Pair creation in electric fields, anomalies, and renormalization of the electric current
We investigate the Schwinger pair production phenomena in spatially homogeneous strong electric fields. We first consider scalar QED in four-dimensions and discuss the potential ambiguity in the adiabatic order assignment for the electromagnetic potential required to fix the renormalization subtractions. We argue that this ambiguity can be solved by invoking the conformal anomaly when both electric and gravitational backgrounds are present. We also extend the adiabatic regularization method for spinor QED in two-dimensions and find consistency with the chiral anomaly. We focus on the issue of the renormalization of the electric current $\langle j^\mu \rangle$ generated by the created pairs.…
Adiabatic expansions for Dirac fields, renormalization, and anomalies
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Adiabatic regularization with a Yukawa interaction
We extend the adiabatic regularization method for an expanding universe to include the Yukawa interaction between quantized Dirac fermions and a homogeneous background scalar field. We give explicit expressions for the renormalized expectation values of the stress-energy tensor $\langle T_{\mu\nu} \rangle$ and the bilinear $\langle \bar\psi\psi\rangle$ in a spatially flat FLRW spacetime. These are basic ingredients in the semiclassical field equations of fermionic matter in curved spacetime interacting with a background scalar field. The ultraviolet subtracting terms of the adiabatic regularization can be naturally interpreted as coming from appropriate counterterms of the background fields…
Role of gravity in the pair creation induced by electric fields
We analyze the pair production induced by homogenous, time-dependent electric fields in an expanding space-time background. We point out that, in obtaining the semiclassical Maxwell equations, two distinct notions of adiabatic renormalization are possible. In Minkowski space the two recipes turn out to be equivalent. However, in the presence of gravity only the recipe requiring an adiabatic hierarchy between the gravitational and the gauge field is consistent with the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor.
R-summed form of adiabatic expansions in curved spacetime
The Feynman propagator in curved spacetime admits an asymptotic (Schwinger-DeWitt) series expansion in derivatives of the metric. Remarkably, all terms in the series containing the Ricci scalar R can be summed exactly. We show that this (non-perturbative) property of the Schwinger-DeWitt series has a natural and equivalent counterpart in the adiabatic (Parker-Fulling) series expansion of the scalar modes in an homogeneous cosmological spacetime. The equivalence between both R-summed adiabatic expansions can be further extended when a background scalar field is also present.
Running gravitational couplings, decoupling, and curved spacetime renormalization
We propose to slightly generalize the DeWitt-Schwinger adiabatic renormalization subtractions in curved space to include an arbitrary renormalization mass scale $\mu$. The new predicted running for the gravitational couplings are fully consistent with decoupling of heavy massive fields. This is a somewhat improvement with respect to the more standard treatment of minimal (DeWitt-Schwinger) subtractions via dimensional regularization. We also show how the vacuum metamorphosis model emerges from the running couplings.
Running couplings from adiabatic regularization
We extend the adiabatic regularization method by introducing an arbitrary mass scale $\mu$ in the construction of the subtraction terms. This allows us to obtain, in a very robust way, the running of the coupling constants by demanding $\mu$-invariance of the effective semiclassical (Maxwell-Einstein) equations. In particular, we get the running of the electric charge of perturbative quantum electrodynamics. Furthermore, the method brings about a renormalization of the cosmological constant and the Newtonian gravitational constant. The running obtained for these dimensionful coupling constants has new relevant (non-logarithmic) contributions, not predicted by dimensional regularization.
Renormalization, running couplings, and decoupling for the Yukawa model in a curved spacetime
The decoupling of heavy fields as required by the Appelquist-Carazzone theorem plays a fundamental role in the construction of any effective field theory. However, it is not a trivial task to implement a renormalization prescription that produces the expected decoupling of massive fields, and it is even more difficult in curved spacetime. Focused on this idea, we consider the renormalization of the one-loop effective action for the Yukawa interaction with a background scalar field in curved space. We compute the beta functions within a generalized DeWitt-Schwinger subtraction procedure and discuss the decoupling in the running of the coupling constants. For the case of a quantized scalar fi…