Laura Cavallé Garrido

Recurrent Meningitis Associated With Duane Syndrome Type 1

We present the case of a 17-month-old male patient with a bilateral Duane syndrome type 1 associated to unilateral cochleovestibular dysplasia, perilymphatic fistula and recurrent meningitis. Diagnosis was carried out by MRI and CT scan. His management and treatment are described, as well as the postoperative evolution. We believe this is an exceptional case due to the low frequency of this syndrome, as well as to the otoneurological complications.

research product

Neurinoma intralaberíntico: manejo, exéresis y restauración auditiva con implante coclear

Resumen Introduccion y objetivo El schwannoma vestibular es un tumor benigno que se origina en el octavo par craneal. Se denomina schwannoma intralaberintico (SIL) cuando se origina en el oido interno, siendo este origen poco frecuente. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en el manejo de 3 pacientes con SIL. Material y metodos Los resultados de la exeresis tumoral e implantacion coclear fueron evaluados en 3 pacientes con SIL: 2 casos de schwannoma intracoclear y un caso de schwannoma intravestibular. Resultados Previo a la cirugia, todos los pacientes presentaban hipoacusia neurosensorial progresiva y acufeno ipsilateral. La reseccion tumoral completa y la colocacion de un implante coclear fue…

research product

Intralabyrinthine neurinoma: Management, exeresis and auditory restoration with cochlear implant

Abstract Background and objective Vestibular schwannoma is a benign tumour that originates in the eighth cranial nerve. It is termed intralabyrinthine schwannoma (ILS) when it develops in the inner ear, this being a rare origin. We present our experience in the management of three patients with ILS. Materials and methods The results of tumour excision and cochlear implantation were evaluated in three patients with ILS: two intracochlear schwannomas (ICS) and one intravestibular schwannoma (IVS). Results Prior to surgery, all patients presented progressive sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Complete tumour resection and cochlear implantation was possible in all patients, with favourabl…

research product

Meningitis de repetición asociada a síndrome de Duane tipo 1

Resumen Presentamos el caso de un paciente varon de 17 meses con sindrome de Duane tipo 1 bilateral asociado a displasia cocleovestibular unilateral, fistula perilinfatica y meningitis de repeticion. El diagnostico se realizo mediante TC de penascos y RM cerebral. Se describe su manejo y tratamiento, asi como la evolucion postoperatoria. Debido a la poca frecuencia de este sindrome, asi como a la de sus complicaciones de tipo otoneurologico, consideramos que se trata de un caso excepcional.

research product

Effect of changing pulse rate on profile parameters of perceptual thresholds and loudness comfort levels and relation to ECAP thresholds in recipients of the Nucleus CI24RE device.

Abstract: The Nucleus CI24RE Freedom device offers higher stimulation rates and lower noise levels in action potential measurements (ECAPs) than previous devices. A study including ten European implant teams showed that the effect of changes in rate from 250 to 3500 pulses per second on tilt and curvature of the T and C profiles is insignificant. When changing rate one may change the levels at all electrodes by the same amount. Using an automated procedure ECAPs could be measured quickly and reliably at a noise level of only 1 μV. However, this did not result in improved correlations between the tilt and curvature parameters of the ECAP profiles and those of the T and C profiles. Average C …

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