Charlotte Henriet

A holistic overview of the impact of sulfur deficiency in pea facing water deficit

We report on the interplay between water deficit and sulfur deficiency, two constraints that are increasingly faced by crops due to climate change and low-input agricultural practices. In particular, we aim at better understanding the role of sulfur nutrition in the trade-off between seed quality establishment and plant stress tolerance in pea (Pisum sativum L.), a grain legume crop which has a pivotal role to play in both agroecological and food transitions. Like other legumes, pea is able to accumulate large amounts of seed proteins even in the absence of nitrogen fertilizers thanks to its symbiosis with N2-fixing soil bacteria. In this study, we deprived pea plants (cv. Caméor) of sulfur…

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Des potentiels régulateurs des réponses au stress hydrique et à la carence en soufre identifiés grâce à une analyse multi-omiques chez le pois

Dans leur environnement naturel, les plantes doivent faire face à plusieurs stress biotiqueset abiotiques au cours de leur cycle de développement. Certains de ces stress peuventsurvenir au même moment – comme le stress hydrique et les carences nutritionnelles – etpeuvent avoir des effets synergiques, antagonistes ou additifs sur les réponses moléculairesdes plantes. Chez le pois (Pisum sativum), il a été observé que l’effet de la carence en soufre(S) sur la composition protéique des graines peut être atténué lorsque cette carence estcombinée à un stress hydrique (Henriet et al., 2019). Afin de mieux caractériser les réponsesmoléculaires du pois au stress hydrique et/ou à la carence en S, un…

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The role of sulfur nutrition in the pea response to drought

International audience

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The role of sulfur in the control of seed quality traits in legumes: from model to crop species

National audience; voir pdf

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Multi-omics network analysis identifies putative regulators of molecular responses to water stress and sulfur deficiency in Pisum sativum

Plants in their physical environment face multiple biotic and abiotic stresses duringtheir life cycle. In nature, environmental stresses often co-occur – such as water deficit andnutrient deficiencies – and can have synergistic, antagonistic or additive effects on the plantmolecular responses. In pea (Pisum sativum), combination of water stress (WS) and sulfur (S)deficiency showed a mitigation effect on the seed protein composition, as compared to Sdeficiency occurring alone (Henriet et al., 2019). To better understand how pea responds toWS and/or S deficiency, a multi-omics (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, ionomics)analysis has been performed from leaf samples collected during a…

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Etude du rôle de la nutrition soufrée dans la réponse du pois au stress hydrique: vers la construction de réseaux protéiques

International audience

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Studying the interplay between sulfur nutrition and water stress tolerance in pea by proteomics : a focus on seed development and composition

International audience; Water stress and sulfur-deficiency are two constraints increasingly faced by crops due to climatechange and low-input practices. To investigate their interplay in the grain legume pea (Pisum sativumL.), sulfate was depleted at mid-vegetative stage and a moderate 9-day water stress period was imposedduring the early reproductive phase. The combined stress accelerated seed production, lowering yield,one-seed weight and seed number per plant, but rebalanced seed protein composition. In fact, themoderate water stress mitigated the negative effect of sulfur-deficiency on the accumulation of sulfurrichproteins in seeds, probably due to a lower seed sink strength for nitrog…

research product

Interplay between sulfur nutrition and water stress tolerance in pea : a focus on seed development and composition

International audience; Water stress and sulfur-deficiency are two constraints increasingly faced by crops due to climate change and low-input practices. To investigate their interplay in the grain legume pea (Pisum sativum L.), sulfate was depleted at mid-vegetative stage and a moderate 9-day water stress period was imposed during the early reproductive phase. The combined stress accelerated seed production, lowering yield, one-seed weight and seed number per plant, but rebalanced seed globulin composition. In fact, the moderate water stress mitigated the negative effect of sulfur-deficiency on the accumulation of sulfur-rich globulins in seeds, probably due to a lower seed sink strength f…

research product

How does sulfur deficiency modulate pea response to water stress? Impact on early developing and mature seeds

National audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) produces seeds rich in proteins but yield and quality remain unstable across years due to various stresses. Sulfur (S) deficiency and water stress are two abiotic stresses that interact in the current context of climate change and low-input practices, and recent studies suggest an important role for sulfate transport and metabolism in the plant response to water stress. To investigate the interplay between sulfur nutrition and the water stress response, sulfate-deprived pea plants were subjected to a 9-days period of water stress during the early reproductive phase. While water stress did not impact seed yield, sulfur deficiency alone or combined wi…

research product

Changes in the pea seed proteome in response to drought combined with sulfur deficiency

EABAPGEAPSI DOCT INRA; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) produces seeds rich in proteins, but seed yield and quality remain unstable across years due to abiotic stresses occurring during the reproductive period. Drought and sulfur deficiency are two abiotic stresses that interact in the current context of climate change and lowinput practices, and recent studies suggest a role of sulfate transport and metabolism in the plant response to drought (Ernst et al., 2010; Chan et al., 2013; Gallardo et al., 2014; Ahmad et al., 2016). In this study, we investigated the impact of sulfur deficiency combined with drought on the pea seed proteome. Pea plants were subjected to sulfur-deficiency two weeks after sow…

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Effet d'une carence en soufre combinée à un stress hydrique chez le pois protéagineux : Etude des mécanismes moléculaires mis en jeu dans les organes puits et source au cours de la phase reproductive

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a grain legume crop that produces seeds rich in proteins for food and feed and, thanks to its symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, enriches the soil with nitrogen. The wider development of pea cultivation is therefore a major agroecological challenge. Water stress combined with sulfur deficiencies in soils (S is a macroelement necessary for plant defense reactions) are two abiotic stresses that interact in the current context of climate change. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying pea adaptation to water stress and their modulation by sulfur nutrition remain to be elucidated. The objectives of this thesis were, first, to describe the impact of an intera…

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Analyse protéomique des graines de pois en embryogénèse et à maturité : Impact d’un stress hydrique combiné à une carence en soufre

International audience

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L'interaction entre la nutrition soufrée et la réponse du pois au stress hydrique

International audience

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Etude du rôle de la nutrition soufrée dans la réponse du pois au stress hydrique par une approche protéomique : Focus sur les graines

International audience

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