S. De Schepper
The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experimental setup at CERN-ISOLDE
The CRIS setup at CERN-ISOLDE is a laser spectroscopy experiment dedicated to the high-resolution study of the spin, hyperfine structure and isotope shift of radioactive nuclei with low production rates (a few per second). It combines the Doppler-free resolution of the in-flight collinear geometry with the high detection efficiency of resonant ionisation. A recent commissioning campaign has demonstrated a 1% experimental efficiency, and as low as a 0.001% non-resonant ionisation. The current status of the experiment and its recent achievements with beams of francium isotopes are reported. The first identified systematic effects are discussed. publisher: Elsevier articletitle: The Collinear …
A dedicated decay-spectroscopy station for the collinear resonance ionization experiment at ISOLDE
A newdecay-spectroscopystation(DSS)has been developed to be coupled to the collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy (CRIS) beam line at CERN-ISOLDE. The system uses a rotatable wheel with ten 20 mg=cm2 carbon foils as beam implantation sites for the efficient measurement of charged decay products. Silicon detectors are placed on either side of the carbon foil in an optimal geometry to cover a large solid angle for detecting these charged particles. In addition to the silicon detectors at the on-beam axis position, a second pair of off-beam axis detectors are placed at the wheel position 108 deg. away, allowing longer-lived species to be studied. Up to three high purity germanium detector…
CRIS: A new method in isomeric beam production
The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at ISOLDE, CERN, uses laser radiation to stepwise excite and ionize an atomic beam for the purpose of ultra-sensitive detection of rare isotopes, and hyperfine-structure measurements. The technique also offers the ability to purify an ion beam that is heavily contaminated with radioactive isobars, including the ground state of an isotope from its isomer, allowing decay spectroscopy on nuclear isomeric states to be performed. The isomeric ion beam is selected by resonantly exciting one of its hyperfine structure levels, and subsequently ionizing it. This selectively ionized beam is deflected to a decay spectroscopy station (DS…
Laser spectroscopy of francium isotopes at the borders of the region of reflection asymmetry
The magnetic dipole moments and changes in mean-square charge radii of the neutron-rich $^{218m,219,229,231}\text{Fr}$ isotopes were measured with the newly-installed Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) beam line at ISOLDE, CERN, probing the $7s~^{2}S_{1/2}$ to $8p~^{2}P_{3/2}$ atomic transition. The $\delta\langle r^{2}\rangle^{A,221}$ values for $^{218m,219}\text{Fr}$ and $^{229,231}\text{Fr}$ follow the observed increasing slope of the charge radii beyond $N~=~126$. The charge radii odd-even staggering in this neutron-rich region is discussed, showing that $^{220}\text{Fr}$ has a weakly inverted odd-even staggering while $^{228}\text{Fr}$ has normal staggering. This sugges…
Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Neutron-Deficient Francium Isotopes
The magnetic moments and isotope shifts of the neutron-deficient francium isotopes 202-205Fr were measured at ISOLDE-CERN with use of collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy. A production-to-detection efficiency of 1% was measured for 202Fr. The background from nonresonant and collisional ionization was maintained below one ion in 105 beam particles. Through a comparison of the measured charge radii with predictions from the spherical droplet model, it is concluded that the ground-state wave function remains spherical down to 205Fr, with a departure observed in 203Fr (N = 116). ispartof: Physical Review Letters vol:111 issue:21 pages:212501-4 ispartof: location:United States status: pub…
Laser assisted decay spectroscopy at the CRIS beam line at ISOLDE
A new collinear resonant ionization spectroscopy (Cris)beam line has recently been installed at Isolde, Cern utilising lasers to combine collinear laser spectroscopy and resonant ionization spectroscopy. The combined technique offers the ability to purify an ion beam that is heavily contaminated with radioactive isobars, including the ground state of an isotope from its isomer, allowing sensitive secondary experiments to be performed. A new programme aiming to use the Cris technique for the separation of nuclear isomeric states for decay spectroscopy will commence in 2011. A decay spectroscopy station, consisting of a rotating wheel implantation system for alpha decay spectroscopy, and thre…