Nageswari Shanmugalingam


Maximal regularity via reverse Hölder inequalities for elliptic systems of n-Laplace type involving measures

In this note, we consider the regularity of solutions of the nonlinear elliptic systems of n-Laplacian type involving measures, and prove that the gradients of the solutions are in the weak Lebesgue space Ln,∞. We also obtain the a priori global and local estimates for the Ln,∞-norm of the gradients of the solutions without using BMO-estimates. The proofs are based on a new lemma on the higher integrability of functions.

research product

Dirichlet Forms, Poincaré Inequalities, and the Sobolev Spaces of Korevaar and Schoen

We answer a question of Jost on the validity of Poincare inequalities for metric space-valued functions in a Dirichlet domain. We also investigate the relationship between Dirichlet domains and the Sobolev-type spaces introduced by Korevaar and Schoen.

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Geometric Properties of Planar BV -Extension Domains

We investigate geometric properties of those planar domains that are extension for functions with bounded variation.We start from a characterization of such domains given by Burago–Maz'ya and prove that a bounded, simply connected domain is a BV -extension domain if and only if its com- plement is quasiconvex. We further prove that the extension property is a bi-Lipschitz invariant and give applications to Sobolev extension domains.

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An introduction to Cheeger's differentiation theory

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Quasiadditivity of Variational Capacity

We study the quasiadditivity property (a version of superadditivity with a multiplicative constant) of variational capacity in metric spaces with respect to Whitney type covers. We characterize this property in terms of a Mazya type capacity condition, and also explore the close relation between quasiadditivity and Hardy's inequality.

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L∞-variational problem associated to dirichlet forms

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Equivalence of AMLE, strong AMLE, and comparison with cones in metric measure spaces

MSC (2000) Primary: 31C35; Secondary: 31C45, 30C65 In this paper, we study the relationship between p-harmonic functions and absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extensions in the setting of a metric measure space (X, d, µ). In particular, we show that limits of p-harmonic functions (as p →∞ ) are necessarily the ∞-energy minimizers among the class of all Lipschitz functions with the same boundary data. Our research is motivated by the observation that while the p-harmonic functions in general depend on the underlying measure µ, in many cases their asymptotic limit as p →∞ turns out have a characterization that is independent of the measure. c

research product

Lipschitz continuity of Cheeger-harmonic functions in metric measure spaces

Abstract We use the heat equation to establish the Lipschitz continuity of Cheeger-harmonic functions in certain metric spaces. The metric spaces under consideration are those that are endowed with a doubling measure supporting a (1,2)-Poincare inequality and in addition supporting a corresponding Sobolev–Poincare-type inequality for the modification of the measure obtained via the heat kernel. Examples are given to illustrate the necessity of our assumptions on these spaces. We also provide an example to show that in the general setting the best possible regularity for the Cheeger-harmonic functions is Lipschitz continuity.

research product

Geometry and analysis of Dirichlet forms (II)

Abstract Given a regular, strongly local Dirichlet form E , under assumption that the lower bound of the Ricci curvature of Bakry–Emery, the local doubling and local Poincare inequalities are satisfied, we obtain that: (i) the intrinsic differential and distance structures of E coincide; (ii) the Cheeger energy functional Ch d E is a quadratic norm. This shows that (ii) is necessary for the Riemannian Ricci curvature defined by Ambrosio–Gigli–Savare to be bounded from below. This together with some recent results of Ambrosio–Gigli–Savare yields that the heat flow gives a gradient flow of Boltzman–Shannon entropy under the above assumptions. We also obtain an improvement on Kuwada's duality …

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The De Giorgi measure and an obstacle problem related to minimal surfaces in metric spaces

Abstract We study the existence of a set with minimal perimeter that separates two disjoint sets in a metric measure space equipped with a doubling measure and supporting a Poincare inequality. A measure constructed by De Giorgi is used to state a relaxed problem, whose solution coincides with the solution to the original problem for measure theoretically thick sets. Moreover, we study properties of the De Giorgi measure on metric measure spaces and show that it is comparable to the Hausdorff measure of codimension one. We also explore the relationship between the De Giorgi measure and the variational capacity of order one. The theory of functions of bounded variation on metric spaces is us…

research product

Interpolation properties of Besov spaces defined on metric spaces

Let X = (X, d, μ)be a doubling metric measure space. For 0 < α < 1, 1 ≤p, q < ∞, we define semi-norms When q = ∞ the usual change from integral to supremum is made in the definition. The Besov space Bp, qα (X) is the set of those functions f in Llocp(X) for which the semi-norm ‖f ‖ is finite. We will show that if a doubling metric measure space (X, d, μ) supports a (1, p)-Poincare inequality, then the Besov space Bp, qα (X) coincides with the real interpolation space (Lp (X), KS1, p(X))α, q, where KS1, p(X) is the Sobolev space defined by Korevaar and Schoen [15]. This results in (sharp) imbedding theorems. We further show that our definition of a Besov space is equivalent with the definiti…

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Gromov–Hausdorff convergence and Poincaré inequalities

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Other definitions of Sobolev-type spaces

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Sobolev classes of Banach space-valued functions and quasiconformal mappings

We give a definition for the class of Sobolev functions from a metric measure space into a Banach space. We give various characterizations of Sobolev classes and study the absolute continuity in measure of Sobolev mappings in the “borderline case”. We show under rather weak assumptions on the source space that quasisymmetric homeomorphisms belong to a Sobolev space of borderline degree; in particular, they are absolutely continuous. This leads to an analytic characterization of quasiconformal mappings between Ahlfors regular Loewner spaces akin to the classical Euclidean situation. As a consequence, we deduce that quasisymmetric maps respect the Cheeger differentials of Lipschitz functions …

research product

Notions of Dirichlet problem for functions of least gradient in metric measure spaces

We study two notions of Dirichlet problem associated with BV energy minimizers (also called functions of least gradient) in bounded domains in metric measure spaces whose measure is doubling and supports a (1, 1)-Poincaré inequality. Since one of the two notions is not amenable to the direct method of the calculus of variations, we construct, based on an approach of Juutinen and Mazón-Rossi–De León, solutions by considering the Dirichlet problem for p-harmonic functions, p>1, and letting p→1. Tools developed and used in this paper include the inner perimeter measure of a domain. Peer reviewed

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