Pierre-jérôme Rey

De la préhistoire aux temps modernes dans les alpages d’Anterne et Pormenaz. Une approche de l’occupation de la moyenne montagne entre les Fiz et les Aiguilles Rouges. Résultats du programme de sondages

International audience

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The beaker phenomenon and the Genomic transformations of Northwest Europe

Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before disappearing between 2200–1800 BCE. The mechanism of its expansion is a topic of long-standing debate, with support for both cultural diffusion and human migration. We present new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 170 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 100 Beaker-associated individuals. In contrast to the Corded Ware Complex, which has previously been identified as arriving in central Europe following migration from the east, we observe limited genetic affinity between Iberian and central European Beaker Complex-associated individuals, and thus exclude migration as a signific…

research product

Les nécropoles de type Passy dans la plaine de l’Ain : quelles influences chrono-culturelles ?

International audience

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L’occupation néolithique et campaniforme : synthèse des données

research product

La tombe A de la nécropole de Fontaine-le-Puits (Savoie), un dépôt funéraire exceptionnel de la transition Néolithique moyen / final

International audience

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Approche archéologique et environnementale des premiers peuplements alpins autour du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard (Savoie -Vallée d’Aoste) : un bilan d’étape

International audience

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L’homme et son environnement : des lacs, des montagnes et des rivières : bulles d’archéologie offertes à André Marguet

International audience

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Il sito neolitico e protostorico del Châtelard de Bourg-Saint-Maurice (Savoia): insediamento a carattere defensivo e zona sepolcrale al piede del colle del Piccolo S. Bernado

research product

Du Néolithique final à l'âge du Bronze moyen dans la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : premier bilan d'unprojet collectif de recherches

research product

Le Châtelard de Bourg-Saint-Maurice (Savoie) du Néolithique à l’Âge du Fer. Un cas de site perché à fonctions multiples en vallée de Tarentaise

research product

Approche d'un territoire de montagne : occupations humaines et contexte pédo-sédimentaire des versants du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard, de la Préhistoire à l'Antiquité

As part of a multi-year programme, survey campaigns have been carried out on both slopes of the Petit-Saint-Bernard pass (2188 m, western Alps), at an altitude of between 750 and 3000 m. The method employed abandons ground-based surveying in favour of multiple manual surveys carried out on selected topographic contexts down to the base of the Holocene fill. The results obtained document the longterm development of the pedo-sedimentary dynamic and the occupation of the different altitude stages. The significance of the archaeological data collected is discussed in relation to the state of knowledge in a comparison area including the neighbouring valleys of the western Alps, to existing settl…

research product

Une pointe de lance du Bronze final à Villemartin (Bozel, Savoie)

National audience

research product

Les versants du Petit Saint-Bernard de la Préhistoire à l'Antiquité : nouvelles données sur les premières occupations de la montagne autour d'un passage transalpin

The Petit Saint-Bernard mountain pass is one of the main transalpine passages at the south of Mont Blanc. Within the context of an Interreg programme, archaeological research is being done on the two sides of the pass. This work aims to develop knowledge of the first populating of the mountain and of its interaction with transalpine circulations. The method is based on a vast series of manual excavations carried out in areas prone to sedimentary trappings. The study area, which is quite large, covers the entire height of the sides and makes it possible to study the relations between the different biogeographical steps. The collected data are presented in chronological order, from Prehistory…

research product