Maniane Fassa
Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Stroke Incidence in Dijon From 1985 to 2005
Background and Purpose— Variations in stroke incidence could be explained by changes in vascular and environmental factors that affect the risk of stroke and changes in risk factors that are present in early life. The aim of this study was to identify and measure the effects of 3 interrelated factors, age, calendar period of stroke onset, and birth year cohort, on the incidence rates of stroke from 1985 through 2005. Methods— Age–period–cohort models were used to analyze stroke incidence in Dijon from 1985 to 2005 from a population-based registry that collects data on all stroke patients whatever the type of management, in the public hospital, private hospitals, or at home, in the populati…
Combining hashing and enciphering algorithms for epidemiological analysis of gathered data.
Summary Objectives: Compiling individual records coming from different sources is necessary for multi-center studies. Legal aspects can be satisfied by implementing anonymization procedures. When using these procedures with a different key for each study it becomes almost impossible to link records from separate data collections. Methods: The originality of the method relies on the way the combination of hashing and enciphering techniques is performed: like in asymmetric encryption, two keys are used but the private key depends on the patient’s identity. Results: The combination of hashing and enciphering techniques provides a great improvement in the overall security of the proposed scheme…
Chaînage de bases de données anonymisées pour les études épidémiologiques multicentriques nationales et internationales : proposition d'un algorithme cryptographique
Background: Compiling individual records coming from different sources is very important for multicenter epidemiological studies; however, European directives and other national legislation concerning nominal data processing must be respected. These legal aspects can be satisfied by implementing mechanisms that allow anonymization of patient data (such as hashing techniques). Moreover, for security reasons, official recommendations suggest using different cryptographic keys in combination with a cryptographic hash function for each study. Unfortunately, this type of anonymization procedure is in contradiction with common requirements in public health and biomedical research because it becom…
Gestion décentralisée des documents médicaux des patients
National audience
ANR Inforare : proposition d’un modèle d’identifiant patient individuel pour les patients drépanocytaires
Resume Ce projet a comme objectifs d’organiser le partage d’information et d’evaluer son acceptation par les patients et par les professionnels. La methode repose sur : evaluation de l’acceptabilite du recueil des donnees familiales par les patients ; gestion centralisee de dossiers medicaux rendus anonymes ; proposition d’un modele d’identification du patient et evaluation de la faisabilite du recueil de l’identification et de la qualite du chainage des donnees. Resultats L’entretien semidirectif realise par le LEM a permis d’interroger 43 patients, six membres d’association et six professionnels de sante sur l’acceptabilite du recueil. La plateforme informatique permettant la gestion cent…