S. El Chehadeh
Blueberry muffin baby révélateur d’un xantogranulome juvénile congénital disséminé d’évolution létale
Introduction Le xanthogranulome juvenile (XGJ) est une histiocytose non-langerhansienne commune de l’enfant de localisation principalement cutanee. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel d’atteinte multisytemique congenitale d’evolution letale revele par un blueberry muffin baby . Observations Un nouveau-ne a terme (37 SA) etait pris en charge en reanimation au premier jour de vie pour une volumineuse hepatomegalie, une detresse respiratoire et une hypotonie globale. Un dacryocystocele gauche avait ete suspecte a l’echographie antenatale devant une tumeur orbitaire. L’enfant etait icterique avec de multiples nodules cutanes rouges sombres diffus, d’aspect angiomateux mais fermes et congenitaux…
Clinical spectrum of eye malformations in four patients with Mowat-Wilson syndrome
Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic syndrome characterized by a specific facial gestalt, intellectual deficiency, Hirschsprung disease and multiple congenital anomalies. Heterozygous mutations or deletions in the zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox2 gene (ZEB2) cause MWS. ZEB2 encodes for Smad-interacting protein 1, a transcriptional co-repressor involved in TGF-beta and BMP pathways and is strongly expressed in early stages of development in mice. Eye abnormalities have rarely been described in patients with this syndrome. Herein, we describe four patients (two males and two females; mean age 7 years) with MWS and eye malformations. Ocular anomalies included, iris/retinal coloboma…
Xq28 duplication includingMECP2in six unreported affected females: what can we learn for diagnosis and genetic counselling?
Duplication of the Xq28 region, involving MECP2 (dupMECP2), has been primarily described in males with severe developmental delay, spasticity, epilepsy, stereotyped movements and recurrent infections. Carrier mothers are usually asymptomatic with an extremely skewed X chromosome inactivation (XCI) pattern. We report a series of six novel symptomatic females carrying a de novo interstitial dupMECP2, and review the 14 symptomatic females reported to date, with the aim to further delineate their phenotype and give clues for genetic counselling. One patient was adopted and among the other 19 patients, seven (37%) had inherited their duplication from their mother, including three mildly (XCI: 70…
Rett‐like phenotypes: expanding the genetic heterogeneity to the KCNA2 gene and first familial case of CDKL5 ‐related disease
Several genes have been implicated in Rett syndrome (RTT) in its typical and variant forms. We applied next-generation sequencing (NGS) to evaluate for mutations in known or new candidate genes in patients with variant forms of Rett or Rett-like phenotypes of unknown molecular aetiology. In the first step, we used NGS with a custom panel including MECP2, CDKL5, FOXG1, MEF2C and IQSEC2. In addition to a FOXG1 mutation in a patient with all core features of the congenital variant of RTT, we identified a missense (p.Ser240Thr) in CDKL5 in a patient who appeared to be seizure free. This missense was maternally inherited with opposite allele expression ratios in the proband and her mother. In th…
Homozygous Truncating Intragenic Duplication in TUSC3 Responsible for Rare Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Intellectual Disability with No Clinical or Biochemical Metabolic Markers
Intellectual disability (ID), which affects around 2–3% of the general population, is classically divided into syndromic and nonsyndromic forms, with several modes of inheritance. Nonsyndromic autosomal recessive ID (NS-ARID) appears extremely heterogeneous with numerous genes identified to date, including inborn errors of metabolism. The TUSC3 gene encodes a subunit of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound oligosaccharyltransferase complex, which mediates a key step of N-glycosylation. To date, only five families with NS-ARID and TUSC3 mutations or rearrangements have been reported in the literature. All patients had speech delay, moderate-to-severe ID, and moderate facial dysmorphism. Micr…