Cohort Profile: Design and methods of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized trial
The PREDIMED (in Spanish: PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) primary prevention trial1–3 reported in 2013 that long-term adherence to an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), supplemented with either extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) or nuts, reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD). PREDIMED showed a 30% relative reduction in the composite cardiovascular primary endpoint (stroke, myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death).2,,3 However, the PREDIMED trial tested only the composition of the diet, but did not test other lifestyle interventions (i.e. energy reduction, increased physical activity (PA) and behavioural modification) frequently applied in the context of the current unprece…
Effect of a Lifestyle Intervention Program With Energy-Restricted Mediterranean Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: One-Year Results of the PREDIMED-Plus Trial
OBJECTIVE The long-term impact of intentional weight loss on cardiovascular events remains unknown. We describe 12-month changes in body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED)-Plus, a trial designed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of an intensive weight loss lifestyle intervention on primary cardiovascular prevention. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Overweight/obese adults with metabolic syndrome aged 55–75 years (n = 626) were randomized to an intensive weight loss lifestyle intervention based on an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet, physical activity promotion, and behavioral support (IG) or a control group (CG). The primary and seco…
A Mediterranean Diet Rich in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Is Associated with a Reduced Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Older Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk
Los autores de este trabajo forman parte de PREDIMED study investigators. Son los siguientes: Principales: Xavier Pintó, Marta Fanlo-Maresma, Emili Corbella, Xavier Corbella, M Teresa Mitjavila, Juan J Moreno, Rosa Casas, Ramon Estruch, Dolores Corella, Mònica Bulló, Miguel Ruiz-Canela, Olga Castañer, J Alfredo Martinez, Emilio Ros, PREDIMED Study Investigators. PREDIMED Study investigators: Estruch R, Martínez-González MA, Corella D, Fitó M, Ros E, Salas-Salvadó J, Arós F, Aldamiz-Echevarría M, Alonso-Gómez AM, Berjón J, Forga L, Gállego J, García-Layana A, Larrauri A, Portu-Zapirain J, Timiraos J, Ros E, Covas MI, Martínez-González MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Pérez-Heras A, Serra-Mir M, Pi-Sunye…
MicroRNAs and Drinking : Association between the Pre-miR-27a rs895819 Polymorphism and Alcohol Consumption in a Mediterranean Population
Recently, microRNAs (miRNA) have been proposed as regulators in the different processes involved in alcohol intake, and differences have been found in the miRNA expression profile in alcoholics. However, no study has focused on analyzing polymorphisms in genes encoding miRNAs and daily alcohol consumption at the population level. Our aim was to investigate the association between a functional polymorphism in the pre-miR-27a (rs895819 A>G) gene and alcohol consumption in an elderly population. We undertook a cross-sectional study of PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED)-Valencia participants (n = 1007, including men and women aged 67 7 years) and measured their alcohol consumption (to…
Legume consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes incidence in adults: A prospective assessment from the PREDIMED study
Background & aims: Legumes, a low-energy, nutrient-dense and low glycemic index food, have shown beneficial effects on glycemic control and adiposity. As such, legumes are widely recommended in diabetic diets, even though there is little evidence that their consumption protects against type 2 diabetes. Therefore the aim of the present study was to examine the associations between consumption of total legumes and specific subtypes, and type 2 diabetes risk. We also investigated the effect of theoretically substituting legumes for other protein- or carbohydrate-rich foods. Methods: Prospective assessment of 3349 participants in the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study without ty…
What the human sperm methylome tells us.
Aim: To characterize the sperm methylome in semen samples from 19 donors with proven fertility. Materials & methods: Bisulfite-converted sperm DNA was hybridized on the HumanMethylation450 Infinium BeadChip platform. CpG fluorescence intensities were extracted and converted to β-values. Results: The sperm methylome is highly homogeneous and hypomethylated. Genes with hypomethylated promoters are ontologically associated to biological functions related to spermatogenesis and embryogenesis. Sex chromosomes are the most hypomethylated chromosomes, supporting data that indicated their essential role in spermatogenesis. A total of 94 genes are resistant to demethylation, being strong candid…
Mediterranean diet and quality of life: Baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial
We assessed if a 17-item score capturing adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) was associated with better health-related quality of life among older Spanish men and women with overweight or obesity harboring the metabolic syndrome. We analyzed baseline data from 6430 men and women (age 55-70 years) participating in the PREDIMED-Plus study. PREDIMED-Plus is a multi-centre randomized trial testing an energy-restricted MedDiet combined with promotion of physical activity and behavioral therapy for primary cardiovascular prevention compared to a MedDiet alone. Participants answered a 36-item questionnaire about health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and a 17-item questionnaire…
Lysine pathway metabolites and the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED study: results from two case-cohort studies
[Background]: The pandemic of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) requires the identification of new predictor biomarkers. Biomarkers potentially modifiable with lifestyle changes deserve a special interest. Our aims were to analyze: (a) The associations of lysine, 2-aminoadipic acid (2-AAA) or pipecolic acid with the risk of T2D or CVD in the PREDIMED trial; (b) the effect of the dietary intervention on 1-year changes in these metabolites, and (c) whether the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) interventions can modify the effects of these metabolites on CVD or T2D risk. [Methods]: Two unstratified case-cohort studies nested within the PREDIMED trial were used. For CVD analyses…
Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies
[Background]: Inflammation is known to be related to the leading causes of death including cardiovascular disease, several types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression-suicide and other chronic diseases. In the context of whole dietary patterns, the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®) was developed to appraise the inflammatory potential of the diet. [Objective]: We prospectively assessed the association between DII scores and all-cause mortality in two large Spanish cohorts and valuated the consistency of findings across these two cohorts and results published based on other cohorts.
MOESM1 of Lysine pathway metabolites and the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED study: results from two case-cohort studies
Additional file 1. Additional figures and tables.