

Approche d'un territoire de montagne : occupations humaines et contexte pédo-sédimentaire des versants du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard, de la Préhistoire à l'Antiquité

Pierre-jérôme ReyC. Batigne-valletJulien CollombetClaire DelhonLucie MartinB. MoulinChristine OberlinJérôme PoulenardV. RobinStephanie ThiebaultJean-michel Treffort


funerary practicesBronze Agepédogenèsepratiques funérairesIron Age[SDE.MCG]Environmental Sciences/Global Changesdynamique du peuplement alpin[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyNéolithiquesédentarisationâge du FerAlpine settlement dynamicssites perchéshabitatspedo-sedimentary dynamicsNeolithicalpagesdynamique pédo-sédimentaireAlpes occidentales[SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyhabitationpedogenesis[SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Societyalpine pasturespastoralismewestern Alpscirculations transalpines[SDE.BE] Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecologytrans-Alpine circulation[SDE.MCG] Environmental Sciences/Global Changesâge du Bronzesedentism[SDE.ES] Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society[SDE.IE] Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering[SDE.BE]Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecologypastoralism


As part of a multi-year programme, survey campaigns have been carried out on both slopes of the Petit-Saint-Bernard pass (2188 m, western Alps), at an altitude of between 750 and 3000 m. The method employed abandons ground-based surveying in favour of multiple manual surveys carried out on selected topographic contexts down to the base of the Holocene fill. The results obtained document the longterm development of the pedo-sedimentary dynamic and the occupation of the different altitude stages. The significance of the archaeological data collected is discussed in relation to the state of knowledge in a comparison area including the neighbouring valleys of the western Alps, to existing settlement models and to taphonomic indications provided by the pedosedimentary study. A programme of complementary analyses intended to refine the context, aphonomyand functional
