Christophe Guignabert


Optimising experimental research in respiratory diseases: an ERS statement

Experimental models are critical for the understanding of lung health and disease and are indispensable for drug development. However, the pathogenetic and clinical relevance of the models is often unclear. Further, the use of animals in biomedical research is controversial from an ethical perspective.The objective of this task force was to issue a statement with research recommendations about lung disease models by facilitating in-depth discussions between respiratory scientists, and to provide an overview of the literature on the available models. Focus was put on their specific benefits and limitations. This will result in more efficient use of resources and greater reduction in the numb…

research product

Pulmonary vascular endothelium: The orchestra conductor in respiratory diseases

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Research Seminar entitled “Pulmonary vascular endothelium: orchestra conductor in respiratory diseases - highlights from basic research to therapy” brought together international experts in dysfunctional pulmonary endothelium, from basic science to translational medicine, to discuss several important aspects in acute and chronic lung diseases. This review will briefly sum up the different topics of discussion from this meeting which was held in Paris, France on October 27–28, 2016. It is important to consider that this paper does not address all aspects of endothelial dysfunction but focuses on specific themes such as: 1) the complex role of the pulmon…

research product

Tonnerre de Brest ! Des Journées de Recherche Respiratoires 2020 pas comme les autres…

International audience; Tentons un peu d’oublier l’année 2020, mais pas complètement . . . C’est une année qui nousaura conduits à des envies et des visions différentes. Les rencontres conviviales et bien-veillantes qui ponctuent nos journées chaque année au mois d’octobre depuis 2005 n’ontpu se dérouler comme prévues, mais nous étions tous présents pour les 16esJournées deRecherche Respiratoire (J2R) le 16 octobre 2020, bien que devant nos écrans !Nous y avons cru jusqu’au bout et pensions pouvoir bénéficier de la fin de la fenêtreestivale, le programme était prêt et nos hôtes Brestois (nous ne remercierons jamais assezles équipes des Prs Francis Couturaud et Christophe Leroyer) avaient pe…

research product

Pulmonary vascular endothelium: the orchestra conductor in respiratory diseases

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Research Seminar entitled “Pulmonary vascular endothelium: orchestra conductor in respiratory diseases - highlights from basic research to therapy” brought together international experts in dysfunctional pulmonary endothelium, from basic science to translational medicine, to discuss several important aspects in acute and chronic lung diseases. This review will briefly sum up the different topics of discussion from this meeting which was held in Paris, France on October 27–28, 2016. It is important to consider that this paper does not address all aspects of endothelial dysfunction but focuses on specific themes such as: 1) the complex role of the pulmon…

research product