solution procedure is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix for each computed value of the Laplace parameter. An ACA (adaptive cross approximation) algorithm is used for the population of the low rank blocks and its performance at varying Laplace parameters is investigated. A preconditioned GMRES is used for the solution of the resulting algebraic system of equations. The precond…
Multiscale modeling of polycrystalline materials: A boundary element approach to material degradation and fracture
Abstract In this work, a two-scale approach to degradation and failure in polycrystalline materials is proposed. The formulation involves the engineering component level (macro-scale) and the material grain level (micro-scale). The macro-continuum is modeled using a three-dimensional boundary element formulation in which the presence of damage is formulated through an initial stress approach to account for the local softening in the neighborhood of points experiencing degradation at the micro-scale. The microscopic degradation is explicitly modeled by associating Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) to relevant points of the macro continuum, for representing the polycrystalline microstruct…
In this study, the influence of porosity on the elastic effective properties of polycrystalline materials is investigated using a 3D grain boundary micro mechanical model. The volume fraction of pores, their size and distribution can be varied to better simulate the response of real porous materials. The formulation is built on a boundary integral representation of the elastic problem for the grains, which are modeled as 3D linearly elastic orthotropic domains with arbitrary spatial orientation. The artificial polycrystalline morphology is represented using 3D Voronoi Tessellations. The formulation is expressed in terms of intergranular fields, namely displacements and tractions that play …
A three-dimensional cohesive-frictional grain-boundary micromechanical model for intergranular degradation and failure in polycrystalline materials
Abstract In this study, a novel three-dimensional micro-mechanical crystal-level model for the analysis of intergranular degradation and failure in polycrystalline materials is presented. The polycrystalline microstructures are generated as Voronoi tessellations, that are able to retain the main statistical features of polycrystalline aggregates. The formulation is based on a grain-boundary integral representation of the elastic problem for the aggregate crystals, that are modeled as three-dimensional anisotropic elastic domains with random orientation in the three-dimensional space. The boundary integral representation involves only intergranular variables, namely interface displacement di…
Hierarchical fast BEM for anisotropic time-harmonic 3-D elastodynamics
The paper presents a fast boundary element method for anisotropic time-harmonic 3-D elastodynamic problems. The approach uses the hierarchical matrices format and the ACA algorithm for the collocation matrix setup and a preconditioned GMRES solver for the solution. The development of this approach for the anisotropic case presents peculiar aspects which deserve investigation and are studied in the paper leading to the employed computational strategy and its effective tuning. Numerical experiments are presented to assess the method accuracy, performances and numerical complexity. The method ensures adequate accuracy allowing remarkable reductions in computation time and memory storage.
A fast dual boundary element method for 3D anisotropic crack problems
In the present paper a fast solver for dual boundary element analysis of 3D anisotropic crack problems is formulated, implemented and tested. The fast solver is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix. The admissible low rank blocks are computed by adaptive cross approximation (ACA). The performance of ACA against the accuracy of the adopted computational scheme for the evaluation of the anisotropic kernels is investigated, focusing on the balance between the kernel representation accuracy and the accuracy required for ACA. The system solution is computed by a preconditioned GMRES and the preconditioner is built exploiting the hierarchical …
A fast 3D dual boundary element method based on hierarchical matrices
AbstractIn this paper a fast solver for three-dimensional BEM and DBEM is developed. The technique is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix and uses a preconditioned GMRES for the solution of the algebraic system of equations. The preconditioner is built exploiting the hierarchical arithmetic and taking full advantage of the hierarchical format. Special algorithms are developed to deal with crack problems within the context of DBEM. The structure of DBEM matrices has been efficiently exploited and it has been demonstrated that, since the cracks form only small parts of the whole structure, the use of hierarchical matrices can be particula…
A Boundary Element Formulation for Modelling Structural Health Monitoring Applications
In this paper, a boundary element formulation for modelling pitch-catch damage detection applications is introduced. The current formulation has been validated by both finite element analyses and physical experiments. Comparing to the widely used finite element method, the current formulation does not only use less computational resources, but also demonstrates higher numerical stability. doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/221