

Somatic mutation profiles as molecular classifiers of ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer.

Maarit AhtiainenToni T. SeppäläAlisa OlkinuoraAnna LepistöJukka-pekka MecklinAri RistimäkiSanjeevi UkwattagePäivi PeltomäkiHenrikki AlmusaSatu Mäki-nevala


MaleCancer ResearchColorectal cancermedicine.disease_cause0302 clinical medicinesomatic mutationPromoter Regions Genetictulehdukselliset suolistosairaudetMiddle AgedLynch syndrome3. Good healthOncology030220 oncology & carcinogenesissyöpätauditDNA mismatch repairFemaleMicrosatellite InstabilityMutL Protein Homolog 1Adult3122 Cancerscolorectal cancersuolistosyövätBiologymikrosatelliititMLH103 medical and health sciencesGermline mutationmedicineHumansLynchin oireyhtymäulcerative colitisDNA-analyysiCpG Island Methylator PhenotypeMicrosatellite instabilitySequence Analysis DNADNA Methylationmedicine.diseaseColorectal Neoplasms Hereditary NonpolyposisLynch syndromeUlcerative colitisMutationCancer researchmicrosatellite instabilityColitis UlcerativeCpG IslandsmutaatiotColitis-Associated NeoplasmsTumor Suppressor Protein p53Carcinogenesis


Ulcerative colitis increases colorectal cancer risk by mechanisms that remain incompletely understood. We approached this question by determining the genetic and epigenetic profiles of colitis-associated colorectal carcinomas (CA-CRC). The findings were compared to Lynch syndrome (LS), a different form of cancer predisposition that shares the importance of immunological factors in tumorigenesis. CA-CRCs (n=27) were investigated for microsatellite instability, CpG island methylator phenotype, and somatic mutations of 999 cancer-relevant genes ("Pan-cancer" panel). A subpanel of "Pan-cancer" design (578 genes) was used for LS colorectal tumors (n=28). Mutational loads and signatures stratified CA-CRCs into three subgroups: hypermutated microsatellite-unstable (group 1, n=1), hypermutated microsatellite-stable (group 2, n=9), and non-hypermutated microsatellite-stable (group 3, n=17). The group 1 tumor was the only one with MLH1 promoter hypermethylation and exhibited the mismatch repair deficiency-associated signatures 21 and 15. Signatures 30 and 32 characterized group 2, whereas no prominent single signature existed in group 3. TP53, the most common mutational target in CA-CRC (16/27, 59%), was similarly affected in groups 2 and 3, but DNA repair genes and Wnt signaling genes were mutated significantly more often in group 2. In LS tumors, the degree of hypermutability exceeded that of the hypermutated CA-CRC groups 1 and 2, and somatic mutational profiles and signatures were different. In conclusion, groups 1 (4%) and 3 (63%) comply with published studies, whereas group 2 (33%) is novel. The existence of molecularly distinct subgroups within CA-CRC may guide clinical management, such as therapy options. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
