F. Tena

AEROgui: A graphical user interface for the optical properties of aerosols

Atmospheric aerosols have an uncertain effect on climate and serious impacts on human health. The uncertainty in the aerosols' role on climate has several sources. First, aerosols have great spatial and temporal variability. The spatial variability arises from the fact that aerosols emitted in a certain place can travel thousands of kilometers, swept by the winds to modify the destination region's climate. The spatial variability also means that aerosols are inhomogeneously distributed in the vertical direction, which can lead to a differential effect on the energy balance depending on the aerosols' altitude. On the other hand, aerosols experience physical and chemical transformations in th…

research product

Aerosol optical characteristics from a summer campaign in an urban coastal Mediterranean area

The authors present a preliminary study of some optical properties of atmospheric aerosols over the area of Valencia, Spain, a coastal Mediterranean city. Measurements of spectral direct irradiance in the 300-1100 nm range were taken simultaneously at three sites: rural-continental, rural-coastal, and urban-coastal, all located within a 50 km radius of the city of Valencia. The irradiance measurements were obtained using three Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometers provided with radiance limiting tubes with field of views (FOVs) of 4.7/spl deg/. The measurements were made under clear sky conditions during a field campaign carried out in the summer of 1998. In order to avoid the uncertainties associ…

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A comparative study of SPCTRAL2 and SMARTS2 parameterised models based on spectral irradiance measurements at Valencia, Spain

Abstract Results obtained using the parametric models SPCTRAL2 and SMARTS2 for the urban area of Valencia, Spain, have been analysed and compared with experimental measurements at ground level obtained with two Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometers with a 6 nm resolution. The study used two different input parameters in both models for the aerosol characterisation: the aerosol optical thickness at 0.5  μ m, τ a λ (0.5) , and the Angstrom turbidity coefficient β . The results obtained show that both algorithms reproduce quite correctly the spectral irradiance experimental values when an urban aerosol model parameterised by the τ a λ (0.5) value is considered. In all the cases the deviations are low…

research product

Intercomparison of spectroradiometers for global and direct solar irradiance in the visible range.

This paper presents the results of the analysis of the spectral, global, and direct solar irradiance measurements in the visible range (400–700 nm) that were made in the framework of the first Iberian UV–visible (VIS) instruments intercomparison. The instruments used in this spectral range were four spectroradiometers: three Licor 1800s equipped with different receiver optics and one Optronic 754. For the direct solar irradiance measurements the spectroradiometers were equipped with collimators with different fields of view. Parallel studies have been carried out with the data given by the spectroradiometers with their original calibration file and with the same data that is corrected, foll…

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Experimental values of the UV index during 2000 at two locations in Mediterranean Spain

During the past 2 years automatic measurements of UVB solar irradiance have been made sstematically at ground level at a number of points in Spain. Values for both the ultraviolet erythemal radiation and the ultraviolet index (UVI) have been obtained from these measurements. In this paper we present a first analysis of these values for two locations on the Spanish Mediterranean coast—Valencia and Barcelona—an area where a large part of the summer tourism of the country is concentrated. During the summer the UVI only reached ten on three occasions, though a value of nine was reached repeatedly (both classified as extreme risk by the World Health Organization). It has been shown that, in 90% …

research product

La evaluación y seguimiento del estudiante de forma telemática: el proyecto Cuestionarios

En la mayor parte de las ciencias, los ejercicios practicos son la mejor manera de adquirir y evaluar, tanto conocimientos cientificos como las habilidades y competencias necesarias para su aplicacion. Es un entrenamiento que, como en el mundo del deporte, resulta imprescindible y mejora el rendimiento. La resolucion de problemas exige una gran dedicacion del profesorado y, en este aspecto, la utilizacion de cuestionarios on-line puede ser de gran ayuda. Sin embargo, este tipo de cuestionarios tambien presentan una dificultad, que es el esfuerzo inicial necesario. Para reducir esta dificultad se planteo la elaboracion de una base de datos de cuestiones y un protocolo de exportacion.

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Influence of cloudiness over the values of erythemal radiation in Valencia, Spain

The influence of cloudiness over experimental UV erythemal radiation (UVER) has been studied. This influence has been analysed considering total cloudiness and low clouds. The measurements of cloudiness correspond to the daily values registered at 13:00 GMT at the Meteorological Centre of Valencia, which is part of the State Agency of Meteorology of Spain (AEMET). The UVER measurements were made using a YES UVB-1 radiometer located on the roof terrace of the Physics Faculty at the Burjassot Campus, Valencia (latitude 39.508° , longitude − 0.418° , 60 m above sea level). First, a statistical analysis of cloudiness at 13:00 GMT in Valencia was carried out, confirming that the situation is mai…

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The UV Index on the Spanish Mediterranean Coast¶

An analysis is made of measured ultraviolet erythemal solar radiation (UVER) data recorded during the year 2003 by the networks of the Catalan Weather Service and the Environment Department of Valencia (both on the Spanish Mediterranean coast). Results show a latitudinal variation at sea level, of 3-4% per degree and an increase with altitude of 10% per km. Based on these data the UV Index has been evaluated for the measuring stations. The maximum experimental value of the UV Index was around 9 during the summer, although higher values were recorded at two stations, one at the highest elevation and the other at the lowest latitude. The annual accumulated doses of irradiation on a horizontal…

research product

Study of erythemal, UV (A + B) and global solar radiation in Valencia (Spain)

Although ultraviolet B radiation (UVB), the solar radiation band between 280 and 315 nm, is only a small fraction of the extraterrestrial solar radiation, it accounts for 80% of the harmful effects of exposure to the sun. In this work values of erythemal solar irradiance (UVER) measured in Valencia on a horizontal plane in the period between June 2003 and June 2005 are analysed and compared with measures of UV (A+B) and global irradiances on a horizontal plane. UV erythemal (UVER) irradiance has been measured using a YES-UVB-1 broadband radiometer; UV (A+B) irradiance has been measured using a TUVR Eppley radiometer with spectral response between 290 and 385 nm and global irradiance on a ho…

research product

Ratio of UV to global broad band irradiation in Valencia, Spain

This paper presents the results of an analysis of 6 years of measurements of UV and broad band irradiation values in Valencia, Spain. Hourly and daily integrated UV irradiance, ITUV, measured by a TUVR Eppley radiometer, and global irradiance IT from a Kipp-Zonen CM-11 pyranometer, were highly correlated, with ITUV/IT percentages varying from 2.9% to 3.5% for hourly values and from 2.9% to 3.4% for daily values. If a general linear relation ITUV=mIT is considered, the correlation coefficient r is always greater than 0.96 for hourly values and 0.91 for daily values. However, the relation between ITUV/IT and the clearness index kT is poorly correlated, although improved results, with less dep…

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A multi-instrument approach for characterizing the atmospheric aerosol optical thickness during the STAAARTE/DAISEX-99 campaign

This work deals with the retrieval of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) needed to carry out the atmospheric correction of remote sensing data measured in Barrax (Spain) on 4 June 1999 in the framework of 1999 Digital Airbone Imaging Spectrometer Experiment (DAISEX'99). The AOT was estimated through three approaches based on: spectral extinction of direct solar irradiance at ground level, airborne nephelometer measurements at different altitudes, and backscatter lidar in the lower troposphere. We found extremely low AOT values due to a cold Atlantic front that swept across the Iberian Peninsula from west to east producing light rain over the test area on 2 June 1999. The results were solar…

research product

Solar radiation in Spain

In Spain there are only a few stations registering solar radiation, but by using correlations with other meteorological variables, an estimate of the solar radiation can be made in other areas throughout the country. The best results have been obtained using the correlation with hours of bright sunshine. Four linear expressions between the two variables have been obtained, corresponding to the four seasons of the year. Employing such expressions, monthly maps of solar radiation isolines have been plotted for the peninsular part of Spain. The mean deviation is not higher than 5 per cent.

research product

The influence of ozone and aerosols on the experimental values of UV erythemal radiation at ground level in Valencia

Ultraviolet erythemal radiation (UVER) values have been simulated for different values of column ozone and aerosol optical depth (AOD) using a multiple scattering model: SBDART. The results show that UVER decreased when atmospheric ozone and aerosols increased, with the ozone having greater influence than AOD. To quantify these dependencies the influence of aerosols on the simulated values of UVER has been analysed for different ozone values. This dependence was linear. Similarly, to quantify the influence of ozone on the UVER values this was simulated for fixed values of AOD while varying the column ozone. The expression of this dependence was found to be a second-order polynomial. We also…

research product

Energy saving and solar energy use in the University of Valencia (Spain)

Abstract Recent years have seen increasing public interest in issues related to energy saving and concern for the environment. It is important to highlight the work of public institutions in this respect. This was the motive that led the University of Valencia to finance a pilot project with the objective of studying useful initiatives for optimising energy consumption in accordance with the institution’s needs as well as the incorporation of innovative and more efficient technologies. The approach was to consider various aspects ranging from the analysis of the current energy consumption and the state of the installations, through the substitution of some energy inefficient components, to …

research product

UV Index on Tilted Surfaces

Solar ultraviolet erythemal irradiance (UVER) has been studied on inclined planes with different orientations in Valencia, Spain. To do this a platform was designed that could turn through 90 degrees on its own axis. The radiometers were inclined at an angle close to the latitude of Valencia (39.5 degrees N). Using two timers the platform could be turned through 90 degrees every 5 min. On clear or partially cloudy days, including those with different turbidity values, it was observed that the UVER showed a maximum at 1200 h GMT, very close to solar noon, in the north and south positions, while the maximum for east and west orientations was found at approximately one hour before and one hour…

research product

The optimisation of the angle of inclination of a solar collector to maximise the incident solar radiation

Abstract Irradiation data, recorded on vertical surfaces facing north, south, east and west and on a horizontal surface every ten minutes during daylight hours from January–December 1992 in Valencia, Spain, have been compared with estimated solar irradiation from inclined-surface models. Results show that Hays model most accurately reproduces the variation in irradiation on all vertical surfaces. Hays model has been used to find the hourly variation in the optimum tilt angle for a South-facing solar collector in Valencia, Spain, and also to calculate the yearly average of this angle. This method has been compared with the results provided by another model that uses average monthly values of…

research product

Comparison of aerosol optical thickness retrieval from spectroradiometer measurements and from two radiative transfer models

Abstract The spectral values of the aerosol optical thickness τ a λ in the 400–670 nm band have been determined from 500 solar direct irradiance spectra at normal incidence registered at Valencia (Spain) in the period from July 1993 to March 1997. The τ a λ values obtained from experimental measurements have been compared with the boundary layer aerosol models implemented in the radiative transfer codes ZD-LOA and LOWTRAN 7. For the ZD-LOA code, the continental and maritime models have been considered and for the LOWTRAN 7 code the rural, maritime, urban and tropospheric models have been used. The obtained results show that the aerosol model that best represents the average turbidity of the…

research product

The erythemal clearness index for Valencia, Spain

The values of three clearness indices have been measured for the city of Valencia: kt, the clearness index for the whole solar spectrum, ktUV the clearness index for the ultraviolet range, and the erythemal clearness index for the erythemal radiation ktUVER, corresponding to the solar radiation weighted by the erythemal action spectrum on human skin, normalized with respect to the solar constant corresponding to that spectrum. The measurements of ktUV reached values that were approximately 54% of that corresponding to kt, while those of ktUVER were much smaller. Some statistics of the erythemal clearness index have been calculated both for monthly as well as hourly means. The shape of the d…

research product

A New Method for Determining the Ångström Turbidity Coefficient from Broadband Filter Measurements

Abstract In this work, a new method for determining Angstrom turbidity coefficients is presented. This method is based on broadband filter irradiance measurements. By combining measurements obtained with different filters it is possible to obtain a single value of the turbidity coefficient representative of the whole measurement range of the pyrheliometer. The results provided by this new method are compared with the original Angstrom method and turbidity coefficient values derived by spectroradiometric measurements. The results reproduce the actual values, as measured by a spectroradiometer, better than the previous best correlation did, thus demonstrating the advantage of analyzing the op…

research product

Assessment and application of MODIS ocean and land algorithms for the characterization of aerosol properties over a Mediterranean coastal site

Abstract The aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Angstrom exponent (α) obtained from MODIS Terra and Aqua over the coastal urban site of Burjassot (Spain) during the period 2002–2011 have been compared with retrievals from AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) and ESR (European Skynet Radiometers) in order to investigate the performance of MODIS algorithms over land and ocean, respectively. The comparison of the MODIS aerosol products C051 over both land and ocean has been performed for a window size of 50 km × 50 km centred on the monitoring site. The correlation coefficients obtained from the comparison of the AOD from MODIS with that from ground-based measurements are 0.85 and 0.87 over land for…

research product

Values of broad band turbidity coefficients in a mediterranean coastal site

Abstract The Angstrom turbidity coefficient, the Linke turbidity factor, and the Unsworth–Monteith coefficient have been determined and analysed based on measurements of normal direct irradiance and global horizontal irradiance taken in Valencia, Spain, between January 1990 and December 1996. The data, which were acquired automatically and continuously, have been filtered to select only those values corresponding to clear sky conditions. To determine the Angstrom turbidity coefficient the method proposed by Louche et al. has been used whilst the expression for δCDA proposed by Kasten was used to obtain the Linke turbidity coefficient. The Angstrom turbidity coefficient showed a minimum in w…

research product

The parameterisation of the atmospheric aerosol optical depth using the Ångström power law

Abstract We have analysed the ability of the Angstrom power law to model the spectral aerosol optical depth, τaλ, for the 400–670 nm band, obtained from spectral direct irradiance measurements at normal incidence. The spectra were registered at ground level in Valencia, Spain, using a Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometer. The results obtained showed that the fitting method that introduces lower errors in the determination of the Angstrom power law coefficients is to adjust directly the spectral experimental data. In this way the errors obtained for the turbidity coefficient, β, were about 0.004 and for the wavelength exponent, α, 0.07. The correlation coefficient was always greater than 0.95. Thes…

research product

Diffuse ultraviolet erythemal irradiance on inclined planes: a comparison of experimental and modeled data.

Values of measured and modeled diffuse UV erythemal irradiance (UVER) for all sky conditions are compared on planes inclined at 40 degrees and oriented north, south, east and west. The models used for simulating diffuse UVER are of the geometric-type, mainly the Isotropic, Klucher, Hay, Muneer, Reindl and Schauberger models. To analyze the precision of the models, some statistical estimators were used such as root mean square deviation, mean absolute deviation and mean bias deviation. It was seen that all the analyzed models reproduce adequately the diffuse UVER on the south-facing plane, with greater discrepancies for the other inclined planes. When the models are applied to cloud-free con…

research product

A Preliminary Estimation of the Direct Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance in Valencia (Spain): Comparison with Measured Values

UVSPEC and SMARTS2 models have been used to estimate the UV spectral irradiance values in Valencia, Spain, and the results of these estimations have been compared with experimental measurements of direct irradiance at normal incidence obtained using an Optronic OL 754 in the 300-400 nm range. The relative RMSD and MBD parameters have been used to estimate the deviations of the modelled values with respect to the experimental values. The results indicate that the deviations are smaller when the SMARTS2 model is used with the appropriate aerosol coefficients.

research product

UV Index Experimental Values During the Years 2000 and 2001 from the Spanish Broadband UV-B Radiometric Network¶

An analysis is made of experimental ultraviolet erythemal solar radiation data measured during the years 2000 and 2001 by the Spanish UV-B radiation evaluation and prediction network. This network consists of 16 Robertson-Berger type pyranometers for evaluating solar erythemal radiation and five Brewer spectroradiometers for evaluating the stratospheric ozone. On the basis of these data the Ultraviolet Index (UVI) was evaluated for the measuring stations that are located either in coastal regions or in the more densely populated regions inland on the Iberian Peninsula. It has been checked that in most cases the maximum irradiance values corresponded to solar noon, although there were except…

research product

Wind gustiness and sulphur dioxide concentration in the urban area of Barcelona, Spain

Abstract Data on aerosols and wind parameters recorded at the Barcelona Meteorological Observatory were analysed to determine their relation to wind gustiness, defined according to the criteria used at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The relation between wind gustiness and wind speed and direction was analysed, together with the annual and monthly variation. The relation between the concentration of sulphur dioxide and wind gustiness was also investigated, and proved to be a very useful indicator in this kind of analysis, especially in local studies.

research product

Diffuse UV erythemal radiation experimental values

[1] Measurements of diffuse UV erythemal radiation (UVER) using a shadowband have been corrected using the models proposed by Drummond (1956), LeBaron et al. (1990), and Batlles et al. (1995). Two different methods were used to validate these models: intercomparison with an Optronic OL754 spectroradiometer and comparison with the values simulated by two radiative transfer codes, SMARTS and SBDART. For this comparison only clear days have been used. The corrected experimental values were analyzed in order to study the average values of the diffuse UVER fraction in relation to the clearness index kt. These varied between 62%, for kt close to 0.8, and 93% for kt of 0.2–0.3. Finally, a study of…

research product


Experimental data concerning the integrated total ultraviolet radiation (290–385 nm band) on a horizontal surface measured at Valencia (Spain) during the period March 1991 to December 1994 have been analysed. A study of the most representative statistical indexes: arithmetic mean (M), median (Md), standard deviation (SD), maximum (Mx), minimum (Mn), first (Q1) and third (Q3) quartiles, percentiles 5 (P5) and 95 (P95), interquartile range (Q3 –Q1) and coefficient of quartile variation (V), of the UV radiation for this period has been carried out. The study has focused on both the hourly and the daily values of irradiance. The UV irradiance measured shows quite stable values within the period…

research product

Column-integrated aerosol optical properties from ground-based spectroradiometer measurements at Barrax (Spain) during the Digital Airborne Spectrometer Experiment (DAISEX) campaigns.

[1] The Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Experiment (DAISEX) was carried out for the European Space Agency (ESA) in order to develop the potential of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy for a range of different scientific applications. DAISEX involved simultaneous data acquisitions using different airborne imaging spectrometers over test sites in southeast Spain (Barrax) and the Upper Rhine valley (Colmar, France, and Hartheim, Germany). This paper presents the results corresponding to the columnintegrated aerosol optical properties from ground-based spectroradiometer measurements over the Barrax area during the DAISEX campaign days in the years 1998, 1999, and 2000. The instruments used f…

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