Rizzo G.

Statistical analysis techniques for Partial Discharges measurement under DC voltage

Partial discharges (PD) phenomenon for HVAC (High-Voltage-Alternating-Current) systems has already been widely studied in literature and from this it has been possible to produce a regulatory document that provides indications for description and identification of the different types of discharges. However, the growing diffusion of HVDC (High-Voltage-Direct-Current) systems makes necessary the development of analysis techniques also for DC case. In this paper data obtained from PD measurement under DC voltage were analyzed through the time-frequency map combined with a density-based clustering algorithm. The results show that, with this approach, it's possible to perform a noise rejection a…

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Approccio dietetico alla grande obesità

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Risultati produttivi e qualitativi delle prove varietali 2016-2017: Annata positiva per l’orzo da birra al Centro-Sud

Riscuotono maggiore interesse i risultati delle prove effettuate al Centro-Sud, dato che la coltivazione dell’orzo da birra si concentra lì: la media produttiva è stata di 5,7 t/ha. Al Nord le prove sono utili per un futuro sviluppo della coltura: in questo caso la produzione media è stata di 4,9 t/ha

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Characteristics of partial discharges in an experimental setup reproducing HVDC cable insulation operating conditions

The occurrence of Partial Discharge (PD) inside a cavity subjected to HVDC voltage can be considered as one of the most likely sources of insulation ageing and failure. In practical applications, the recognition of PD under HVDC is more difficult than under AC stress because of the lower repetition rates and the impossibility to obtain a PD pattern synchronized with the waveform of the applied voltage. In this paper, the relationship between conduction phenomena in dielectrics and the occurrence of PD is investigated by means of a novel experimental setup. A couple of dielectric cells connected in series is subjected to various HVDC stress levels. The applied voltage is divided between the …

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Search for di-muon decays of a low-mass Higgs boson in radiative decays of the Gamma(1S)

We search for di-muon decays of a low-mass Higgs boson (A(0)) produced in radiative Gamma(1S) decays. The Gamma(1S) sample is selected by tagging the pion pair in the Gamma(2S, 3S) -> pi(+)pi(-) Gamma(1S) transitions, using a data sample of 92.8 x 10(6) Gamma(2S) and 116.8 x 10(6) Gamma(3S) events collected by the BABAR detector. We find no evidence for A(0) production and set 90% confidence level upper limits on the product branching fraction B(Gamma(1S) -> gamma Lambda(0)) x B(Lambda(0)->mu(+)mu(-)) in the range of (0.28 - 9.7) x 10(-6) for 0.212 gamma Lambda(0), Lambda(0) -> mu(+)mu(-) to set limits on the effective coupling of the b quark to the Lambda(0).

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Leading agritourism facilities along Nearly Zero Energy paths: Proposal of an easy-to-use evaluation method

The tourist sector, despite the present severe constraints imposed by the sanitary emergence, can be considered as an important component of almost all countries' economies. In Italy agriturism, in particular, has been experiences a continuously rising trend in recent years. Clearly, such great interest towards these businesses also calls for a deep attention by an energy point of view, in sight of an energy efficiency improvement, hence a lowering of the pressure that such facilities exert to the natural environment. On the other hand, the European Union has been engaged, for a long time, in awarding the tourist accommodations environmental excellence brands, like the EU Ecolabel. Unfortun…

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Effect of Space charge accumulation inside the thermoplastic insulation of a loaded HVDC model cable

The space charge accumulation phenomenon represents one of the main degradation factors for the dielectrics employed in the field of the HVDC transmission. For this reason, the recommendation IEEE Std 1732-2017 has been proposed. In that standard, due to the importance attributed at the space charge phenomenon, the experts suggest the introduction of the space charge measurement in HVDC cables during the prequalification or type tests, by means of the PEA method. However, despite for tests in flat specimens the PEA technique is well consolidated, for cable specimens difficulties are still present. In particular, the PEA cell output signal is strongly conditioned by the arranged measurement …

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Valutazione dei risultati produttivi delle prove nazionali 2016-2017. Orzo: buoni risultati produttivi nonostante i mesi siccitosi.

Le precipitazioni praticamente assenti dal mese di febbraio non hanno compromesso le produzioni dell’orzo, che hanno raggiunto 7,1 t/ha al Nord, 6,8 al Centro e 6,4 t/ha al Sud e nelle Isole. La Rete delle prove ha riguardato la valutazione di 36 varietà di orzo da zootecnia in diverse località rappresentative della produzione nazionale.

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Erratum: Risk factors associated with adverse fetal outcomes in pregnancies affected by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A secondary analysis of the WAPM study on COVID-19 (Journal of Perinatal Medicine (2020) 48:9 (950-958) DOI: 10.1515/jpm-2020-0355)

Due to a technical error, the author list at the end of this article is unfortunately incorrect. Elif Gül Yapar Eyi is not a co-author, and therefore, his name and affiliation should not appear in the list. The correct author list and affiliations read as follows: Daniele Di Mascio, Cihat Sen, Gabriele Saccone, Alberto Galindo, Amos Grünebaum, Jun Yoshimatsu, Milan Stanojevic, AsimKurjak, Frank Chervenak, María Jos´e Rodríguez Suárez, Zita Maria Gambacorti-Passerini, María de los Angeles Anaya Baz, Esther Vanessa Aguilar Galán, Yolanda Cuñarro López, Juan Antonio De León Luis, Ignacio Cueto Hernández, Ignacio Herraiz, Cecilia Villalain, Roberta Venturella, Giuseppe Rizzo, Ilenia Mappa, Giov…

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Approccio dietetico alla grande obesità. In: Manuale di nutrizione clinica e scienze dietetiche applicate

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A virtual Concept of City Car

In this paper a virtual concept of a city car is proposed with the aim of approaching rationally the use of private and public means of transport, by combining the advantages of the traditional systems and the new technologies. The concept suggests the Drive by Wire interface for all the commands on board; this is based on electric signals, direction and moving operated by joystick. The simpleness of driving and the small dimensions could allow the use of the car to the disabled person without any additional device.

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