A. Mühlbauer
Analysis of the dopant segregation effects at the floating zone growth of large silicon crystals
Abstract A computer simulation is carried out to study the dopant concentration fields in the molten zone and in the growing crystal for the floating zone (FZ) growth of large (> 100mm) Si crystals with the needle-eye technique and with feed/crystal rotation. The mathematical model developed in the previous work is used to calculate the shape of the molten zone and the velocity field in the melt. The influence of melt convection on the dopant concentration field is considered. The significance of the rotation scheme of the feed rod and crystal on the dopant distribution is investigated. The calculated dopant concentration directly at the growth interface is used to determine the normalized …
Mathematical modelling of the industrial growth of large silicon crystals by CZ and FZ process
The present paper gives an overview of the complex mathematical modelling of industrial Czochralski (CZ) and floating‐zone (FZ) processes for the growth of large silicon single crystals from melt. Extensive numerical investigations of turbulent Si‐melt flows in large diameter CZ crucibles, global thermal calculations in growth facilities and analysis of the influence of various electromagnetic fields on CZ process are presented. For FZ process, a complex system of coupled 2D and 3D mathematical models is presented to show the possibilities of modelling from the calculation of the molten zone shape till the resistivity distribution in the grown crystal. A special developed program code is pr…
Numerical 3D modelling of turbulent melt flow in a large CZ system with horizontal DC magnetic field. II. Comparison with measurements
This paper presents a comparison between numerically calculated and measured temperature distributions in turbulent flow in a laboratory model for a CZ large silicon single crystal industrial growth system with a horizontal DC magnetic field. The laboratory model consists of an electrically heated 20” crucible with low-temperature InGaSn melt, a water-cooled metallic crystal model, and a magnet system creating a horizontal magnetic field in the range 0–. Distributions of time-averaged temperature values in various cross sections in the melt are obtained from measurements by a multichannel thermocouple system. A 3D numerical model for the scalar potential induced in the melt by the velocity …
Modelling of phase boundaries for large industrial FZ silicon crystal growth with the needle-eye technique
In order to facilitate the numerical calculations of the phase boundaries in large industrial floating zone silicon crystal growth with the needle-eye technique, the chain of improved mathematical models is developed. The phase boundaries are solved in a partly transient way and the modelling improvements cover the open melting front, the inner triple point and the free melt surface. The view factors model is applied for the radiative heat transfer. The electromagnetic field is calculated with account of a multiple-slit inductor.
Numerical model of turbulent CZ melt flow in the presence of AC and CUSP magnetic fields and its verification in a laboratory facility
The paper describes a numerical simulation tool for heat and mass transfer processes in large diameter CZ crucibles under the influence of several non-rotating AC and CUSP magnetic fields. Such fields are expected to provide an additional means to influence the melt behaviour, particularly in the industrial growth of large diameter silicon crystals. The simulation tool is based on axisymmetric 2D models for the AC and CUSP magnetic fields in the whole CZ facility and turbulent hydrodynamics, temperature and mass transport in the melt under the influence of the electromagnetic fields. The simulation tool is verified by comparisons to experimental results from a laboratory CZ setup with eutec…
Numerical investigation of the influence of EM-fields on fluid motion and resistivity distribution during floating-zone growth of large silicon single crystals
The floating-zone-process with needle-eye inductor is a complex process with many coupled parameters that have nonlinear influence on the process stability and resistivity distribution in the silicon single crystal. To fulfill the requirements of semiconductor industry for tighter specification of resistivity distribution, additional means like magnetic fields can be used to reach a more homogeneous resistivity distribution without disturbing process stability. The current paper analyses the influence of static and alternating fields on the fluid motion and macroscopic and microscopic resistivity profile by means of numerical calculations. It is found that with a lower frequency of the HF-i…
Numerical 3D study of FZ growth: dependence on growth parameters and melt instability
Three-dimensional modelling of the floating zone (needle-eye) crystal growth process is carried out to analyse numerically the stability of the melt flow and the influence of the crystal rotation rate and inductor slit width on the 3D flow field and on the grown crystal resistivity. The unsteadiness of the melt is simulated and it is found that for the considered growth parameters a steady-state flow can be a reasonable approximation to the unsteady melt motion. The parametric studies have shown that increasing the rotation rate essentially changes the flow pattern and weakens the rotational striations, while the inductor slit width has a more local influence on these characteristics.
Numerical study of transient behaviour of molten zone during industrial FZ process for large silicon crystal growth
The fully transient axisymmetric model has been developed for calculation of phase boundaries in large (up to 200 mm diameter) industrial floating zone (FZ) silicon single crystal growth with the needle-eye technique. The transient model is implemented in a specialized computer program. The model and program are based on a previously developed model and program for steady-state FZ process calculations. This transient approach allows studying of such substantially time-dependent process phases as the growth of the starting and ending cones of the crystal rod, which are particularly important for growth of large crystals in practice. Numerous calculations are carried out and the results for r…
Numerical 2D modelling of turbulent melt flow in CZ system with dynamic magnetic fields
Abstract The paper presents results of 2D axisymmetric mathematical modelling of laboratory CZ model facility that corresponds well to a large industrial silicon CZ growth system. The purpose of the investigation is to examine turbulent melt flow features that develop in the model crucible, when various dynamic magnetic fields (travelling, alternating) are applied, and to test the applicability of the modified low Re k–e turbulence model for the calculation of flows in these cases by extensive comparisons between calculated and measured data. The electromagnetic field is calculated with a self-developed program, and the calculations of the melt motion are carried out with the user modified …
Stress-induced dislocation generation in large FZ- and CZ-silicon single crystals—numerical model and qualitative considerations
When growing silicon crystals with higher diameter (presently up to 300 mm) the thermal stresses and possible dislocation generation in single crystals become a serious problem for both FZ- and CZ-methods. A two-dimensional problem oriented code for the FEM-package ANSYS has been developed to calculate the temperature field in the growing crystal considering radiation exchange with reflectors and environment and thermal stresses. Comparing calculated stresses with critical stresses, the dislocated zone is determined. A qualitative concept for the occurrence of dislocations using the metastable state is developed. In a parametric study for different thermal boundary conditions and crystal ge…
Influence of the three dimensionality of the HF electromagnetic field on resistivity variations in Si single crystals during FZ growth
Abstract Three-dimensional numerical modelling is carried out to analyse the floating zone crystal growth with the needle-eye technique used for the production of high-quality silicon single crystals with large diameters ( ⩾100 mm ). Since the pancake inductor has only one turn, the EM field and the distribution of heat sources and EM forces are only roughly axisymmetric. The non-symmetry together with crystal rotation reflects itself on the hydrodynamic, thermal and dopant concentration fields in the molten zone and causes variations of resistivity in the grown single crystal, which are known as the so-called rotational striations. The non-symmetric high-frequency electromagnetic field of …