Capacity Analysis in Downlink WCDMA Systems Using Soft Handover Techniques With SIR-Based Power Control and Site Selection Diversity Transmission
This work analyzes the downlink performance of a WCDMA system with site selection diversity transmission power control (SSDT) during soft handover mode. Signal to interference ratio (SIR) power control techniques are modeled and used in the simulations of this analysis. The study is focused on finding the optimum soft handover margin in terms of maximum system capacity under energy-per-bit to noise spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) quality requirements. The results of this analysis show an increase in user capacity of about 15 -20 % for optimum soft handover margins of 5 – 5.5 dB. Nevertheless, the resources required (number of scrambling codes) by base station increase faster than the number …
The UWB-OFDM Channel Analysis in Frequency
In this paper, the ultra-wideband channel with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (UWB-OFDM) is analyzed in the frequency domain. For UWB-OFDM channels with log-normal fading in the time domain, we show that the amplitude of each subcarrier can be approximated by a Nakagami-m random variable, where the fading parameter, the mean power and the correlation coefficient are expressed in terms of the following parameters: time arrival of the clusters, inter-arrival time of rays inside clusters, and power decay constants of rays and clusters.
Temporal Dispersion Characterization of Over-Building Propagation Applied to Iso-Frequency Repeaters
This letter presents the results of a measurements campaign carried out at 2050 MHz with the aim of characterizing the time dispersion of multipath propagation when the transmit and receive antennas are placed near and situated on rooftops or mounted on masts. The measurements were taken in four separate locations within the urban area of Madrid, Spain. From the measured data, the root mean square (RMS) value of the delay spread and the delay interval that characterize the time dispersion propagation of the environment under study are analyzed. An average power delay profile (PDP), representative of the time dispersion, is proposed so as to extrapolate these results to other similar environ…