David B. Haviland
Quantum Phase Slips in one-dimensional Josephson Junction Chains
We have studied quantum phase-slip (QPS) phenomena in long one-dimensional Josephson junction series arrays with tunable Josephson coupling. These chains were fabricated with as many as 2888 junctions, where one sample had a tunable weak link in the middle. Measurements were made of the zero-bias resistance, $R_0$, as well as current-voltage characteristics (IVC). The finite $R_0$ is explained by QPS and shows an exponential dependence on $\sqrt{E_J/E_C}$ with a distinct change in the exponent at $R_0=R_Q=h/4e^2$. When $R_0 > R_Q$ the IVC clearly shows a remnant of the Coulomb blockade, which evolves to a zero-current state with a sharp critical voltage as $E_J$ is tuned to a smaller val…
Spatial and temporal distribution of phase slips in Josephson junction chains.
Abstract The Josephson effect, tunnelling of a supercurrent through a thin insulator layer between two superconducting islands, is a phenomena characterized by a spatially distributed phase of the superconducting condensate. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on Josephson junction devices particularly for the applications of quantum metrology and superconducting qubits. In this study, we report the development of Josephson junction circuit formed by serially connecting many Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices, SQUIDs. We present experimental measurements as well as numerical simulations of a phase-slip center, a SQUID with weaker junctions, embedded in a Josephson junc…
Phase sticking in one-dimensional Josephson junction chains
Published version of an article in the journal: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.104501 We studied current-voltage characteristics of long one-dimensional Josephson junction chains with Josephson energy much larger than charging energy, EJ EC. In this regime, typical I-V curves of the samples consist of a supercurrent-like branch at low-bias voltages followed by a voltage-independent chain current branch, Ichain at high bias. Our experiments showed that Ichain is not only voltage-independent but it is also practically temperature-independent up to T=0.7TC. We have successfully model the tr…
Localizing quantum phase slips in one-dimensional Josephson junction chains
Published version of an article in the journal: New Journal of Physics. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/095014 Open Access We studied quantum phase-slip (QPS) phenomena in long one-dimensional Josephson junction series arrays with tunable Josephson coupling. These chains were fabricated with as many as 2888 junctions, where one sample had a separately tunable link in the middle of the chain. Measurements were made of the zero-bias resistance, R0, as well as current-voltage characteristics (IVC). The finite R0 is explained by QPS and shows an exponential dependence on with a distinct change in the exponent at R 0 = RQ = h/4e2. When R0 > R Q, the…