Sanjeevi Ukwattage
Somatic mutation profiles as molecular classifiers of ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer.
Ulcerative colitis increases colorectal cancer risk by mechanisms that remain incompletely understood. We approached this question by determining the genetic and epigenetic profiles of colitis-associated colorectal carcinomas (CA-CRC). The findings were compared to Lynch syndrome (LS), a different form of cancer predisposition that shares the importance of immunological factors in tumorigenesis. CA-CRCs (n=27) were investigated for microsatellite instability, CpG island methylator phenotype, and somatic mutations of 999 cancer-relevant genes ("Pan-cancer" panel). A subpanel of "Pan-cancer" design (578 genes) was used for LS colorectal tumors (n=28). Mutational loads and signatures stratifie…
Immunoprofiles and DNA methylation of inflammatory marker genes in ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal tumorigenesis
Immunological and epigenetic changes are interconnected and contribute to tumorigenesis. We determined the immunoprofiles and promoter methylation of inflammation-related genes for colitis-associated colorectal carcinomas (CA-CRC). The results were compared with Lynch syndrome (LS)-associated colorectal tumors, which are characterized by an active immune environment through inherited mismatch repair defects. CA-CRCs (n = 31) were immunohistochemically evaluated for immune cell scores (ICSs) and PDCD1 and CD274 expression. Seven inflammation-associated genes (CD274, NTSR1, PPARG, PTGS2, PYCARD, SOCS1, and SOCS2), the repair gene MGMT, and eight standard marker genes for the CpG Island Methyl…