A. V. Safonov
Noise delayed decay of unstable states: theory versus numerical simulations
We study the noise delayed decay of unstable nonequilibrium states in nonlinear dynamical systems within the framework of the overdamped Brownian motion model. We give the exact expressions for the decay times of unstable states for polynomial potential profiles and obtain nonmonotonic behavior of the decay times as a function of the noise intensity for the unstable nonequilibrium states. The analytical results are compared with numerical simulations.
Stochastic model of memristor based on the length of conductive region
Abstract We propose a stochastic model of a voltage controlled bipolar memristive system, which includes the properties of widely used dynamic SPICE models and takes into account the fluctuations inherent in memristors. The proposed model is described by rather simple equations of Brownian diffusion, does not require significant computational resources for numerical modeling, and allows obtaining the exact analytical solutions in some cases. The noise-induced transient bimodality phenomenon, arising under resistive switching, was revealed and investigated theoretically and experimentally in a memristive system, by finding a quite good qualitatively agreement between theory and experiment. B…
Nonstationary distributions and relaxation times in a stochastic model of memristor
We propose a stochastic model for a memristive system by generalizing known approaches and experimental results. We validate our theoretical model by experiments carried out on a memristive device based on multilayer structure. In the framework of the proposed model we obtain the exact analytic expressions for stationary and nonstationary solutions. We analyze the equilibrium and non-equilibrium steady-state distributions of the internal state variable of the memristive system and study the influence of fluctuations on the resistive switching, including the relaxation time to the steady-state. The relaxation time shows a nonmonotonic dependence, with a minimum, on the intensity of the fluct…