H. Franz
Delayed-Neutron Spectra Following Decay ofAs85andSb135
Ultra-long-distance running and the liver.
During an ultra-long-distance race (1000 km in 20 days) the influence of running was examined on the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) with regard to their release from the liver cells or their induction. Furthermore the liver synthetic capacity was assayed by measuring the enzyme activity of cholinesterase and the concentration of serum albumin during the race. Of the 110 participants, 55 finished the race and only the results of these runners were used in our study. AP increased continuously from day 0 (mean = 102 U/L) to day 19 (mean = 120 U/L). A fivefo…
Delayed-neutron spectroscopy with 3He spectrometers
Abstract The characteristics of a 3 He ionization chamber for high-resolution spectroscopy of β-delayed neutrons have been examined. The detector response function is given in the energy range 0.019–2.77 MeV. A considerably improved energy resolution has been achieved by minimizing effects due to pulse summing, detection of scattered neutrons, and microphonics, and is most evident in the low-energy part of the spectra.
Effects of an ultra-long-distance (1000 km) race on lipid metabolism
The influence was examined of ultra-long-distance running (1000 km race lasting 20 days) on changes in serum lipids. The 110 participants received two types of diet, a conventional Western diet and a wholesome vegetarian diet. Of the 55 finishers the serum concentration of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides decreased significantly during the first 8 days of the run, but rose again towards the end of the race without reaching pre-race levels. The high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol increased initially but decreased in the final days of the run. The values for apolipoprotein A-I were not correlated with HDL-cholesterol. The …
Delayed-neutrons from arsenic isotopes 84As, 85As and 86As
Abstract Short-lived arsenic isotopes were produced by thermal-neutron fission of 235U and isolated within 2·5 sec by volatilization of arsenic hydride. The existence of a strong delayed-neutron precursor of 2·05±0·05 sec half-life among the arsenic isotopes is confirmed and its assignment to 85As ascertained by milking of the daughter product 33 sec 85Se and 3·1 min 84Se, which is the final nucleus in the neutron decay branch of 85As. A delayed-neutron yield of 7·8 ± 1·2 neutrons/104 fissions was obtained for 85As. A new isotope, 0·9 ± 0·2 sec 86As, was detected by delayed-neutron counting and by following the decay of its most prominent γ-ray. The mass assignment was verified by milking o…
Investigation of beta strength functions by neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy
Abstract Neutron spectra from the decay of the β− delayed neutron precursors 55.6 sec 87Br, 24.5 sec 137I, 2.05 sec 85As and 1.71 sec 135Sb have been studied with high resolution 3He ionization chambers. By γ-ray measurements, the partial neutron emission probabilities to excited states in 84Se and 134Te have been determined independently. For the neutron-emitter nuclei 87Kr and 137Xe, from which neutron decay proceeds only to the ground states of the final nuclei, 86Kr and 136Xe, unique information on the shape of the β− strength function Sβ(E) is obtained. For the emitter nuclei 85Se and 135Te, correlations between neutron transition energies and differences in level energies in 84Se and …
Möglichkeiten der Radiometrischen Bestimmung des Isotopieeffektes
Als ein weiteres Element, bei dem die Moglichkeit besteht, den Isotopieeffekt radiometrisch zu bestimmen, kame147Sm in Frage. Wegen seiner geringen Haufigkeit in der Natur ist147Sm aber von geringer Bedeutung. Auch bei176Lu kommt aus diesem Grunde eine radiometrische Bestimmung des Isotopieeffektes trotz der hohen spezifischen Aktivitat nicht in Frage. Erschwerend wirkt sich aus, das sich die Massenzahl von176Lu nur sehr wenig vom Atomgewicht des Elementes unterscheidet (0.588%). Dieses ist 3–4mal kleiner als bei40K und87Rb (Tab. 2 und Abb. 6).