Eric Jeckelmann

Spectral Function of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model away from Half Filling

We calculate the photoemission spectral function of the one-dimensional Hubbard model away from half filling using the dynamical density matrix renormalization group method. An approach for calculating momentum-dependent quantities in finite open chains is presented. Comparison with exact Bethe Ansatz results demonstrates the unprecedented accuracy of our method. Our results show that the photoemission spectrum of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor TTF-TCNQ provides evidence for spin-charge separation on the scale of the conduction band width.

research product

DMRG Investigation of Stripe Formation in Doped Hubbard Ladders

Using a parallelized density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) code we demonstrate the potential of the DMRG method by calculating ground-state properties of two-dimensional Hubbard models. For 7 × 6, 11 × 6 and 14 × 6 Hubbard ladders with doped holes and cylindrical boundary conditions (BC), open in x-direction and periodic in the 6-leg y-direction, we comment on recent conjectures about the appearance of stripe-like features in the hole and spin densities. In addition we present results for the half-filled 4 ×4 system with periodic BC, advance to the 6 × 6 case and pinpoint the limits of the current approach.

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Dynamical Density-Matrix Renormalization Group for the Mott--Hubbard insulator in high dimensions

We study the Hubbard model at half band-filling on a Bethe lattice with infinite coordination number in the paramagnetic insulating phase at zero temperature. We use the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) mapping to a single-impurity Anderson model with a bath whose properties have to be determined self-consistently. For a controlled and systematic implementation of the self-consistency scheme we use the fixed-energy (FE) approach to the DMFT. In FE-DMFT the onset and the width of the Hubbard bands are adjusted self-consistently but the energies of the bath levels are kept fixed relatively to both band edges during the calculation of self-consistent hybridization strengths between impurity …

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Dynamical mean-field theory calculation with the dynamical density-matrix renormalization group

Abstract We study the Hubbard model at half band-filling on a Bethe lattice with infinite coordination number at zero temperature. We use the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) mapping to a single-impurity Anderson model with a bath whose properties have to be determined self-consistently. For a controlled and systematic implementation of the self-consistency scheme we use the fixed-energy approach to the DMFT. Using the dynamical density–matrix renormalization group method (DDMRG) we calculate the density of states (DOS) with a resolution ranging from 3% of the bare bandwidth W = 4 t at high energies to 0.01% for the quasi-particle peak. The DDMRG resolution and accuracy for the DOS is sup…

research product

Electronic structure of the spin-12quantum magnet TiOCl

We have studied the electronic structure of the spin-$1∕2$ quantum magnet TiOCl by polarization-dependent momentum-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. From that, we confirm the quasi-one-dimensional nature of the electronic structure along the crystallographic $b$ axis and find no evidence for sizable phonon-induced orbital fluctuations as the origin for the noncanonical phenomenology of the spin-Peierls transition in this compound. A comparison of the experimental data to our own $\mathrm{LDA}+\mathrm{U}$ and Hubbard model calculations reveals a striking lack of understanding regarding the quasi-one-dimensional electron dispersions in the normal state of this compound.

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Fourth-order perturbation theory for the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions

We calculate the zero-temperature self-energy to fourth-order perturbation theory in the Hubbard interaction $U$ for the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. For the Bethe lattice with bare bandwidth $W$, we compare our perturbative results for the self-energy, the single-particle density of states, and the momentum distribution to those from approximate analytical and numerical studies of the model. Results for the density of states from perturbation theory at $U/W=0.4$ agree very well with those from the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory treated with the Fixed-Energy Exact Diagonalization and with the Dynamical Density-Matrix Renormalization Group. In contrast, our results reveal t…

research product

Hole-doped Hubbard ladders

The formation of stripes in six-leg Hubbard ladders with cylindrical boundary conditions is investigated for two different hole dopings, where the amplitude of the hole density modulation is determined in the limits of vanishing DMRG truncation errors and infinitely long ladders. The results give strong evidence that stripes exist in the ground state of these systems for strong but not for weak Hubbard couplings. The doping dependence of these findings is analysed.

research product

Stripe formation in doped Hubbard ladders

We investigate the formation of stripes in $7\chunks \times 6$ Hubbard ladders with $4\chunks$ holes doped away from half filling using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. A parallelized code allows us to keep enough density-matrix eigenstates (up to $m=8000$) and to study sufficiently large systems (with up to $7\chunks = 21$ rungs) to extrapolate the stripe amplitude to the limits of vanishing DMRG truncation error and infinitely long ladders. Our work gives strong evidence that stripes exist in the ground state for strong coupling ($U=12t$) but that the structures found in the hole density at weaker coupling ($U=3t$) are an artifact of the DMRG approach.

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Exact Numerical Treatment of Finite Quantum Systems Using Leading-Edge Supercomputers

Using exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group techniques a finite-size scaling study in the context of the Peierls-insulator Mott-insulator transition is presented. Program implementation on modern supercomputers and performance aspects are discussed.

research product

Parallelization strategies for density matrix renormalization group algorithms on shared-memory systems

Shared-memory parallelization (SMP) strategies for density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithms enable the treatment of complex systems in solid state physics. We present two different approaches by which parallelization of the standard DMRG algorithm can be accomplished in an efficient way. The methods are illustrated with DMRG calculations of the two-dimensional Hubbard model and the one-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model on contemporary SMP architectures. The parallelized code shows good scalability up to at least eight processors and allows us to solve problems which exceed the capability of sequential DMRG calculations.

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Comment on “Accurate ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model at half filling”

In PRB 68, 153101 (2003), Guoping Zhang presented density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) results which contradict my DMRG calculations and Hirsch's quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for the charge-density-wave (CDW) phase boundary in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model at half filling. In this Comment I show that Zhang's results are inaccurate and that his criticism of my work is groundless.

research product

Application of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group in momentum space

We investigate the application of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) to the Hubbard model in momentum-space. We treat the one-dimensional models with dispersion relations corresponding to nearest-neighbor hopping and $1/r$ hopping and the two-dimensional model with isotropic nearest-neighbor hopping. By comparing with the exact solutions for both one-dimensional models and with exact diagonalization in two dimensions, we first investigate the convergence of the ground-state energy. We find variational convergence of the energy with the number of states kept for all models and parameter sets. In contrast to the real-space algorithm, the accuracy becomes rapidly worse with increa…

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