

Equivalence of AMLE, strong AMLE, and comparison with cones in metric measure spaces

Nageswari ShanmugalingamPetri Juutinen


Discrete mathematicsGeneral MathematicsBoundary dataMetric mapLipschitz continuityMetric differentialEquivalence (measure theory)Mathematics


MSC (2000) Primary: 31C35; Secondary: 31C45, 30C65 In this paper, we study the relationship between p-harmonic functions and absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extensions in the setting of a metric measure space (X, d, µ). In particular, we show that limits of p-harmonic functions (as p →∞ ) are necessarily the ∞-energy minimizers among the class of all Lipschitz functions with the same boundary data. Our research is motivated by the observation that while the p-harmonic functions in general depend on the underlying measure µ, in many cases their asymptotic limit as p →∞ turns out have a characterization that is independent of the measure. c
