Angela Terracina

Fluorescent Boron Oxide Nanodisks as Biocompatible Multi-messenger Sensors for Ultrasensitive Ni$^{2+}$ Detection

Boron-based nanocomposites are very promising for a wide range of technological applications, spanning from microelectronics to nanomedicine. A large variety of B-based nanomaterials has been already observed, such as borospherene, B nanotubes and nanoparticles, and boron nitride nanoparticles. However, their fabrication usually involves toxic precursors or leads to very low yields or small boron atom concentration. In this work, we report the synthesis of nanometric B$_{2}$O$_{3}$ nanodisks, a family of nanomaterials with a quasi-2D morphology capable of intense fluorescence in the visible range. Such as boron-based nanomaterial, which we synthesized by pulsed laser ablation of a boron tar…

research product

Structural and CO [sub] 2 capture properties of ethylenediamine-modified HKUST-1 metal-organic framework

The high structural and compositional flexibility of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) shows their great potential for CO2 capture and utilization in accordance with the environmental guidelines of low-carbon technology developments. HKUST-1 as one of the most intensively studied representatives of MOFs for such purposes excels because of its simplicity of production and high ability to tune its intrinsic properties by various functionalization processes. In the present work, ethylenediamine functionalization was performed for the first time in order to thoroughly investigate the amine sorption sites’ impact on the CO2 capture performance of HKUST-1. The placement of ethylenediamine moieties …

research product

Photobleaching and Recovery Kinetics of a Palette of Carbon Nanodots Probed by In Situ Optical Spectroscopy

Carbon dots (CDs) are a family of fluorescent nanoparticles displaying a wide range of interesting properties, which make them attractive for potential applications in different fields like bioimaging, photocatalysis, and many others. However, despite many years of dedicated studies, wide variations exist in the literature concerning the reported photostability of CDs, and even the photoluminescence mechanism is still unclear. Furthermore, an increasing number of recent studies have highlighted the photobleaching (PB) of CDs under intense UV or visible light beams. PB phenomena need to be fully addressed to optimize practical uses of CDs and can also provide information on the fundamental m…

research product

Metal-organic framework-activated carbon composite materials for the removal of ammonia from contaminated airstreams

L.N.M and R.E.M wish to acknowledge the financial support from the EPSRC industrial CASE award (grant EP/N50936X/1). A.T and G.B would like to thank the financial support from the Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca (grant PJ-RIC-FFABR_2017). Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous materials that show promise in the removal of Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) from contaminated airstreams, though their development for this application has so far been hindered by issues of water stability and the wide availability and low cost of traditionally used activated carbons. Here a series of three MOF-activated carbon composite materials with different MOF to carb…

research product

Unveiled the Source of the Structural Instability of HKUST-1 Powders upon Mechanical Compaction: Definition of a Fully Preserving Tableting Method

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are getting closer to finally being used in commercial applications. In order to maximize their packing density, mechanical strength, stability in reactive environme...

research product

Harnessing Molecular Fluorophores in the Carbon Dots Matrix: The Case of Safranin O

The origin of fluorescence in carbon dots (C-dots) is still a puzzling phenomenon. The emission is, in most of the cases, due to molecular fluorophores formed in situ during the synthesis. The carbonization during C-dots processing does not allow, however, a fine control of the properties and makes finding the source of the fluorescence a challenging task. In this work, we present a strategy to embed a pre-formed fluorescent molecule, safranin O dye, into an amorphous carbonaceous dot obtained by citric acid carbonization. The dye is introduced in the melted solution of citric acid and after pyrolysis remains incorporated in a carbonaceous matrix to form red-emitting C-dots that are strongl…

research product

Multitechnique Analysis of the Hydration in Three Different Copper Paddle-Wheel Metal-Organic Frameworks

The structural instability in a humid environment of the majority of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is a challenging obstacle for their industrial-scale development. Recently, two water-resistant MOFs have been synthetized, STAM-1 and STAM-17-OEt. They both contain copper paddle wheels, like the well-known water-sensitive HKUST-1, but different organic linkers. The crystal lattice of both the MOFs undergoes a phase transition upon interaction with water molecules. Their unusual flexibility allows the controlled breaking of some interpaddle wheel Cu-O interactions in the so-called crumple zones, with a mechanism called hemilability, which is considered to have a crucial role for the stabili…

research product

Structure effects induced by high mechanical compaction of STAM-17-OEt MOF powders

Financial support by PJ-RIC-FFABR_2017 and the EPSRC grant EPSRC industrial CASE award (grant EP/N50936X/1) are acknowledged. The research programme Nanoporous materials (P1-0021) financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) is acknowledged as well. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising materials for many potential applications, spacing from gas storage to catalysis. However, the powder form of which they are generally made is not suitable, mainly because of the low packing density. Powder compaction is therefore necessary, but also challenging because of their typical mechanical fragility. Indeed, generally, they undergo irreversibly damages upon densification processe…

research product