Manuel Costa

Lista de los libros dejados a esta Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valencia por D. Vicente Dauder bibliotecario que fue de la misma, remitidos por el Pbro. D. Manuel Costa


research product

Les Junipereta macrocarpae sur sable

espanolLos autores estudian lalunipereta macrocarpae sobre arena de dunas mediterraneas. La aplicacion de metodos fitosociologicos actuales permiten distinguir sobre las costas mediterraneas y los litorales vecinos cuatro asociaciones territoriales geosinvicariantes con Junipertis avycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth. et Sm.) Ball teniendo cada una un entorno geografico particular. francaisLes auteurs etudient les Junipereta macrocarpae sur sable des dunes mediterraneennes. L'application des methodes phytosociologiques actuelles permet de mettre en evidence sur les dotes mediterraneennes et les littoraux voisins quatre associations territoriales geosynvicariantes a Juniperus oxycedrus L. s…

research product

Long-term carbon stock recovery in a neotropical-logged forest

AbstractThis article assesses the effect of different logging levels on loss of above-ground biomass and the contribution of different ecological groups of species in the long-term recovery of C st...

research product

Legado de D. Vicente Dauder á la Biblioteca Universitaria de Valencia diciembre de 1867.

Ms 1. [Carta al Sr. Bibliotecari, datada en Palma 20 de diciembre de 1867, de D. Manuel Costa] 2. De los libros del Dr. Dn. Vicente Dauder para la Universidad de Valencia

research product

Lista de los libros dejados a esta Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valencia por D. Vicente Dauder bibliotecario que fue de la misma, remitidos por el Pbro. D. Manuel Costa


research product

Erratum to “Cissampeloflavone, a chalcone–flavone dimer from Cissampelos pareira”[Phytochemistry 64 (2003) 645–647]

research product

Cissampeloflavone, a chalcone-flavone dimer from Cissampelos pareira

From the aerial parts of Cissampelos pareira L. (Menispermaceae), a chalcone-flavone dimer has been isolated which, mainly from NMR spectroscopic and MS data, was proved to be 2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-7-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxybenzoyl)-furano[3,2-g]benzopyran-4-one. This has been assigned the trivial name cissampeloflavone. The compound has good activity against Trypanosoma cruzi and T. brucei rhodesiense and has a low toxicity to the human KB cell line.

research product

Assessing coastal habitats with Juniperus sp. pl. in the Iberian Peninsula and on the Balearic Islands

Coastal habitats with Juniperus sp. pl. represent the mature stage in the ecological succession of dune ecosystems. Maritime junipers (Juniperus macrocarpa), prickly junipers (J. navicularis) and c...

research product

An assessment of the floristic composition, structure and possible origin of a liana forest in the Guayana Shield

Liana is a life form that possess high importance in many neotropical forests. Density of climbers apparently increases with the intervention rate (eg. logging). The aim of this work is to characterize the structure, floristic composition and soils of a sector classified as Liana Forest (LF). We identified a LF sector in a not-logged area; three 1 ha square plots were measured (individuals ≥ 10 cm dbh, “diameter at breast height”). In each plot we evaluate four 100 m2 square understory sub-plots (all spermatophyta individuals < 10 cm dbh). LF has a low canopy (< 15 m) and is dominated by Alexa imperatricis and Pentaclethra macroloba. Basal area (20.4 m2ha-1) and diversity (H´= 2.6) ar…

research product

Relaciones suelo-vegetación en una toposecuencia del Escudo Guayanés, Venezuela

El Escudo Guayanés es uno de los territorios más antiguos del planeta; tiene millones de años sometido a procesos de lixiviación y erosión que dejan suelos oligotróficos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue hacer la caracterización de los parámetros físicos y químicos de los suelos, en diferentes comunidades boscosas de la Reserva Forestal Imataca, e identificar ciertas relaciones entre los componentes edáficos y las especies que allí se presentan. Se realizó un inventario de todos los individuos mayores a 10cm dap (diámetro a la altura del pecho) en 15 parcelas (1ha); en cada una de esas parcelas se evaluaron cuatro sub-parcelas de sotobosque (100m²) para contabilizar todas las espermatofitas;…

research product

The organismic and the continuous approaches applied to phytosociological relationships in a lowland neotropical forest, Venezuela

Abstract The Organismic and the Continuous theories are traditionally considered as antagonist in ecology studies. In this research, we make the floristic characterization of different forest communities and establish the corresponding classification, taking into account the approaches derived from the theories aforementioned. We used 1 ha plots to evaluate individuals bigger than 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height). In each one of that plots, four sub-plots of 100 m2 were measured, to study all the spermatophyta in the understory. The data obtained were considered in an Enlarged Importance Index (EII), for each species in each plot. Then, the phytosociological relationships were establis…

research product

Biogeographical and bioclimatic outline of Antarctica

This study proposes a bioclimatic characterization and a new biogeographic division for the Antarctic territories up to the province level following the criteria and models of Rivas-Martínez et al. The Antarctic Kingdom comprises the continent of Antarctica, the surrounding ice-covered Antarctic islands, and the associated cold oceanic islands and archipelagos. It has two biogeographic regions: the Antarctic Region and the Subantarctic Insular Region. The Antarctic Region includes the entire pergelid Antarctic continent and the surrounding islands and archipelagos, and is characterized by upper suprapolar hyperoceanic and oceanic or Polar pergelid bioclimates on the coasts. The region has b…

research product

Understanding properly the `potential natural vegetation' concept

This is a response to critical comments concerning the inappropriate use of the potential natural vegetation (PNV) concept made in a recent contribution to the Commentary section of this journal. We consider that the PNV concept has been misinterpreted. PNV has been used extensively in several European countries since the mid-1950s and was never intended to be used to make a prediction of what vegetation would dominate in an area if human influence were removed. PNV maps express hypothetical assumptions of what corresponds to dominant or natural vegetation in each area. Remnants of the vegetation of the past provided by palaeopalynology and other disciplines provide valuable information for…

research product

The Coastal Levantine Area

The Coastal Levantine area is a very diverse territory situated between the Cap de Creus and the Cap de la Nau. The wide variety of environments and ecological conditions that occur in this area determine its great diversity and richness from the vegetation point of view. Forest composition depends mainly on climatic factors, geomorphology and soil features, and are currently dominated by evergreen sclerophyllous (Quercus ilex, Q. rotundifolia, Q. suber), conifer (Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster, P. pinea, P. salzmannii, P. sylvestris), and deciduous (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea) and semi-deciduous (Quercus faginea, Q. canariensis, Q. pubescens, Q. pyrenaica) species in inland areas with…

research product