Ana Villar-lópez

Effect of SMEs' International Experience on Foreign Intensity and Economic Performance: The Mediating Role of Internationally Exploitable Assets and Competitive Strategy

In this paper, we study the relationship between the international experience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their economic performance using intangible and financial asset stock, competitive strategy, and international intensity as mediating factors. The RBV provides the theoretical framework to develop a theoretical model postulating that international experience has an indirect effect on foreign growth and economic performance. This model was used to test a sample of 394 Spanish SMEs through the modelization of a structural equations system. Results show that superior economic performance is only achieved by SMEs that can turn the knowledge they gain from international …

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Análisis del papel mediador de las capacidades de innovacion tecnológica en la relación entre la form’a organizativa flexible y el desempeño organizativo

ResumenEste trabajo examina la relación entre la forma organizativa flexible y el desempeño organizativo tomando como variables mediadoras las capacidades para la innovación tecnológica, basándose para ello en los postulados del Enfoque Basado en Recursos. Esta cuestión de investigación es importante porque nos permite comprender mejor las variables antecedentes de la capacidad de innovación tecnológica relacionadas con el diseño organizativo y sus efectos en el desempeno organizativo. Para el contraste empírico se toma una muestra de 159 empresas industriales españolas y se modeliza un sistema de ecuaciones estructurales mediante la técnica Partial Least Squares (PLS). Los resultados muest…

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Organizational innovation as an enabler of technological innovation capabilities and firm performance

Abstract This study assesses the relationship between organizational innovation and technological innovation capabilities, and analyzes their effect on firm performance using a resource-based view theoretical framework. The article presents empirical evidence from a survey of 144 Spanish industrial firms and modeling of a system of structural equations using partial least squares. The results confirm that organizational innovation favors the development of technological innovation capabilities and that both organizational innovation and technological capabilities for products and processes can lead to superior firm performance.

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On How Firms Located in an Industrial District Profit from Knowledge Spillovers: Adoption of an Organic Structure and Innovation Capabilities

The canonical approach argues that firms located in industrial districts enjoy advantages for both innovation and performance as a consequence of the exceptionally strong knowledge spillovers that flow freely and spontaneously within them. However, diffusion of shared competences is not as easy and free as postulated in the literature. Using the resource-based view, we study whether clustered firms perform better than non-clustered firms, by providing empirical evidence that location of firms in an industrial district does not directly create innovation capabilities or economic rents. This research question is important because it enables us to better understand how firms benefit from this …

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Business Models in Spanish Industry: a Taxonomy-based Efficacy Analysis

The present study provides a conceptualization of the business model construct from which a multi-dimensional evaluation tool is developed that provides the basis for drawing up a taxonomy and analysing its comparative efficacy. The empirical data was obtained from a sampling of 159 Spanish business organisations. The cluster analysis revealed the existence of four business models that were designated as “multidivisional”, “integrated”, “hybrid” and “network”. The results also indicate that the adoption of a certain business model is not enough to attain superior performance, highlighting the need to consider other contingent factors.

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Non-technical innovation: Organizational memory and learning capabilities as antecedent factors with effects on sustained competitive advantage

Abstract The aim of the present study is to analyze the role of organizational memory and learning capabilities as antecedents to non-technical innovation, comprising organizational and marketing innovation, and to examine their effect on sustained competitive advantage within a capabilities-based view (CBV) theoretical framework. For analysis of the proposed theoretical model, 159 industrial companies in Spain were sampled and a system of structural equations was modeled using partial least squares methodology. The results confirm that both organizational memory and learning capabilities favor the development of organizational innovation and marketing innovation. Furthermore, the paper sho…

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