Janet Wolf
La Formación del Profesorado para la Inclusión. Evolución Normativa y Situación Actual en Turquía, República Checa e Italia
Recientes propuestas de UNESCO y nuevas leyes europeas enfocan el tema de la inclusión en el campo de la educación. Con este estudio de naturaleza comparada mostramos la situación de Turquía, República Checa e Italia por lo que se refiere a la formación del profesorado en servicio y en la fase de su formación inicial. A través de la comparación de la legislación de cada país, se evidencia la presencia de un plan de formación trienal para el profesorado en servicio en República Checa e Italia. Discurso distinto tenemos que hacer para Turquía. En las conclusiones describimos analogías y diferencias entre los tres países.
Inclusion of immigrant children
The Middle East and sub‐Saharan African countries have been suffering by wars during last few years and therefore Europe meets new challenges that are caused by new waves of refugees, which are crossing the boarders of Europe every day. Majority of migrants is consisting of young or more than young people, forced to abandon their own homes, their own cities, their own schools. Although this could look like talking about individual dramas, abandoning schools and depriving a whole generation of education means, really, prejudicing the future of the whole society and prejudicing the future of the countries of origin, which would be deprived of potential future productive and managerial classes…
Teacher Training in Linguistic Diversity within Inclusive Education: Cooperation between Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations and Educational Institutions. Situation in Three European Countries
Esta tesis examina la colaboración entre las las organizaciones no gubernamentales sin ánimo de lucro centradas en los alumnos con una lengua materna diferente y los centros escolares de tres zonas geográficas europeas: República Checa, Italia y España. Responde a tres preguntas de investigación: (1) ¿Qué servicios ofrecen las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro a los profesores? (2) ¿Cómo ven las organizaciones no lucrativas la cooperación actual? (3) ¿Conocen los profesores la existencia de organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro en este ámbito y están interesados en dicha cooperación? Se emplea un enfoque de métodos mixtos, aplicando un cuestionario a 34 organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro (9 chec…
The Perception of Not-for-Profit Organisations on Risks in Partnership with Czech, Sicilian and Castilian-Leonese Schools
Non-proft sector and schools have different trajectories in the sphere of education and yet they both direct to the same goal – well-being of their target groups. What would happen if they joined their interests and transformed it into some kind of cooperation? Is it already happening and if so, how? This chapter focuses on the everyday reality of partnership between non-proft non-governmental organizations and schools, particularly in the area of inclusion of foreign language (FL) students in three European geographical areas – the Czech Republic, Castilla y León Autonomous Community of Spain, and Sicily in Italy. The three-year project aimed to map the extent of such cooperation and allow…
Partnership of schools and civil society organisations to support education of students of varied linguistic backgrounds—The situation in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain
This article reports on research examining the intensity and forms of partnership between civil society organisations (particularly non-profit non-governmental organisations with a focus on students with a different mother tongue) and schools in three European geographical areas, answering three research questions: (1) What services do non-profits offer for teachers? (2) How do non-profits see the current cooperation? (3) Do teachers know about the existence of non-profits in this area and are they interested in such cooperation? A mixed methods research approach was used. A questionnaire was used for eliciting responses from 34 non-profit organisations (nine in Czech Republic, nineteen in …
Digital competences and teaching of classical languages
Digital competence belongs to the competences that were recommended by the European Parliament in 2006 as a part of the students' training in citizenship. However, it is perceived that students of classical languages could face bigger disadvantage just because of the type of studies they chose to undertake. For this reason, we ask ourselves what is the perception of students of classical disciplines regarding the use of new technologies in classrooms and what competences they consider to be developed within these studies. Using a participatory approach/vision of the world and using a qualitative case study methodology, we collect data through semi-structured interviews with Italian and Span…