Correlation of Crystallin Expression and RGC Susceptibility in Experimental Glaucoma Rats of Different Ages.
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide with age being an important risk factor. However, the pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Aim of this study was to focus on age-dependent molecular changes in an experimental animal model of glaucoma.Intraocular pressure was elevated in Sprague-Dawley rats aged 3, 14, and 47 weeks for a period of 7 weeks by episcleral vein cauterization. Ganglion cell loss was monitored by an immunohistochemical staining of the Brain-specific homeobox/POU (Pit-1, Oct-2, Unc-86) domain protein 3A positive cells in retinal flat-mounts and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography measuring the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Molecular pr…
Reaktion der Endothelzellen auf kurzzeitig physiologisch erhöhte hydrostatische Drücke und oxidativen Stress in vitro
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Im Rahmen der Pathogenese des Glaukoms wird die endotheliale Dysfunktion zunehmend diskutiert. Peripapilläre Blutungen sind diagnostisch wegweisend. Die Korrelation von Glaukomerkrankungen mit vaskulärem Dysregulationssyndrom ist eindeutig. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die genaue Reaktion der Endothelzellen auf erhöhten hydrostatischen und oxidativen Stress zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden In vitro wurden primär dissoziierte BMECs (brain microvascular endothelial cells) für 3 Tage normalem und leicht erhöhtem hydrostatischem Druck von 60 und 120 mmHg in einer Druckkammer ausgesetzt. Zusätzlich wurden sowohl druckbelastete als auch nicht druckbelastete Zellen o…
Fully robotic Ivor–Lewis esophagectomy (RAMIE4) for esophageal cancer after emergency surgery and ligation of the gastroduodenal artery
We report a case of a 69-year-old patient with esophageal cancer and severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding during neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy who required mass transfusion followed by complex emergency procedures. Despite endoscopic stenting, the bleeding recurred, and thus emergency open surgery was required. Gastric wedge resection of the minor curvature necessitated by perforation caused by the endoscopic stent maneuver and duodenotomy with ligation of the gastroduodenal artery, as the cause of persistent intraluminal bleeding, were performed. The already prepared gastric conduit during the emergency operation did not become ischemic, even though the gastroduodenal artery, left gastr…
Abstract Background Iatrogenic bronchial injury during an esophageal surgery is a severe complication. Hence, immediate treatment is necessary to avoid further pulmonary complications and death. We present a case of an intraoperative bronchial injury caused by a bronchial tube cuff during a full robotic-assisted Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy (RAMIE). Case report A 64-year old patient with adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus was planned for a RAMIE after completing neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy. Before beginning the thoracic phase, the anesthesist reported an airway leakage during the ventilation. During the transthoracic robotic assisted esophagectomy a perforation of the left main bronchus c…
Abstract Objective To evaluate the impact of lower paratracheal lymph node resection on oncological radicality and complication rate during esophagectomy for cancer. Backround The ideal extend of lymphadenectomy (LAD) in esophageal surgery is debated. Until today, there has been no proof for improved survival after standardized paratracheal lymph node resection performing oncological esophagectomy. Methods Lymph nodes from the lower paratracheal station are not standardly resected during 2-field Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Retrospectively, we identified 200 patients operated in our center for esophageal cancer from January 2017—December 2019. Histopathologically, 143 pat…
Technical details of the abdominal part during full robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy
Abstract The full robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) is an upcoming approach in the treatment of esophageal and junctional cancer. Potential benefits are seen in angulated precise maneuvers in the abdominal part as well as in the thoracic part, but due to the novelty of this approach the optimal setting of the trocars, the instruments and the operating setting is still under debate. Hereafter, we present a technical description of the ‘Mainz technique’ of the abdominal part of RAMIE carried out as Ivor Lewis procedure. Postoperative complication rate and duration of the abdominal part of 100 consecutive patients from University Medical Center in Mainz are illustrated.…
The Small Heat Shock Protein α-Crystallin B Shows Neuroprotective Properties in a Glaucoma Animal Model
Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to irreversible retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss and is one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. The pathogenesis of glaucoma remains unclear, and novel approaches for neuroprotective treatments are urgently needed. Previous studies have revealed significant down-regulation of α-crystallin B as an initial reaction to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), followed by a clear but delayed up-regulation, suggesting that this small heat-shock protein plays a pathophysiological role in the disease. This study analyzed the neuroprotective effect of α-crystallin B in an experimental animal model of glaucoma. Significant IOP elevation induced b…
Erhöhter Augeninnendruck für 7 Wochen induziert lokale Gefäßveränderungen im experimentellen Glaukommodell in vivo
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Peripapilläre Blutungen sind diagnostisch wegweisend für das Vorliegen des Glaukoms. Dennoch ist die Rolle der Gefäße der Retina und des Sehnervs in der Pathogenese des Glaukoms weitestgehend ungeklärt. Ziel dieser Studie war es, im experimentellen Glaukommodell die lokalen Veränderungen dieser Gefäße auf erhöhten Druck in vivo zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden Das Glaukom wurde durch Veröden dreier episkleraler Venen des linken Auges von weiblichen Sprague-Dawley-Ratten induziert (n = 6). In vivo erfolgte eine Messung der Gefäßkaliber mittels peripapillärem Scan des SD-OCT (Heidelberg Engineering) als Baseline sowie 7 Wochen nach Augeninnendruckerhöhung. Die…