Marie Gombert
Introducing sexual dysfunction in mental care.
Introduction: People with any psychiatric disorder tend to have difficulties in responding sexually. However,sexual dysfunction (SD) is usually under-recognized, even the tightly hormonal and neuro...
A new procedure for the Antioxidant capacity dpph assessment in small samples.
The antioxidant capacity of a substance is its ability to prevent or slow down oxidation. This reaction is a transfer of electrons. The molecule catching electrons is the oxidative agent and the molecule giving electrons is the reducing agent. Oxidative stress is toxic for the cells, and it can be limited by different pathways: the inhibition of enzymes responsible of the production of oxidative species, the synthesis, activation or stabilization of antioxidant enzymes, and finally by direct scavenging of radical species. In living organisms, especially in association to the respiration process, free radicals are commonly produced. Antioxidant are naturally present to prevent damages, and t…
Melatonin Levels in Children with Obesity Are Associated with Metabolic Risk and Inflammatory Parameters
Melatonin, the hormone of circadian rhythm regulation, is involved in the modulation of mitochondrial activity through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Alteration of circadian rhythms such as sleep is related to obesity and metabolic pathogenesis in adulthood, but studies during childhood are scarce. The present study investigated the association of melatonin with metabolic and inflammatory markers in children with (n = 113) and without obesity (n = 117). Melatonin was measured in saliva four and two hours before bedtime, and after one hour of sleep. Cardiometabolic factors, high sensitivity C-reactive protein, immune markers (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, plasminogen…
Circadian Rhythm Variations and Nutrition in Children
AbstractCircadian rhythms are the changes in biological processes that occur on a daily basis. Among these processes are reactions involved in metabolic homeostasis. Circadian rhythms are structured by the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus via the control of melatonin expression. Circadian rhythms are also controlled by the peripheral clocks, which are intracellular mechanisms composed of the clock genes, whose expression follows a circadian pattern. Circadian rhythms are impacted by signals from the environment called zeitgebers, or time givers, which include light exposure, feeding schedule and composition, sleeping schedule and pattern, temperature, and phy…
Estudio de la relación entre los hábitos de vida, las variaciones del ritmo circadiano y los trastornos metabólicos en la obesidad infantil
Numerosos estudios realizados en trabajadores del turno de noche evidencian una relación entre la alteración de los ritmos circadianos y los trastornos metabólicos. En paralelo, otras investigaciones realizadas principalmente en modelos animales o en adultos humanos, muestran una relación entre los hábitos de vida, la duración insuficiente y la mala calidad del sueño, y el desarrollo de la obesidad y sus comorbilidades. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre el papel que desempeñan estos mecanismos en la actual epidemia de obesidad infantil. Por ello, desarrollamos un estudio de la relación entre los hábitos de vida, los ritmos circadianos de la melatonina y el metabolismo, en el contexto de la ob…
Melatonin in Early Nutrition: Long-Term Effects on Cardiovascular System
Breastfeeding protects against adverse cardiovascular outcomes in the long term. Melatonin is an active molecule that is present in the breast milk produced at night beginning in the first stages of lactation. This indoleamine appears to be a relevant contributor to the benefits of breast milk because it can affect infant health in several ways. The melatonin concentration in breast milk varies in a circadian pattern, making breast milk a chrononutrient. The consumption of melatonin can induce the first circadian stimulation in the infant’s body at an age when his/her own circadian machinery is not functioning yet. This molecule is also a powerful antioxidant with the ability to act on infa…
Circadian rhythms in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal diseases
The etiology of digestive pathologies such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and cancer is not yet fully understood. In recent years, several studies have evidenced circadian variations in mechanisms involved in digestive health. In situations of disturbed circadian rhythms (chronodisruption) where the central clock and the peripheral clocks receive incoherent signals, the synchronicity is lost producing implications for health. This lack of coordination could alter the tissue function and cause long term damage to the organs. Life habits such as sleep, physical exercise, social interaction, and feeding times are determinants for stability and integrity of…
Adolescent Feeding: Nutritional Risk Factors
AbstractThe aim of this review is to describe adolescent nutritional requirements from a scientific, nutritional, and psychosocial point of view, emphasizing the main risks of malnutrition at this age. Currently, too many teenagers are alone at home and prepare their own meals. The influence of friends replaces parental rules. The habits of adolescents are characterized by a tendency to skip meals, especially breakfast, and, less frequently, the midday meal; to purchase carry-out meals away from home; to consume snacks, especially sweets; to eat at fast food restaurants, almost always with high-calorie content; and to eat fried foods, soft drinks, and sweets. Toxic habits, such as smoking, …
The connection of circadian rhythm to inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises a group of chronic, immune system-mediated inflammatory diseases that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract. The pathogenesis of the intestinal lesions in IBD remains elusive, but the inflammation process could be the result of dysfunction of the innate and adaptive immune systems induced by genetic and environmental factors. In recent years, research has demonstrated a connection between environmental stressors that can influence day-night variations, also called circadian rhythms, and digestive health. In this review, we focus on alterations in the complex interactions between intestinal mucosa, microbial factors, and the immune response in…
Melatonin Content of Human Milk: The Effect of Mode of Delivery
Objective: Cesarean section rates are increasing in developed countries and could be performed as an emergency or elective procedure. Our research aim was to determine whether elective cesarean sec...