

The UWB-OFDM Channel Analysis in Frequency

Juan ReigGonzalo LlanoLorenzo Rubio


PhysicsAutomatización y sistemas de controlOrthogonal frequency-division multiplexingTecnologíaNakagami distributionTopologyBanda anchaAutomation Command and control systemSubcarrierComputer Science::OtherSystems engineeringComputer Science::PerformanceIntersymbol interferenceAmplitudeFrequency domainComunicación inalámbricaElectronic engineeringComputer Science::Networking and Internet ArchitectureSistemas de comunicación inalámbricaFadingTime domainIngeniería de sistemas y comunicacionesComputer Science::Information Theory


In this paper, the ultra-wideband channel with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (UWB-OFDM) is analyzed in the frequency domain. For UWB-OFDM channels with log-normal fading in the time domain, we show that the amplitude of each subcarrier can be approximated by a Nakagami-m random variable, where the fading parameter, the mean power and the correlation coefficient are expressed in terms of the following parameters: time arrival of the clusters, inter-arrival time of rays inside clusters, and power decay constants of rays and clusters.
