S. Mathew

Measuring the magnetic dipole transition of single nanorods by spectroscopy and Fourier microscopy

International audience; Rare-earth doped nanocrystals possess optical transitions with significant either electric or magnetic dipole characters. They are of considerable interest for understanding and engineering light-matter interactions at the nanoscale with numerous applications in nanophotonics. Here, we study the 5 D 0 → 7 F 1 transition dipole vector in individual NaYF 4 : Eu 3+ nanorod crystals by Fourier and confocal micro-scopies. A single-crystal host matrix leads to narrow emission lines at room temperature that permit separation of the Stark sublevels resulting from the crystal-field splitting. We observe a fully magnetic transition and low variability of the transition dipole …

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SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study

Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…

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Comparison of European ICU patients in 2012 (ICON) versus 2002 (SOAP)

Purpose: To evaluate differences in the characteristics and outcomes of intensive care unit (ICU) patients over time. Methods: We reviewed all epidemiological data, including comorbidities, types and severity of organ failure, interventions, lengths of stay and outcome, for patients from the Sepsis Occurrence in Acutely ill Patients (SOAP) study, an observational study conducted in European intensive care units in 2002, and the Intensive Care Over Nations (ICON) audit, a survey of intensive care unit patients conducted in 2012. Results: We compared the 3147 patients from the SOAP study with the 4852 patients from the ICON audit admitted to intensive care units in the same countries as those…

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Erratum to: The Intensive Care Global Study on Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (IC‑GLOSSARI): a multicenter, multinational, 14-day inception cohort study (Intensive Care Medicine, (2016), 42, 5, (953), 10.1007/s00134-016-4317-4)

In both the original publication (DOI 10.1007/s00134-015-4206-2) and the first erratum (DOI 10.1007/s00134-016-4317-4), the members of the IC-GLOSSARI Investigators and the ESICM Trials Group were provided in such a way that they could not be indexed as collaborators on PubMed. The publisher apologizes for these errors and is pleased to list the members of the groups here: (Table presented.).

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Assessment of the worldwide burden of critical illness: The Intensive Care Over Nations (ICON) audit

Item does not contain fulltext BACKGROUND: Global epidemiological data regarding outcomes for patients in intensive care units (ICUs) are scarce, but are important in understanding the worldwide burden of critical illness. We, therefore, did an international audit of ICU patients worldwide and assessed variations between hospitals and countries in terms of ICU mortality. METHODS: 730 participating centres in 84 countries prospectively collected data on all adult (>16 years) patients admitted to their ICU between May 8 and May 18, 2012, except those admitted for fewer than 24 h for routine postoperative monitoring. Participation was voluntary. Data were collected daily for a maximum of 28 da…

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