Marion Richard

Place de l’autohypnose dans la prise en charge de la douleur

Resume Pour les praticiens de l’hypnose dans le champ de la douleur, l’interet et les benefices de l’autohypnose semblent etre evidents. Cependant, bien que l’autohypnose devienne une pratique de plus en plus courante, et particulierement pour les personnes souffrant de douleurs chroniques, la litterature reste peu abondante. Cet article a pour objectif de faire le point sur la place de l’autohypnose dans la prise en charge de la douleur, par la presentation d’etudes de cas ou de recherches systematisees.

research product

High Prevalence of Human-Associated Escherichia coli in Wetlands Located in Eastern France

International audience; Escherichia coli that are present in the rivers are mostly brought by human and animal feces. Contamination occurs mostly through wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) outflows and field amendment with sewage sludge or manure. However, the survival of these isolates in river-associated wetlands remains unknown. Here, we assessed E. coli population structure in low-anthropized wetlands located along three floodplains to identify the major source of contamination of wetlands, whose functioning is different from the rivers. We retrieved 179 E. coli in water samples collected monthly from 19 sites located in eastern France over 1 year. Phylogroups B1 and B2 were dominant in …

research product

Enhanced emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria after in vitro induction with cancer chemotherapy drugs.

International audience; BACKGROUND:Infections with antibiotic-resistant pathogens in cancer patients are a leading cause of mortality. Cancer patients are treated with compounds that can damage bacterial DNA, potentially triggering the SOS response, which in turn enhances the bacterial mutation rate. Antibiotic resistance readily occurs after mutation of bacterial core genes. Thus, we tested whether cancer chemotherapy drugs enhance the emergence of resistant mutants in commensal bacteria.METHODS:Induction of the SOS response was tested after the incubation of Escherichia coli biosensors with 39 chemotherapeutic drugs at therapeutic concentrations. The mutation frequency was assessed after …

research product

Repères psychologiques et développementaux chez le patient drépanocytaire

Resume La drepanocytose, premiere maladie genetique en France, reste peu connue et peu etudiee a ce jour. Decouverte en 1910 aux Etats-Unis, les ecrits la concernant demeurent quasiment absents de la litterature scientifique francophone avant les annees 1980. La nomenclature dediee a cette pathologie, qu’elle soit medicale ou psychologique, interesse majoritairement les populations infantiles. Ce constat peut s’expliquer par le fait que, pendant longtemps, la problematique centrale de la drepanocytose s’orientait autour de la survie de l’enfant, et les etudes traitant de ce sujet se dirigeaient essentiellement sur les protocoles de soin (medicaux et d’accompagnement) a mettre en pratique. L…

research product